Regarding Edward's trial, Yuga also participated, because his crime had something to do with Yuga.

In the early days, Edward and Yuga had feuds. This is not a secret, and everyone basically knows it.

Even the closure of Edward's branch in Shady Town has something to do with Yoga.

Because of this, Yuga became a thorn in Edward's side, and he was still unhappy if he didn't bring Yuga down.

Some time ago, Yuga became the gym trainer in Greenshade Town, Edward knew the common way, he couldn't bring down Yuga.

So, he put his mind on the branch in Lusha Town again, and he wanted to crush the business of Yoyo Breeding House.

But is it easy to grab business with Yoyo Breeding House in Lusha Town? Surely it's not easy? Otherwise he succeeded last time.

So, he moved his mind.

As long as the really cute Breeding House has good elves in the branch in Lusha Town, what is he afraid of? Yoyo Breeding House.

So, there was this plan to smuggle elves from Sinnoh.

Bringing Sinnoh's elves to Fangyuan and taking advantage of regional differences will surely sell well.

This is Edward's idea.

It happened that one of Edward's relatives worked at the Sinnoh Nurturing Base. He was the nurturing home responsible for taking care of the elves there, and his status in the nurturing base was quite high, so he helped Edward smuggle out a batch of elves with ease.

For this reason, Edward gave the relative a lot of benefits.

Otherwise, even relatives, others would not take such a big risk to help him.

After this incident was exposed, that relative of Edward had already been arrested by Sinnoh, and his fate might not be much better than that of Edward.

Yujia didn't expect that Edward would pay such a big capital to deal with him.

What the hell did I do to him? As for? Yuga was puzzled.

Well, this time I planted myself.

After the trial, when Edward was being taken down, he passed Yuga, and the resentful eyes wished he could eat Yuga.

It's a pity that no matter how much he hates him, he can't do anything to Yujia. Instead, what awaits him is the suffering of prison for decades.

The next step is to deal with the batch of elves.

Originally, Sinnoh wanted to send people over to take these elves back, but Yuga proposed to buy them all.

In the end, Sinnoh considered over and over again and agreed to Yuga's proposal.

As for the reason.

First of all, Yuga helped recover these elves, and Yuga captured the notorious Pusanxiong. Agreeing to this proposal can be regarded as a disguised reward for Yujia from the alliance.

Secondly, Yujia paid for it, not a penny was missing, and the alliance was considered to have made a fortune.

The last, and most important reason.

The state of these elves is very bad, and they are not suitable for a long journey back to Sinnoh.

The reason why Yujia had the idea of ​​buying these elves was that the Masana and Charem in the main garden should need someone.

Curls and jackrabbits are just right for them.

Anyway, he is not short of money now, it's time to introduce some new elves.

Catch Pusanxiong, recover the lost spirit,

These achievements have successfully transformed Yujia from an elite trainer to a senior trainer.

Regardless of his status as a gym trainer, Yujia is now considered a person of minor status in the alliance.

It has to be said that the advancement speed of the title of Yujia is a bit fast.

This time, the person who came to perform the conferring ceremony for Yujia was not as prestigious as the Furong Heavenly King, but just an ordinary staff member of the alliance.

However, the staff of this alliance also brought good news to Yujia, that is, the alliance allowed him to acquire some elves from the really cute breeding house.

After Edward was arrested, the cute breeding house was confiscated by the alliance, so the alliance got all the elves in this cute breeding house.

This time, the alliance intends to process these elves in batches, and the cultivation bases in each city of the alliance will take over.

However, in view of Yujia's meritorious service in this operation and the face of the Fangyuan Alliance on the side of the Sinnoh Alliance, the Fangyuan Alliance also considered the Yoyo Breeding House.

As long as Yujia is willing, Yoyo Breeding House will have the opportunity to fight for these elves first.

Really Cute Breeding House is a breeding house that specializes in cultivating water-type elves, the most famous of which is pearl oyster.

After the alliance confiscated the really cute breeding house, the elves that got the most were pearl oysters, and their evolutionary forms-hunting grouper and cherry blossom fish.

The pearl oyster is a spirit that can produce a very magical pearl, which is said to have incredible power.

It sounds amazing, but it's actually not that mysterious.

The real function of this kind of pearl is to increase the super power of the super power elves and help the super power elves to cultivate.

Therefore, the pearls produced by pearl oysters are very popular among superpower trainers.

With such an opportunity, Yujia naturally has no intention of giving up, and accepts the alliance's kindness.

He has a shallow beach side garden with a wide and vast shallow sea area, which is perfect for elves like pearl oysters.

Yujia has long coveted the pearls produced by pearl oysters, but pearl oysters are rare in the wild.

However, the cultivation base of the alliance wanted these elves for free, and Yujia had to pay if he wanted them.

After all, those breeding bases belong to the alliance, and the Yoyo Breeding House is only Yujia's private property.

However, in view of this being considered as a disguised reward for Yujia, the alliance gave Yujia a huge discount on the price, which can be regarded as half selling and half giving away.

Originally, it didn't take much effort to obtain these elves, so the alliance didn't feel bad about using them as gifts.

So Yuga selected two hundred pearl oysters from the group of elves.

Most of these pearl oysters are of yellow quality, only a small amount of green quality, and none above green.

In addition to these pearl oysters, Yujia also selected some evolutionary types of pearl oysters, hunting grouper and cherry blossom fish.

The number of these two types of elf Yuga selected is not much, and there are only twenty or thirty if one is added.

The qualifications of these elves are all pre-identified, and there is no need for Ujat to go to the scene to select them.

As long as he said his request, the alliance sent the selected elves to Yoyo Breeding House.

As soon as Yuga received these elves, he sent them to the sub-garden on the shallow beach.

Originally, he was worried that the elves would not adapt to the new environment, but he was too worried.

Whether it is pearl oyster, cherry blossom fish or grouper fish, they all moved into their new home very peacefully.

They didn't react too much to changing their owners, as if it was a common thing.

Sometimes when Yujia sees the pearl oysters basking in the sun on the beach, they can see extremely calm and leisurely expressions on their faces, which is not at all like the attitude that the elves who have been sold should have.

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