Everyone is discolored.

But I don’t know why the Emperor of Heaven is so crazy, so plausibly.

The Emperor of Heaven is indeed on the truly weak side.

The enemy's combat power was so vast that even he felt unstoppable.

"let's start."

The Immortal Emperor looked calm, stretched out his hand and grasped it in the air: "Seize the way."


"Yes, Your Majesty."

Behind the Lingxiao Palace, overlapping shadows of heavenly soldiers and generals suddenly appeared.

It turned out that they were all failed people who once competed for the Tao Lord. They were a proud man who competed on the same track. They were secretly saved by the Emperor of Heaven.

There are tens of thousands of losers in every track on the Three Thousand Avenues.


A golden immortal, Dzogchen, quickly began to seize the path.

At this time, the three thousand Dao Lords who were following Empress Houtu finally knew the Emperor's plan.

Use them to lure Empress Houtu to the home of the Immortal Realm, and then seize the Tao from 3,000 of them, defeat them as Golden Immortals, and turn them into 3,000 trash.


"You people in the cultivation system still follow him? You actually betrayed the era of cultivation, betrayed the Saint Master of Cultivation, and followed the corrupt Immortal Emperor!"

"You were once the young and passionate sons of various sects in the era of hegemony. How could you do this?"

"Yes! Now there are no oaths to bind you. You are all free and no longer need to be forced to follow."

A Taoist Lord is dissatisfied.

But seeing this, the half-footed Lord on the Emperor's side was not afraid at all.

They have their own ideas, their own persistence and beliefs.

"The Emperor of Heaven has already told us that he is now the one who wants to overthrow the corrupt one who is above us!"

"Heaven, destiny, general trend, destiny, these are the real dog leashes hanging on the necks of us people! You are all slaves of fate!"

"We are all free, how can we be serfs of fate?"

"Your Majesty once fought against nature in the cave, wearing animal skins, conquering wind, fire, thunder and lightning, mountains, tsunamis, and ancient beasts. Now, Your Majesty leads us to continue to hold high the torch of the times and lead the times forward, to overthrow the last aloof. Destiny!"

"The history of the rise of the human race is a history of fighting against fate!"

"Which one will surrender to the fate of death?"

The other party looked solemn.

Then the Three Thousand Dao Lords on Empress Tu's side cursed loudly.


They are all fallacies, the words used by the Emperor of Heaven to deceive them.

The Emperor of Heaven disregarded human life, and attempted to continue to rule the era, maintain his own dynasty, and enslave the Taoist monarchs of the new era, causing everyone to betray their relatives and alienate them.

There are still people following this class of people?

These fools have serious brain problems!

They followed Empress Houtu's underworld not only because they were young and passionate, wanted to benefit the common people and open immortal gates for mortals, but also because of the general trend of the times and they were bound to establish a new dynasty.

They followed Empress Houtu, fought against the Emperor of Heaven, and overthrew the rule of the old dynasty. After winning, they became the founding heroes of the country. As the three thousand Dao Lords of the Cultivation Era, they ruled for billions of years!

Not only can they realize the young people's passionate ideal of serving the country and overthrowing corruption, but they can also be the founding heroes and achieve great fame. This is the real reason for their surrender!

And in front of us, what about these people who have taken refuge in the Emperor of Heaven?

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the dynasties in the fairy world are about to collapse, but you are taking refuge? What is the difference between this and joining the national army in 1949?

But the countless half-step candidates on the Emperor's side think that the other party is the fallacy!

It may seem perfect to conform to the development of the times, but in fact it is just the secret push of nature. People should really fight against nature.

They are the real trend of the times!

They want to overturn destiny and make people born free, and there will no longer be any destiny protagonists.

The two sides are at odds and arguing wildly.

"I see."

Empress Houtu glanced at the Emperor of Heaven and felt a little headache.

As expected of you, Emperor of Heaven.

He actually pretended to be the pioneer of another era, singing passionately to overthrow the corrupt rule, overthrow the shackles of destiny, live a second life, and establish a new dynasty.

Say that you are the real trend.

Even Hou Tu was surprised by some of these theories and wanted to think about whether they were true.

