After the mission was assigned to Quinn, Jello transformed into a giant dragon and set off for the Flower Capital with the "Second Battalion Commander" and "Gatling".

The giant dragon soared in the sky. Jello looked down at the sea below and couldn't help but sighed: "Since I got this fantasy beast Black Dragon, I, a pirate, have never been on a pirate ship again."

"The main reason is... traveling by boat is too slow."

At this moment, Jello dominated the wind, and his movement speed was unknown how many times faster than taking a boat.

At the fastest marching speed of the Beast Pirates, it takes about three days to get from the Flower Capital to Baiwu, and Jello can fly all over Wano Country in one day if he wants!

When they arrived at the sky not far from Hananobu, the sound of fighting between the samurai and the Beasts Pirates could be heard.

This was the fourth time that Moria had commanded the pirates of the Beasts Pirates to fight against the samurai coalition led by the three daimyo.

Zero looked down at the densely packed samurai coalition below. Because they were in the sky, they were as small as yellow sand in his sight.

"A mere sand is not as good as me!"

Zero left a bold statement in the sky, flicked his dragon tail, and dived, plowing a bloody mark in the square formation of the samurai coalition.

Broken limbs and arms flew all over, and screams were heard.

"The natural disaster of the Beasts Pirates is back!!!"

In the enlarged pupils of the samurai, Zero in human form carrying a "Gatling" appeared at the highest point of the Beasts Pirates' defense camp.

He stepped forward, took out the Gatling gun from his back with his right hand, and raised a bloodthirsty madness at the corner of his mouth: "Do you also want to dance like Kozuki Oden?"

The passiveness of "The Lord of the Dead" on Jello made the warriors feel fear in their hearts.

Without giving the warriors a chance to speak, the Gatling gun with flames spitting out of the muzzle turned wildly, accompanied by bullet shells flying all over the sky, firing at full power, harvesting the fresh lives of the warriors one by one.


Someone in the crowd shouted, and the Samurai coalition instantly became a rout, and the crowd retreated like a tide.

When the last bullet in the machine gun was used up, a black dragon rose from the ground, the sky became dark clouds, and lightning crackled, just like the sound of firecrackers during the New Year.

"Boom boom!"

As if a punishment from heaven, a huge thunderstorm carpet-bombed the Samurai coalition, and the charred bodies remained forever on this battlefield.


"This is Lord Calamity!"

Behind the dragon, the pirates excitedly vibrated their steel knives, cheering for the mighty Zero like little fans obsessed with their idols.

"It's just slapping some annoying flies to death, nothing to brag about."

Zero, who had transformed into a human form again, put his hands in his pockets in front of the pirates, with an aura that he didn't know who his opponent was.


Zero shouted.


Moria, who was in high spirits, quickly responded.

"Help me draft two letters and send them to Daimyo Utobo and Daimyo Hime by carrier pigeon."

"Tell them that if they don't obey, I will purify the Ugetsu family and the Fugetsu family with extreme high temperature!!"

After Jello gave Moria the order, he looked at the remaining pirates, "From now on, you will pull the giant cannon and march to Baiwu at the fastest speed to arrest the rebel Shimotsuki Yasuie and his accomplices!!!"


After everyone responded, they took action.


Three days passed in a flash. Daimyo Shimotsuki Yasuie looked at the black mass of beast pirates outside the city gate, his face gloomy as if water was about to drip out.

"Or should we surrender directly?"

Unable to bear to see innocent people die tragically in the struggle, Yasuie Shimotsuki asked his confidant.

"Defend it, daimyo-sama!!"

"Maybe we can really defend it?"

Having enjoyed privileges, they really don't want to become penniless again, so they instigate Shimotsuki Yasuie to fight.

"Well, let's give it a try!"

"I just hope the gods of Wano Country can bless Baiwu!!"

After hearing this, Shimotsuki Yasuie shook his head, couldn't help but sigh, and then prayed to the gods to save them like Shimotsuki Gyumaru.

"God Cry!!!"

A roar spread throughout the daimyo's mansion, and Jello used the big sword "Autumn Water" that was regarded as a national treasure by the people of Wano Country to cut open the outer city gate of the Baiwu area.

Shouts and killings rang out, and the sea of ​​​​beasts holding steel knives

The thieves rushed in.

Two native statues of Wano Country that had guarded the Hakumai region for generations collapsed.

Even the weakest minions of the Beasts Pirates could step on the statues recklessly.

"Listen, people inside, you are surrounded!"

"Surrender now, you can avoid death and be sent to the cold bell to dig potatoes!!"

A loud-voiced pirate minion shouted at the Hakumai Daimyo's mansion with a loud speaker.

Jello looked at him with satisfaction, waving his five fingers leisurely.

"Lord Calamity... It's useless for him to shout like that, I have a better way."

A beast pirate with a tiger-like face came to Jello's side.


Jello looked at him expectantly.

"I have a video Den Den Mushi that records the fool being backstabbed by the headless samurai. It contains his painful screams. I thought it was interesting at the time, so I recorded it casually. Maybe it can be used today."

