After scolding the two elves, Yujia let them leave. As for the damaged grass in the pasture, Yujia asked Mrs. Huajie to repair it.

This was just a piece of cake for Mrs. Hua Jie, and it was done easily.

On the way back, Gothic Baby whispered to little Hoopa: "Didn't you say that your little brother was at that time? He didn't listen to you at all, he was just bragging!"


Little Hoopa was humiliated and felt very embarrassed. He glared at the three evil dragons and decided to ignore the Gothic baby.

From the secret conversations between the little guys, Yuga finally understood that the fight between the three evil dragons and the violent newt was all due to little Hupa's vanity.

"I have to tell Xiaozhi about this when I get back!" Yuga said to Xiaohupa with a straight face.

"No, don't tell Xiaozhi." Little Hupa looked at Yuga pitifully, "Xiaozhi will be angry!"

Yuga said: "Xiao Zhi will be angry, won't I be angry?"

Little Hupa walked around Yuga: "Hupa will never be like this again, not anymore."

In the end, Yujia pretended to be reluctant: "Then you have to behave well, otherwise I will..."

Before Yujia finished speaking, little Hupa quickly expressed his position: "Hupa will be good, he will be good."

In the next few days, little Hoopa still came to the nursery to play every day. Just as he said, he became much more well-behaved and didn't do anything shocking again.

As for what it said about breaking off friendship with Baby Goth, it forgot about it when it came the next day. Several elves played happily together again, and their laughter could be heard in the Green Shade Gym every day.

At the same time, the violent newt was not in a hurry to leave Green Shade City in the past few days. Instead, he stayed at the Sunflower Monster Ranch for many days. In addition to teaching his son, the three evil dragons went to him to spar with him almost every day.

Later, they finally learned their lesson and would fly out of the Green Shade City whenever they wanted to fight, find a deserted place, and fight as much as they wanted.

After several fights, the two elves' muscles and bones became active and their mood became happy. Even Xiaozhi could notice the good mood of the three evil dragons after returning from class.

The school has been a bit busy these days. Xiaozhi didn't go to Yuga's place, and he didn't know about the violent salamander, so after noticing that the three evil dragons were in a good mood, he was still confused.

Xiaozhi didn't take this matter to heart, and just did what he should do every day.

It's just that when these two elves fight, the three evil dragons basically lose more, which makes the three evil dragons' always proud hearts a little bit shaken.

It used to be the overlord of one party, but later it was fooled by Hupa's evil thoughts and came out. Unexpectedly, it was deflated as soon as it came out. It was defeated by several elves one after another, which made it realize that there are still many powerful elves in this world. of.

In the past, it lived in a corner without much knowledge, but now that it has seen the strong people outside, it is determined to climb to the top.

Although the mind of the three evil dragons is a bit simple, they are still very motivated. They are no weaker than humans in this life!

It didn't take long for Xiaozhi to find that the three evil dragons were training more diligently, and they also had strict requirements for his other elves. This made Xiaozhi happy but also confused about what happened.

While everyone was working hard to improve themselves, Yuga was working hard to practice making energy cubes and incense, and at the same time he was actively thinking about how to complete the main tasks of the system.

The main mission requires Yujia to cultivate one or more insect-type elves and put them on the shelves. In order to get a higher evaluation than the previous task, Yujia feels that he can no longer do what he did last year, otherwise the system rewards will definitely be too " Salted fish".

In fact, there are many insect elves in Yuga's Insect Paradise, but the number of highly qualified elves has never been enough to meet the standards for listing.

Although insect elves reproduce quickly, the probability of their highly qualified elves being born is smaller than that of other elves. In addition, their numbers when entering the ecological park are not large, so there has been little progress.

The Insect Paradise is a special sub-park, which itself has the effect of improving the genes of elves, but this will not have much effect in a short period of time.

Yujia could only clearly feel that among the new babies of insect elves, the birth rate of individuals with red and orange qualifications was greatly reduced. The birth rate of individuals with yellow qualifications was the most stable, while the birth rate of individuals with green or above qualifications was pitifully low.