He wants to overthrow the natural trend and impose an era of cultivation on our creatures. Is this the true orthodoxy of the human race? Is this the only way to truly break through the confinement and gain freedom?

Is he really not corrupt and wants to continue to rule the times?

But does it matter whether the general trend is true or false?

As long as someone believes it.

He can deceive a group of passionate young heroes of the era and fight for his own heaven without fear of death.

Great ideas and lofty beliefs are the strongest emotions of human beings. They feel that their side is the one that benefits the human race and will make them move forward.

"He wants to seize the road, and we will fight for the road!"

Empress Houtu spoke immediately.


The Emperor of Heaven here is also resisting.


Wisps of the avenue floated on both sides, and they performed a ceremony to seize the avenue.

But it's a pity.

The Emperor of Heaven has amazing blessings for "seizing the Dao". Originally, the chance of a golden immortal and Daluo competing for the Dao Fruit was slim, but various miracles happened.


Behind the Emperor of Heaven, the great Luo Biannan who followed him were full of momentum.

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, two thousand

The avenue is flowing backward, returning.

The Da Luo behind Queen Houtu decreased rapidly and fell into the realm of Golden Immortal.

"Playing the same old tricks again." Empress Houtu frowned.

"As long as the number is easy to use."

On the throne, the Immortal Emperor looked calm and smiled softly and said: "Actually, if you take three thousand of them to the underworld to practice hard, and don't come in a hurry, maybe I will be more pleased because they have perfected the final fog of the cultivation system. When I am trying to seize the Dao right now, I can also copy it."

While talking.

There are already 2,437 Dao Lords appearing on the side of the Immortal Emperor.

The Immortal Emperor spent a total of 1686 times reading time and traveling through time to achieve the results.

The remaining five hundred Dao Lords are quite powerful.

He no longer wanted to restart.

Each of them is a tough opponent, and the gap between the candidates behind him is too big, and the probability of winning the title is almost close to 0.

Although it is not impossible to seize the path, the cost of crossing over again is too great. It feels like it will take more than a thousand times to completely succeed.

This is not cost-effective.

You must know that traveling through the past again and again in front of you, affecting the huge cause and effect of the same level of existence in front of you, requires a very huge amount of energy.

It consumes tens of thousands of times more energy than usual to interfere with the cause and effect of a Taoist Lord!

Even if he wants to interfere with existences of the same level, he can only travel through 700 million times, and the horror can be imagined.

And at a time, it can only travel for a few hours.

Even at this time, he had traveled more than a thousand times in one breath, and the heavy losses had already made him feel slightly uneasy.

"Empress Houtu, we are powerless!" At this time, a group of Da Luo behind them spoke. They wanted to be loyal to the underworld and overthrow the fairy world, but they were plotted again.

Hou Tu shook his head and did not blame them harshly.

The horror of time has long been known.

Even the other two heavenly emperors are toys of time, and can only be allowed to calculate and remain unchanged in response to all changes.

She's hard to kill anyway.

"Is it over?" Queen Houtu asked.

"Let's begin." The Emperor smiled slightly, "The real battle!"


The next moment, every trace of the rules of the avenue circulated, and more than 2,400 Taoist monarchs instantly surrounded the Empress Houtu in the center.

"Hold him!"

"Let's go and deal with the remaining five hundred Dao Lords, kill them, seize the Dao Fruit, and collect three thousand before we finish."


Empress Houtu broke out instantly and got into a fight with her opponent.

With the full force of the life plate king's body, more than a dozen Tao monarchs were killed in an instant, but the Emperor of Heaven continued to re-enlighten the Tao and supply supplies.

The Emperor of Heaven actually had such a fanatical person who believed in his charisma and turned into a hero, risking his own life.

At this time, the Emperor of Heaven, under his own home court, really began to use the power of restarting time travel to surround and kill the Emperor of Samsara.


"I have not made a move for tens of billions of years." The Jade Emperor, who was sitting in the distance again, took a direct shot in the Lingxiao Palace amid the encirclement and suppression of countless Dao Lords, and struck Empress Houtu with a palm in the air.

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