"By the way, why did Bridges attack you?"

At this moment Yuka asked suddenly.

Fu Rong: "Since you know about the existence of spirit messengers, you should also know about our responsibilities."

Yuga nodded upon hearing this.

The duty of the spirit world messenger is to help some undead who cannot enter the spirit world under special circumstances to go to the spirit world.

"Some time ago, I got news that the number of undead here in Greenshade Town was abnormal, so I took the opportunity to give you the title, came over to check, and then met Bridges in the forest."

Fleur explained.

Yujia frowned: "The abnormal increase in undead has something to do with him?"

Fu Rong took a deep breath and nodded: "That's right, he is improving his strength by letting his ghost-type elves absorb the life energy of other elves.

I doubt that his elves can break through to the champion level. This is the way to do it. There are so many elves in the Orange Forest, and it is difficult to attract the attention of the outside world if some of them disappear.

This is probably also the reason why he has been hiding his strength for a long time. "

Yuga nodded upon hearing this.

However, he felt that Bridges' ability to break through to the champion level might not only have absorbed the life energy of other elves.

Because of the need to hide Mu Ya's existence, Yujia couldn't tell King Furong that Bridges' coming to Lusha Town might have something to do with Mu Ya.

Ghost trainers are usually the type of people who are most likely to go astray, so most people's first impression of ghost elves is not very good.

Just like Grandma Chrysanthemum, the king of ghosts in Kanto, although she is highly respected in the alliance, she still inevitably gives people a spooky impression.

However, in fact, apart from being mischievous, the vast majority of ghost elves are kind-hearted. It is only their special abilities that make people feel frightened.

For example, Grandma Juzi, she is a bit stricter at most, and her personality is definitely not as bad as outsiders imagined.

Similarly, Heavenly King Furong gave the outside world the impression that she was withdrawn and indifferent, but Yujia guessed that this might have something to do with her status as an envoy of the spirit world.

After chatting with King Furong for a long time, Yujia sent her out of the gymnasium. At the same time, Bridges' affairs were also entrusted to her and the alliance to handle.

Sending off Heavenly King Furong, Yujia went to the ecological garden.

Yujia built a lair for Kuailong's mother on the hillside in the Huahai sub-garden, which was modeled after the one in the Orange Blossom Forest.

Building a lair is a breeze for elves who know rock and ground skills.

Kuailong's mother was very satisfied with her new home, she moved her belongings into the nest, and settled down like this.

As for the red-faced dragon, according to the agreement, it was naturally left behind as a running errand for Kuailong's mother.

Originally, the red-faced dragon was still a little bit reluctant, but when he thought of the food and drink in the ecological park and the comfortable environment, he settled down with peace of mind.

Staying here is better than being in the Orange Forest.

After the Kuailong mother and the red-faced dragon settled down, Yujia went to the sea of ​​ghosts to call out Geng Gui and the dream monster.

When they were in the forest, because of the rush of time, Yujia just looked at their situation briefly, and hadn't had time to understand their changes after breaking through.

Yujia found that after the breakthrough of Geng Gui and Meng Yaomo, there was no trace of the mutated energy left in his shadow space, only a small amount of energy overflowed from the origin stone of the spirit world remained.

But one thing is the same as what Geng Gui said at the beginning, after they break through to the Heavenly King level, they can indeed lock the problem of energy overflow in the shadow space.

So now, even if Mashadho's seal is broken, Yuga doesn't have to worry about some ghost spirits appearing around him for no reason.

When Geng Gui and Dream Demon were floating side by side in the sky above the Phantom Sea, Yujia felt that the two of them seemed to be fused together.

If you close your eyes and use special abilities to perceive them, Yuga can only feel that there is only one elf in front of you, which is very strange.

After Geng Gui and Dream Demon came out, the Candle Spirits and Light Ghosts in Ghost Sea and the castle seemed to have sensed it, and appeared around them one after another, looking at them with fearful and longing eyes.

Note: After living in the sea of ​​ghosts for a period of time, some candle spirits have evolved into lamp ghosts.

Then Yujia found that the eyes of Geng Gui and Dream Demon flashed purple light, and an inexplicable pressure appeared, and those candle spirits and lamp ghosts surrendered in front of them.

Yoga soon discovers that this is an enhanced version of some of his Ghost King's abilities.

One of the abilities of the ghost king is to allow Yuga to suppress and command some ghost elves.

It's just that the suppressing effect of this ability is good, but the commander ability is very reluctant, and Yujia basically doesn't know how to use it. He didn't expect to see the enhanced version on Geng Gui and Dream Monster today.

Geng Gui and Dream Demon easily suppressed and commanded many candlelight spirits and lamp ghosts.

It is not surprising that Geng Gui and Dream Demon have such abilities. Their breakthroughs are also inseparable from the origin stone of the spirit world.

At this time, the crystal lantern fire spirit living on the top floor of the castle also appeared on the sea of ​​ghosts. When it saw Geng Gui and the dream monster, its golden eyes flickered violently, but it finally chose to surrender.

Seeing that Geng Gui and Dream Demon can suppress even quasi-king-level elves, Yujia realized that they are really strong in this kind of dream.

Then Yuga tried their strength.

In the forest, Yuga didn't know their strength and fighting ability except seeing that they jointly performed a combined skill.

Their opponent is naturally Chenglong.

Yujia didn't let them fight against Chenglong alone, but let them join forces against Chenglong alone.

They are just elves who have just entered the heavenly king level, and it is impossible for a single one to be an opponent of purple aptitude and Gaioka gene.

Although Chenglong is only an elf in the middle of the king-level, his actual combat ability is completely stronger than that of the general peak elves of the king-level.

The result of the final battle surprised Yuka.

The two sides were tied.

Just like in Yujia's perception, Geng Gui and Dream Monster during the battle also seemed to be an elf, and the aura exuded after joining forces was not weaker than that of Chenglong.

You must know that since Chenglong's breakthrough, he has never lost a battle with an elf below the champion level, even facing Dawu's unmega-evolved giant golden monster.

But Geng Gui and Meng Yaomo just entered the Heavenly King level for the first time.

Bridges's two snow demon girl cursed dolls, who were also new to the Heavenly King level, did not last long in Chenglong's hands.

The combined space created by Geng Gui and Meng Yaomo, Chenglong, who has the peak combat power of the king level, also did not break through.

You Jia couldn't understand the changes that happened, but since it was a good thing, Yu Jia didn't care so much.

In the future, there will be such a pair of elves protecting him personally, so what else is there to worry about?

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