Not long after parting from Tongtong, Yujia walked out of the outer area cleared by the inspectors, and the road along the way became more and more difficult to walk because it had not been cleared.

Because there are vines and weeds blocking the way, Yujia had to release the beautiful flower and let it use the blade to open the way in front.

Along the way, Yujia finally saw the normal predation scene that Tongtong said. Here, the scene of elves preying on each other is really very common.

When Yuga left the outer area, he turned on the topographic recording instrument that Mr. Adek had given him.

As Mr. Adek said, the topography of the place where Yuga walked was accurately recorded by this terrain recorder, so Yuja himself didn't need to worry too much.

Of course, Yuga did not forget his mission, recording the groups and types of elves he encountered along the way.

However, Yujia has not gone far so far, and there are not many types of elves encountered. The group with the largest number is not the ancient elves group, but an elves group composed of stone crabs and rock temple crabs.

However, in order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Yujia just took a look at this group from a distance and left quietly.

Along the way, Yuga also saw some other types of elves sporadically, but the number of each species was not large, and there was no way to form a community, but Yuga also recorded them all.

As he was walking, Yujia suddenly heard the sound of water not far away, and then the noisy bird flew over to tell him that there was a stream ahead, so Yujia quietly dived there with the beautiful flowers.

It's no wonder that Yujia is so careful. Where there is water, water elves usually gather. If you are not careful, you may provoke them.

Just as Yujia guessed, when he looked towards the direction of the stream through the gap between the leaves, he saw countless ammonites and spiny ammonites in the water waving their arms wildly. Tentacles, that scene was kind of scary.

The ammonites and prickly ammonites with light blue skin submerged their bodies in the water, except for the waving tentacles, only the light gray shells "floating" on the water surface remained outside.

The huge number of ammonites and spiny ammonites make those shells look densely packed. Fortunately, Yujia has no trypophobia, otherwise the number is really a nightmare.

But Yujia soon discovered that these ammonites and spiny ammonites were moving slowly, and they were moving slowly upstream along the stream.

Are they migrating?

Yuka couldn't help but think.

So Yuga quietly followed these ammonites and prickly ammonites, trying to figure out where they wanted to go.

Yujia's task is to investigate the distribution of elves here. Since these ammonites and spiny ammonites are migrating, it is also his task to find out where their destination is.

As he moved further upstream to the stream, Yuga found that the water surface was gradually widening, and the terrain was gradually slowing down, and the other elves encountered around him gradually disappeared.

Soon, Yujia saw the destination of the ammonites and spiny ammonites, which was a clear lake.

Above the lake is a small river that is slowly pouring water into the lake, and below is the stream that Yujia is advancing along.

The water flow of the small river above the lake is very slow, so the water surface of the whole lake has not been impacted, and it looks very calm.

The lake is surrounded by singing birds and fragrant flowers, green grass, and red and green fruits on the trees. It can be seen that this is a very suitable place for water elves to live.

Across the small [UU Reading 00kxs] stream, densely packed ammonites and prickly ammonites jumped into the lake with joy,

It stirred up ripples on the calm surface of the lake.

Just when Yujia thought it was just an ordinary migration, brown carapaces with black spots quietly floated on the water surface in the center of the lake.

Yujia soon realized that something was wrong, those brown carapaces were wrapped in the water and rushed towards the ammonites and spiny ammonites playing in the water.

When they rushed out of the water, Yujia finally saw clearly the identity of the brown carapaces, which were a group of fossil helmets.

Yujia originally thought that these ammonite beasts and spiny ammonite beasts would be attacked unexpectedly by the fossil helmets, but saw that the ammonite beasts and spiny ammonite beasts stopped their playful movements in a blink of an eye, and rushed over quickly The fossil helmet fought back, as if it had been prepared.

Those fossil helmets that rushed over with water jets were shot down by the ammonite beasts with mud shots in the blink of an eye.

When the fossil helmets fell back into the water again, countless light blue tentacles rushed out of the water, tied up all the fossil helmets that fell into the water and dragged them into the water. After a while, the water surface was stained red with blood.

The Ammonite Beast is in charge of counterattack, and the Spiny Ammonite Beast is in charge of ambush and siege. Their cooperation is too tacit, and it also makes Yujia realize that this is a long-prepared territorial battle.

The ammonite beasts and spiny ammonite beasts knew that this was the territory of the fossil helmets before they came here, and they obviously came prepared this time.

When the spiny ammonites that dragged the fossil helmets into the water resurfaced, their sharp teeth were chewing on the minced meat torn from the fossil helmets.

Only the sharp teeth of the spiny ammonite beasts can crush the hard carapace of the fossil helmets, which is why they are responsible for ambush and siege.

As the fossil helmets were slaughtered, the ammonites and spiny ammonites began to enjoy their spoils one after another, and the fossil helmets were eaten by these ammonites and spiny ammonites in the blink of an eye.

Yujia, who has experienced bloody scenes several times, can keep his face and heart beating when he sees such a scene again.

Speaking of it, I have to thank Tong Tong for teaching him the first lesson, otherwise, if he saw such a brutal scene at first, he would not know what would happen.

But the war is far from over when Yuga thought it was over.

While the ammonites and spiny ammonites were enjoying their prey, sharp sickles suddenly appeared on the bottom of the water. Some unprepared ammonites were cut in half by the sharp blades in the blink of an eye, and blood sprayed When it reached the air, it turned into a rain of blood and fell.

Faced with such a scene, the prickly ammonite beasts did not panic at all, as if they had expected it, they stretched out their long tentacles, attached the power of water fluctuations to the tentacles, and began to stir the lake water crazily. , A sickle helmet was thrown out of the water.

Next is the battlefield of sickle helmets and spiny ammonites. Those weak ammonites and some surviving fossil helmets have hid.

The number of spiny ammonite beasts is far greater than that of the sickle helmets. Even though the sickle helmets were extremely ferocious, they were still defeated steadily. After a while, the number dropped by half, and the entire lake was stained red with the blood of the sickle helmets.

The surviving sickle helmets and fossil helmets were driven out of the lake, and the ammonites and spiny ammonites won a big victory in the territorial dispute. Although there were casualties, it did not affect the overall strength of their group.

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