The pirate took out a video Den Den Mushi from his pocket and said to Jello respectfully.

"Where did this thing come from? It's a good thing. From now on, it will be confiscated!"

"From now on, it will belong to our Beasts Pirates. Do you understand?"

Jello snatched the video Den Den Mushi from him and held it in his hand.

"Uh... I can contribute to the Beasts Pirates. No matter how hard or tired I am, I feel happy."

The Beasts minion said with tears in his eyes.

"I know you are anxious, but don't worry."

"Since you have contributed to the treasure, I will naturally not treat you unfairly."

"What's your name? I will promote you when I have the chance in the future!"

Jello looked at the man in front of him.


The beasts' minions said happily.

"Okay...Idali, I'll remember you. Let them hear this first."

After that, Jello pointed the video Den Den Mushi at the loud speaker, and soon the screams of Kozuki Oden recorded in it resounded through the sky: "What samurai are not afraid of pain, what samurai will not go hungry are all lies...ah!!!"

In the Hakuma Daimyo's mansion, Shimotsuki Yasuie, who was wiping his samurai sword, heard Oden's screams and remembered the promise he made with Kozuki Oden under the cherry tree. He couldn't help but feel sad, and tears kept rolling in his eyes.

After a while, Jello felt that it was enough and put the confiscated video Den Den Mushi into his pocket.

"Idali, pull my second battalion cannon over here!"

"Fire at the flag flying over the Hakuma Daimyo's mansion!"

At Jello's order, Idali quickly took action.

A cannonball was fired, and the nine-day flag representing the samurai of Wano Country disappeared in the blazing flames.

"My Lord... our flag has fallen!!"

The confidant of Shimotsuki Yasuie heard the noise and hurriedly said to him.

"We... pack our bags and take the initiative to go to Suzuho to dig potatoes. Maybe we can buy a glimmer of hope for the rest of the people in Baiwu."

As Shimotsuki Yasuie left this sentence, the samurai in the Baiwu area all carried their bags and were sent to Suzuho to dig potatoes. In order to commend their love of labor, Jello did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, but just burned the daimyo's mansion, symbolizing that the cancer in the Baiwu area was completely eliminated.

The news that the Beast Pirates occupied Baiwu soon reached the ears of the other two daimyo.

These two stubborn guys brainwashed their retainers and asked them to fight for the glory of the samurai of Wano Country. The self-destructive combat plan code-named "One Hundred Million Watts" was officially born.

In order to deal with them, Jello made a special trip to Ghost Island, using the Flame Cloud to carry Quinn and the two giant bombs he invented with great effort, "Little Fatty" and "Big Boy".

"Hey, brother Jello, in order to invent these two bombs, I used a lot of explosives stored under Ghost Island, and the power must be very strong!"

Quinn, who looked weak, pointed to the two mushroom-shaped shells and said to Jello.

In order to greatly shorten the invention time limit, he was so tired that he vomited blood, which could not be replenished by eating anything.

"Thank you for your hard work, Quinn."

"I didn't expect you to really invent it. The appearance of these two bombs alone makes me very satisfied!"

Jello said with joy.

"Hahaha, don't forget our manly agreement. Let me play in the prostitute street for a month!"

Quinn kept talking about his profession, and then said: "I want to see how these two bombs explode. After all, this is the greatest artistic creation of my life!"

"Artistic creation? I know, explosions come from art!"

Jero smiled and agreed to Quinn's request.

When the snake

A circling dragon appeared in the sky above Rabbit Bowl, and Quinn, standing on the flame cloud, threw the bomb "Big Boy" down.

A huge explosion with endless heat waves spread in all directions with Rabbit Bowl Daimyo's mansion as the center.

The retainer of Ugetsu, who was preparing to implement the "Gigawatt Shattering" plan outside, was the first to hear the explosion. He patted the Rabbit Bowl Daimyo next to him and said, "Tempura-sama, your house has exploded, and your mother seems to be still inside..."

A real man never looks back at the explosion. After thoroughly disinfecting the Rabbit Bowl area, Jello took Quinn to the Hime area that refused to surrender.

Following the same method, Quinn, standing on the flame cloud, threw the "Little Fatty" bomb down.

In the house of Daimyo Nozomi, the descendants of Fugetsu Miyume watched the bomb "Little Fatty" falling from the sky, thinking it was a meteor, and happily clasped their hands together, and at the same time made a wish: "Let those guys who should not stay in Wano Country get out!"

The next second, as if responding to his wish, the bomb centered on Daimyo Nozomi's house, completely razed the surrounding area to the ground, and countless samurai died in the sea of ​​fire. They were not familiar with each other at ordinary times, but they were completely cooked here!

These two giant shells basically ended all the resistance of the samurai in Wano Country. Soon after, "Fugetsu Miyume" and "Ugetsu Tempura" were taken to the Flower Capital and executed in public.

After that, all the remaining samurai in Wano Country announced their surrender!


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