If Violet was only interested in Yujia's Pink Butterfly before the start of the competition, then what she feels now is the huge pressure. Mr. Atti, who can't win with a lot of effort, Yujia and Pink Butterfly easily Win, the gap between the obvious.

"It's worthy of being the first place in the qualifiers. It's worthy of the name. It's too powerful."

Violet gave Yuga a thumbs up.

"Miss Violet has won the prize."

Yuka said modestly.

"What my sister said is not an exaggeration at all. With your strength, you are definitely the best among your peers."

Pansy interjected, holding the camera.

She is a reporter, so she often deals with all kinds of news, and she has a lot of information about talented trainers, so she is well-informed, and Yujia's strength is definitely among the best.

To be honest, Yuga is quite unconscious about her own strength, and she is a little embarrassed to be told by Pansy.

In the past, it was not that no one praised him, and there were even people who admired him, but most of them were ignorant little ones like Guangquan, Ayashi, and Anya, but now they are praised by peers like Pansy and Violet, Yuka Also feel very embarrassed.

After the battle with Mr. Yadi, Yujia and Violet were taken by Mr. Yadi to visit Feiyun gymnasium.

Halfway through the visit, another guest came to the gymnasium, and it turned out to be Chakro.

Chakro was invited by Violet. He and Violet are good friends, and they are here to participate in the competition this time.

Although Yuga knew about Chaklo before, the two of them didn't know each other. However, Chaklo has a very generous and cheerful personality, so Yuga and him got along quite well.

Several people didn't stay in Feiyun gymnasium for a long time, after all, Mr. Yati is also very busy, especially at the critical moment when the competition is about to start.

Leaving Feiyun Gymnasium, Yujia and Violet and the others separated. They just met, and they were not acquaintances. The famous Feiyun ice cream, you can try it now.

Because of the competition, Feiyun City has a lot of tourists coming and going to watch the competition, so there is a long queue at the place where Feiyun ice cream is sold.

Youjia waited in line for a long time with Noisy Bird before he bought the famous Feiyun ice cream.

Because it took a lot of effort to buy it, Yujia bought two sets of ice cream of all flavors in one go, one for himself and one for Noisy Bird.

In fact, Yujia is not addicted to sweets, but this Feiyun ice cream is worthy of being famous in the world of elves, and it is indeed very delicious.

After buying the ice cream, Yuga sat on the bench in the park with the Noisy Bird, resting here while tasting the ice cream.

But it didn't take long for Yuka and the noisy bird to sit down,

A pickpocket cat followed behind them.

The pickpocket cat lightly licked its front paws, smiled treacherously, and then jumped lightly onto a big tree on the right side of Yuga, watching Yuga through layers of leaves. Ka and the Noisy Bird.

Yuka holds a piece of ice cream in each hand, one is eaten by herself, and the other is eaten by the noisy bird.

At this moment, the pickpocket cat hiding in the leaves suddenly jumped down from the tree, and the black shadow flashed, and the ice cream in both hands of Yujia disappeared.

The speed of this black shadow was so fast that Yujia didn't see its true face at all, but the noisy bird relied on its own sharp eyes to see the appearance of this elf clearly, but Yujia knew this elf The skill to use when grabbing your own ice cream is Thief.

"It's a cat, a cat elf who stole our ice cream."

The Noisy Bird shouted at Yuka angrily.

Noisy Bird still likes the taste of Feiyun ice cream very much, and he was eating it vigorously just now.

Cat elves? Yuka's heart skipped a beat.

When it comes to cat-shaped elves in the Hezhong area, the only pickpocket cat is the only one.

"Go, let's chase."

Yuga put the rest of the ice cream into the system backpack, and said to the Noisy Bird.

The noisy bird flapped its wings and chased in the direction where the shadow was fleeing without saying a word.

The speed of the black shadow was very fast, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

But Yuka soon noticed traces of ice cream dripping down on the ground.

Yuga let the chattering bird fly into the air to check the shadow's trail from a height, and he followed the trail left by the ice cream.

Soon Yuga and Noisy Bird saw the pickpocket cat holding an ice cream and licking it with relish on the roof of a house, and the other ice cream had already been licked clean by it.

"Okay, you bastard cat, dare to snatch the things of the young master, are you tired of working?"

The Noisy Bird shouted angrily at the Pickpocket Cat.

Noisy Bird has never been to the Hezhong area before, so he doesn't know what kind of elf the pickpocket cat is, so he can only shout like a cat.

Pickpocket Cat was not afraid when he saw Yuka and Noisy Bird chasing after him, instead he grinned provocatively at Yuka and Noisy Bird, then ate the last bite of ice cream and threw out the ice cream wrapper.

Noisy Bird was not a good-tempered elf in the first place, how could he stand up to the pickpocket cat's provocation, and was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

But Yujia was a little surprised by the pickpocket cat in front of him.

pickpocket cat

Attribute: evil

Ability: Mischievous Heart

Gender: female

Qualification: green

Grade: 39

Skills: grabbing, chasing, making trouble for no reason, high-five surprise attack, grinding claws, splitting, seduction, sneak attack on vital points, fake crying, coquettish, thief, provocation.

Although the level of this pickpocket cat is already 39, it has not evolved, but its characteristics are rare hidden characteristics, and the number of skills is also very large, which is really excellent.

The Noisy Bird, who was provoked by the pickpocket cat, was about to attack the pickpocket cat, but was stopped by Yujia in time.

This area is a residential area, and the pickpocket cats stay on the roofs of other people's houses. If the noisy birds attack, it will be fine, and the houses in this area will be lost.

The pickpocket cat saw that Yujia and the noisy bird were timid, and smiled even more proudly. Then, he stretched out his hand and raised his middle finger at Yujia and the others.

The Noisy Bird couldn't bear it any longer, and a gust of hot wind rolled towards the pickpocket cat with a heat wave.

Seeing that the Noisy Bird was so restless, Yujia stroked his forehead helplessly.

The crimson heat wave scorched the tiles on the roof where the pickpocket cat was, but the pickpocket cat dexterously avoided it with the help of external objects.

There happened to be a chimney on that roof, and it was through this chimney that the pickpocket cat blocked the attack of the noisy birds.

The Pickpocket Cat didn't expect the Noisy Bird to be so powerful despite its petite body, and immediately wanted to run away, but just as it turned around, it found that it couldn't move.

I am the owner of the breeding house in the elf world

I am the owner of the breeding house in the elf world

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