I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 102 Signal of loss of control

As life slowly passed, the ancient mining tribe found that they had unknowingly gone into extremes.

Descendants of perfect character?

He couldn't help but feel a sense of compassion in his heart as he looked at these descendants who were singing and dancing and were extremely optimistic about the future.

He found the purple gauze creature again and told the truth about what he had done during this period.

The purple gauze creature did not find it very unacceptable for him to randomly change the emotional proportions.

"I've done this before." The purple gauze creature smiled and comforted him: "You should have asked me earlier."

"I learned that ratio from humans. Those emotions can influence and restrict each other, creating different personalities. Random changes will only lead to unknown consequences."

But the matter has come to this, these descendants who once made the ancient mining clan very satisfied have once again become his shame.

He had no choice but to humbly ask for advice again on how to create offspring that met the requirements.

What he didn't expect was that the purple gauze creature also shook his head and said he didn't know: "You have to try it yourself. Whether the talisman meets the requirements is just your very subjective judgment."

However, after listening to the experiences of the ancient mining tribe, the purple gauze creature also gave him suggestions.

"If you need to quickly create extremely powerful offspring, you need to let them master power skillfully and quickly, and you also need to give them a shortcut to quickly understand the abyss."

The ancient mining tribe suddenly realized.

After returning, he quickly destroyed those descendants who were still singing and dancing.

Then he created a fifth batch of descendants, completely in accordance with the emotional proportions taught to him by the purple gauze creature, without modification at all.

Then he created an incentive signal, and fighting in it allowed all the mining tribes to quickly master their abilities.

And because of the fighting spirit given by the battlefield, these descendants will become more brave and warlike.

At the beginning, the excitation signal released by the ancient mineral clan was so strong that it could easily cover the entire acupuncture stone forest even if there was no environment where minerals gathered.

He taught these descendants how to take the initiative to enter and leave the battlefield. As long as they want to train, they can enter at any time.

Future generations fight in the virtual battlefield, master the feeling of soaring power, and adjust their abilities based on experience after going out.

The ancient mining tribe used an ingenious method to allow their offspring to grow up quickly, saving a lot of time.

He also personally tested those descendants who fought to the end on the battlefield, but unfortunately none of these descendants could defeat him.

The majestic image of his countless arms was also worshiped as a god by these descendants and became the belief of their civilization.

The emergence of this belief played a very good role in the development of civilization. This group of descendants clearly knew that their abilities were given by the gods, and therefore they continued to fight to please the gods.

Whether inside the battlefield or in reality, this group of descendants have demonstrated unparalleled combat capabilities.

Although none of these descendants have killed his virtual form, he is also very satisfied.

As long as this development continues, there will definitely be offspring that can defeat him.

Speaking of this, the face of the ancient mining clan was filled with relief, and it seemed that he loved these descendants very much.

However, at this extremely critical time.

He is sick.

"Alzheimer's disease." The ancient mining tribe laughed at themselves: "It's ridiculous, right? A creature like me can also suffer from Alzheimer's disease."

At first it was just memory loss, forgetting things, and then memory impairment began, making it impossible to distinguish familiar things.

Finally, he sometimes even goes back to the memories of his youth. When he is unconscious, he even regards those descendants as companions who once took adventures with him.

Without the maintenance of the ancient mining clan, problems with the incentive signals soon appeared. The descendants began to be unable to enter the battlefield, and even forgot what happened in the battlefield.

As time goes by, these descendants even forget about the battlefield. Even if they accidentally enter the battlefield, they will only feel full of fighting spirit after going out, and have no idea what they have experienced.

At one point, the ancient mining tribe realized that they might suffer from memory confusion for a period of time, so he gave most of his relics to these descendants and asked them to go out and hide first.

Having said this, the ancient mining tribe lowered their heads and fell silent.

"Then what?" Mo Ling asked doubtfully, "What happened?"

The ancient mining clan looked at his hands, a little sluggish, as if he had suddenly fallen into some strange state.

Mo Ling saw that he was a little strange, so he didn't ask any more questions. He just looked at him silently, waiting for him to recover.

However, the situation of this ancient mining tribe seems to be getting worse and worse.

He suddenly stood up and began to walk back and forth on the spot, sometimes remaining frozen in place.

After a while, he suddenly raised his finger and pointed at Mo Ling. He was surprised and wanted to say something, but he suddenly got stuck and couldn't say a word.

After walking around for a while, the ancient mining clan slowly walked to Mo Ling and sat down again.

He sat very close to Mo Ling this time and seemed to be very familiar with Mo Ling.

The ancient mining tribe's tone suddenly changed, as if he had entered another role: "How come you have such materials?"

Mo Ling was stunned when asked: "What material?"

The ancient mining clan pointed at his cube head and said: "This kind! I have been looking for this kind of material for a long time. I want to use it to make something, but this kind of material is only found at the bottom of the abyss. I have to hurry up." let's go."

After speaking, he patted Mo Ling's shoulder, stood up, and walked away.

Mo Ling was already confused by the strange behavior of the ancient mining clan.

"Is this an illness?" Mo Ling quickly chased after him, trying to stop the ancient mining clan.

But the ancient mining clan didn't go very far when they suddenly turned back, and the trance in their eyes gradually disappeared.

He brought Mo Ling to the stone again and said apologetically: "I was confused just now, keep talking."

"The sixth batch of descendants will follow..." the ancient mining tribe said slowly.

"What about the previous batch? The one you were most satisfied with?" Mo Ling found that he suddenly skipped a period of time and asked in confusion.


He just answered lightly, and the ancient mining tribe continued to tell his story.

After a long period of memory confusion, the ancient mining tribe discovered that the fifth batch of descendants suddenly disappeared.

He didn't have much time left, and his mind was very confused. Driven by obsession, he began to create the sixth batch of descendants.

However, in the midst of chaos, he made a mistake in his steps.

In a daze, he injected only one emotion into the offspring's body - fear.

As a result, these miners who only have fear in the needle stone forest were born. After completing his obsession to create future generations, he fell into memory confusion.

The incentive signal loses its maintenance and becomes weaker. The descendants who accidentally enter the battlefield will forget their combat experience.

Moreover, these descendants who only know fear will not have the will to fight, and the motivational signal will only suddenly make them have inexplicable fear of their companions.

With a vague consciousness, he discovered that due to the influence of the incentive signal, these fearful descendants began to spontaneously divide into camps and started meaningless battles.

"Do you know why they divide the camps like this? It's hard to understand rare minerals and common minerals, right?" The ancient mining tribe asked Mo Ling helplessly.

"I don't understand." Mo Ling answered honestly.

Seeing Mo Ling shaking his head, the ancient mining clan stretched out his hand and summoned the battlefield map in front of him.

"Look at the distribution of mineral veins in this battlefield, and you will understand."

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