Although the innovation potion can improve the qualifications of yellow-qualified elves, there are too many elves who need to improve their qualifications. It is impossible for Yuga to use it for all elves, and a fixed part of it must be provided to the alliance every month.

Furthermore, the innovation potion is far less cost-effective to use on some insect elves than on other elves.

The combination of various reasons has led to the Insect Paradise becoming the slowest in development among all the sub-parks in Yujia.

Then there are only two ways to improve the current predicament of the Insect Paradise. One is to increase the production of innovative chemicals, and the other is to introduce more highly qualified insect elves.

The production of innovative agents requires the use of white crystals produced by low-light organisms. After continuous reproduction, the current low-light organisms cultivated in the laboratory have become stable, and the output of white crystals has also stabilized, so the output of innovative agents has also been fixed. Come down.

For ancient creatures such as shimmering creatures, Yuga has never dared to let them reproduce. Please know what will happen if this kind of thing reproduces too much.

History has proven that excess of anything will cause disaster, so Yuga has always asked Chaomeng to strictly control the number of shimmering creatures.

Nothing is too much or too little.

Since we can't start with innovative pharmaceuticals, we can only introduce more highly qualified elves to accelerate the genetic improvement of the insect elves in the insect paradise.

In the process of breeding elves, only by continuously optimizing the genes of elves is the most effective way to fundamentally solve the low probability of birth of highly qualified elves.

Just when Yuga was thinking about how to introduce new elves, a summoning task issued by the alliance caught his attention.

It turns out that not long ago, a land-clearing army of the United Alliance opened up a wilderness and expanded part of the alliance's territory. However, due to lack of manpower, although this area was developed, it was not cleared.

So the United Alliance issued a special summons task for the trainers within the alliance, asking the alliance trainers to help clean up the area. The harvest in the area belongs to the trainers themselves.

The Alliance generally rarely issues such tasks, because newly developed areas often represent rich resources. How can people just casually enter the places that the Alliance has worked so hard to develop?

But this time the situation is special. The reason why the United Alliance's pioneering army opened up this area is because an elven disaster just happened there not long ago. For some reason, high-level elves suddenly and collectively launched an invasion of the pioneering army's station.

Although the Pioneer Army finally repelled the elves and occupied their territory, they themselves suffered heavy losses, and if they wanted to prevent the elves from coming back, they could only leave the work of cleaning up the area to others.

Cleaning up an area that was originally a wilderness requires not only strong trainers, otherwise they will die, but also a large number of trainers. Where can the United Alliance recruit so many trainers at once, so this task was born .

Coincidentally, in the area to be cleaned up, insect elves are one of its representative specialties.

The reason for this lack of tasks is not only a matter of resources, but also because the alliance has been stable for so many years, and there are not many land reclamation troops taking the initiative to open up areas. Most of the land reclamation armies are only responsible for guarding the area.

Yuga thought for a moment that he didn't seem to have anything important to be busy with recently, so he signed up for this mission.

As for Mr. He Zhai's invitation to participate in the exchange competition, that will still take some time.

The exchange and study period between the two schools will last for three months, and the exchange competition will last. It has only started less than ten days ago, so Yuga has no time to come back.

The convening mission only takes a month. Even if it takes a little time to go back and forth, it's still quite late.

Now that he had decided, Yujia told Duoduo that he was going out, and entrusted it with household matters.

Afterwards, he went to see Beidou and entrusted the gym to Beidou's care.

Both Duoduo and Beidou were not surprised that Yuga wanted to travel far away from time to time, so they naturally agreed.

Because the place he was going to was a wilderness area far away from the human world, Yujia made good preparations before setting off. Even if he went out, his quality of life should not be too bad.

However, the day before departure, Yujia suddenly received a call from the United Alliance.

The Hezhong Alliance did not expect that a big shot like Yuga would sign up for this call-out mission, so after confirming that the person who signed up was indeed the owner of Qingshui Hall they knew, they made this call.

The purpose of the United Alliance's call this time was to invite Yujia to serve as the commander-in-chief of this convening mission.

