I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 124 Experiment gone wrong

Martin looked at the rich woman in disbelief.

Most of the wrinkles on her face have disappeared, her skin has become extremely supple and smooth, and those dull spots have completely disappeared.

Even the dark circles under her eyes caused by long-term fatigue disappeared, turning into a slightly charming lying silkworm.

"Mr. Martin, are you testing the effect of my surgery?" the rich woman asked jokingly, feeling that Martin had been stroking her cheek.

But Martin ignored her words. Instead, he walked around to her side and held up her hair with his hand.

The originally white hair has disappeared and completely turned into a brown color similar to Anna's. Even the roots of the original blond hair are slowly turning brown.

"This brown color is really pretty. I've always wanted to try this color." The rich woman said with a smile.

Martin suppressed his shock and asked: "Where is your white hair?"

"All the hair fell out the next day after the operation. I was still worried at the time, but it grew back the next day, and it was all brown. The effect is very good?"

The rich woman talked more and more happily. She began to talk to Martin endlessly about her changes in the past few days, and praised the wonders of blood transfusion therapy.

As she spoke, she grabbed Martin's hand again and whispered, "Mr. Martin, I've been feeling a little empty these past two days. Is this normal?"

She looked at Martin lovingly, and slowly leaned over, her smooth pajamas slowly sticking to Martin's coat.

"The operation has just ended. Madam, you need to pay attention to rest. This phenomenon means that you are recovering well." Martin pushed her away carefully.

"I will continue to come over to inquire in a few days. Please take good care of yourself."

After giving a few instructions, Martin quickly escaped from the rich woman's house, hurriedly responded to the greetings of the celebrities, and fled back to the office.

When the door was closed, he began to tremble uncontrollably.

Lighting a cigarette with trembling hands, Martin sat on the chair, his mind in confusion.

"Exchange transfusion therapy, is it working?"

He couldn't understand this at all.

Martin knew how deceptive his so-called "high-tech therapy" was, and nothing like this had ever happened before.

Although he lied to others, he would not even believe in this therapy himself.

But the changes in Anna and the rich woman cannot be explained by common sense at all.

After thinking for a long time, Martin still couldn't think of a reasonable explanation.

He had no choice but to suppress his inner anxiety and comfort himself that this might just be a coincidence.

"Maybe it's really because of the food and sleep schedule in the nursing home."

But what should Anna do?

While he was struggling, his subordinate knocked on Martin's door.

"Boss, we have a new customer."


Martin tried his best not to think about this matter. It was a lie in the first place, and the better effect was just the icing on the cake.

But in the evening, he walked to the laboratory by himself.

When the security guard saw it, he was stunned for a moment, then straightened up quickly and said hello: "Mr. Martin! How can I help you?"

"It's nothing, I'm going to do an experiment."

Martin replied lightly and walked into the laboratory.

This place has not been used for a long time. In the past, it was used to show various mice to guests and draw cakes for them.

However, as the reputation of blood transfusion therapy has grown, it is no longer necessary to bring guests, but the hospital still operates in case of emergencies.

Martin walked in, found two mice, and began to perform blood transfusion surgery.

After the operation was completed, he sat and waited to see what happened to the mice.

Sure enough, apart from being a little weak, nothing abnormal happened to the mice.

Martin suddenly felt that there was something wrong with his brain. He had done this experiment countless times with the same result.

"What am I doing?"

He cursed himself secretly.

Picking up the things, Martin was about to leave, but the moment he stood up, he saw something appear on the white mouse.

It was a bunch of rapidly growing black hair.

That's right, Martin chose two mice, one black and one white. He just wanted to know whether the coat color swap would happen on the mice.

Now it was exactly as he expected.

He watched in surprise as the white hair on the white mouse continued to fall off and began to grow black fine hairs, spreading like ink.

And this change seemed to be very drastic. In the blink of an eye, the white mouse had turned completely black.

Looking at the original black mouse, it has white hair all over.

"It's really changed!"

Martin stood in the laboratory in a daze, unable to calm down for a long time. His medical concepts were greatly impacted at this moment.

After calming down a bit, he repeated the experiment several more times and obtained similar results.

But he also discovered one thing - blood can only be exchanged once.

After one blood transfusion, the experiment was repeated again, and neither of the two mice undergoing blood transfusion had any reaction.

"It should be more than hair."

Thinking of the changes that had taken place in Anna and the rich woman, Martin started the experiment again.

He found old mice raised in the laboratory and performed blood exchange surgery with young mice.

As expected, the old mice quickly became lively, while the young mice seemed to have been stolen from time, aging faster.

Martin couldn't believe his eyes.

This is real blood transfusion therapy! The "scam" he boasted about actually came true!

At this time, Martin didn't know whether he should be happy or disappointed. He touched his beating heart, and an unknown fear spread throughout his body.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of another thing, so he started the operation again.

This time, he used mice with different blood types.

After the operation, he quietly waited for the hemolytic reaction caused by the incompatibility of blood types.

However, after the blood transfusion, the two mice were still alive and kicking. After a while, the coat colors changed again.

No hemolytic reaction!

"No, it shouldn't be like this."

Martin looked at the hamster cage aside and had a bold idea.

After some time, he stared blankly at the two animals on the experimental table and stepped back uncontrollably.

It was a mouse turned into a hamster.

and a hamster-turned-mouse.

"How could this happen! How could this happen!"

Martin felt cruel, rushed into the blood bank, found a bag of human blood for experiments, injected it into a mouse, and then used a needle to drain the mouse's original blood.

At this time, he was like a madman, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and his hands were shaking uncontrollably while operating.

The operation ended quickly.

Lying in front of the glass box, Martin stared at the dying mouse because of his rough handling.

The mouse is curled up like a baby.

Its eyes turn to the front of its face, its forehead gradually protrudes, its head becomes larger, its ears are shortened and visible, and its limbs become longer.

After a while, Martin seemed to see something. He immediately opened the glass box, then reached in, grabbed the mouse, and gave it a firm squeeze.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Residue splattered on the wall of the glass box, and blood covered his hands.

Martin was breathing heavily, his eyes were glassy, ​​and endless shock echoed in his mind.

He leaned back and fell on the chair, and because his support was unstable, he fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, it was just dawning, and a ray of gentle sunshine shone into the laboratory.

But Martin was sitting on the ground in a state of embarrassment, his hands covered with dirty blood.

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