Because the trainers summoned for this mission come from various regions, and they are all elites from various regions, they must be very difficult to control, and the land reclamation army will definitely not be able to recruit people because they are being held back, so the United Alliance should pay attention That's why I called you in such a hurry to sign up at Yujia.

If there could be a powerful trainer like Yuga to control the situation, those trainers who were disobedient would naturally not be able to cause trouble.

After Yujia clarified the reason for the call from the United Alliance, he neither agreed nor refused, but said, "Let's talk about it after I arrive."

Of course the United Alliance had no choice but to agree.

The next day Yuka took an airplane and flew to the Hezhong region.

Those who participate in the call-up mission first need to gather in Zuanmu Town in the Hezhong area, and then the alliance will use aircraft to send them to the land reclamation army station through the turnstile.

Yujia arrived relatively early. When he arrived at Zuanmu Town, the alliance specially asked the mayor of Zuanmu Town to pick him up in person.

Because the gathering place is located in Suanmu Town, the mayor of Suanmu Town is also the person in charge of gathering the trainers who will participate in the gathering mission.

The night Yujia arrived at Zuanmu Town, the United Alliance sent someone to talk to him about his role as the mission commander.

"Mr. Qingshui, we are really here to trouble you this time because we are short of manpower. To be honest, it is really an unexpected surprise for us that you can sign up for this mission." The alliance official who came to negotiate said said earnestly.

Yuga waved his hand and said: "Let's not talk about anything else. If I serve as the commander-in-chief of this mission, what will I be responsible for?"

"There are not many things that you need to do. Your main task is to deter those who do not obey the command. As for the trivial matters, the deputy commander will help you deal with them." The official explained.

The deputy commander was originally assigned as the commander-in-chief of this mission, but because of Yuga's sudden descent from the sky, he was changed from the commander-in-chief to the deputy commander.

"I understand." That matter was quite simple, so you didn't need to worry too much. Yuga nodded, "I agreed."

When the official heard this, he immediately beamed with joy: "That's great. Thank you, Master Qingshui, for your support of the alliance's work."

Yujia waved his hands and said humbly: "We are all members of the alliance, as we should."

In this way, it was decided that Yuga would serve as the commander-in-chief of this convening mission.

Three days later, all the trainers who participated in the call-out mission had basically arrived. Even if they didn't arrive, the alliance's aircraft would not waste time waiting.

Before departure, all the trainers were gathered in a square, and the mayor of Suanmu Town came up to speak.

"Thank you very much to all the alliance elites for participating in this mission..."

He didn't waste any more words. After more than ten minutes of encouragement and persuasion, he added: "Now I would like to invite the commander-in-chief of this mission, Mr. Shimizu, to come to the stage."

As soon as the mayor of Zuanmu Town finished speaking, noisy discussions immediately began below.

Mr. Shimizu? Is it the Mr. Shimizu they know?

After Yujia came on stage, he briefly greeted everyone.

"Hello everyone, I am Yuka Shimizu, the commander-in-chief of this mission. I would like to ask for your advice in the next month."

After Yujia came on stage, the discussion below became more noisy. They never expected that the commander-in-chief of this mission was actually the famous Mr. Qingshui.

"I believe most of you know Mr. Qingshui." The mayor of Suanmu Town said.

Indeed, Yuga is indeed well-known among the alliance trainers. More than 95% of the trainers who participated in this mission have heard of Yuga's name.

"The fact that the Alliance can invite Mr. Shimizu is enough to show that it attaches great importance to this mission. Therefore, I hope that everyone can actively cooperate with the Alliance's command and do not act casually. Wilderness areas are different from other places. The level of danger is very high. If you are not careful, you can Lose your life, I hope you will remember it.”

Yujia almost rolled his eyes after hearing what the mayor of Suanmu Town said, "You didn't plan to invite me before!"

However, he didn't expose it. He was already used to the ability of alliance officials to talk nonsense.

After introducing Yuga to the trainers, everyone boarded the alliance's aircraft and set off.

The alliance's aircraft was a new model and was very fast. Three days later, Yujia and the others successfully arrived at the land reclamation army station. What greeted them was the deputy commander of the mission, who was also a deputy general of the land reclamation army.

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