I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 132 The Song of the Siren

Bai Zhou dug out Siren's information and placed it in front of Li Luo.

The Kraken is a rare creature found in the third layer of the abyss.

This creature originally only appeared in human mythology.

They use their songs to attract lost ships, confuse the sailors on the ships, and cause the ships to hit the islands and sink. Then they eat all the people on the ships.

But on the third level of the abyss, this creature appeared alive in front of the hunter.

When people first began to explore the third layer of the abyss, people did not know the existence of this strange creature.

There was a hunter leader named Odysseus, who organized a group of hunters to find the entrance to the fourth level through navigation.

However, when passing by an island, he heard a burst of singing.

The song was very beautiful, melodious and melodious, coming from the beautiful island.

As Odysseus listened, he suddenly felt an uncontrollable yearning in his heart, wanting to get closer.

Listening to the seductive song, he lost all reason and directed the ships to sail towards the island.

The members of the group were also attracted by the singing and were very excited, with only the beautiful sound echoing in their minds.

So the ship hit the island.

Odysseus fell into the water and fainted.

When he woke up, he was already on another ship. The hunters on the side told him that they found him on an island full of human bones.

He was lying intact among the human bones. Because he was too conspicuous, he was discovered by his fellow investigators and rescued.

Odysseus, who survived the disaster, thanked him repeatedly and told the hunter who rescued him what had happened to him.

"You didn't encounter a sea monster, did you?" the rescuer asked curiously after hearing Odysseus' experience.


Odysseus recalled his experiences, which indeed fit the characteristics of the legendary siren.

Especially the beautiful singing voice, exactly the same.

Odysseus said with certainty: "That must be the Siren!"

After returning to the safe island base, Odysseus quickly uploaded his experience to the database, and then began to deal with the funeral affairs of the sacrificed members.

After everything was done, he fell into a deep sleep. In his dream, he seemed to hear the sound of fangs gnawing at bones, which lingered around his ears.

When he suddenly woke up, he realized that it was already noon the next day, and those strange sounds were just the friction of the wheel hubs when the cleaning staff pushed the cart outside the door.

For several days afterward, he kept having the same nightmare, which made Odysseus physically and mentally exhausted.

So a few days later, he made a decision. He would return to Dawn City to recuperate for a while, then apply for an official position, and no longer continue to explore.

Only when he got on the ship returning to the second level did Odysseus' anxiety gradually dissipate.

"How long until we arrive?" Odysseus asked a young crew member.

"It's fast, probably only half an hour, but the weather is a bit bad today, so it might be a little slower." The crew member replied calmly.

Odysseus nodded, thanked him, and then walked to the deck and looked at the sea.

The wind was indeed a bit strong today, and the waves rocked the ship.

But Odysseus was not panicked. This was an official ship, with various insurance measures and possibly special relic protection. It was completely different from the antiques he had bought before.

He leaned on the railing, feeling the sea breeze, and looked at a black edge in the distance.

"Is that the destination?" Odysseus asked the other passengers on the ship.

But the boatman looked over there in confusion and said, "Our destination is not land, it should be an island over there."

An island?

Odysseus' heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

He quickly comforted himself that islands are a very common thing, so don't be overly anxious, and then his violently beating heart slowly calmed down.

But the next words of the boat passenger next to him made him shiver all over.

"I've taken this boat many times, but I've never seen any islands on the route. It's quite strange."

Odysseus trembled and looked toward the distant islands. As the ship gradually approached, he actually collapsed.

That was the island where he met the Siren before!

Ignoring any obstruction, he rushed into the captain's cabin.

"Tell the captain to stay away from that island! There is a siren on that island, or tell everyone to plug their ears!"

But when he said these words, a faint singing voice could be heard in his ears.

It's over.

It's too late.

When Odysseus came to his senses again, he was already lying on the bed.

Odysseus was a little surprised, wasn't he dead?

He looked around. This seemed to be the hospital on the previous island base. He had been here before and remembered it.

Why am I back?

The doctors around him were busy. After seeing him wake up, they quickly made a phone call.

Not long after, two formally dressed officials came to his hospital bed and asked about his experience:

"The No. 17 ferry that returned to the second level of the abyss disappeared out of thin air. Only you are floating on the water. Mr. Odysseus, what happened before?"

Odysseus quickly told the story of the ship's encounter with the siren.

"I also wanted to inform the captain and ask everyone to plug their ears, but it was too late." Odysseus said regretfully: "If I had not hesitated when I saw the island, maybe more people would have been saved."

As he spoke, Odysseus, the weather-beaten hunter, actually broke down and shed tears.

"I promised them to find the entrance to the fourth floor of the abyss together, but now it's all gone."

"Not only did I fail to save them, I also failed to save the entire ship. So many people, all gone, all gone."

Odysseus' tears wet the pillow.

"The crew is still so young, about the same age as my child. Why do they have to suffer such a thing?"

The more he spoke, the more excited he became. The two officials had no choice but to comfort him: "Mr. Odysseus, this is the abyss."

Hearing these words, Odysseus' tears stopped abruptly.

He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, sat up, and asked firmly: "Is there anything else you need my help with? I will do my best to cooperate."

The two officials looked at each other, and one of them said to him: "Mr. Odysseus, can you move around in your current condition?"

"Of course." Odysseus jumped out of bed. Except for his body being a little stiff, there was nothing wrong with him.

"Then come with us and go over there." The official said, pointing to the balcony not far away.

After saying that, the two of them walked towards the balcony.

Although Odysseus was a little confused, he still followed.

Two officials stood waiting for him on the balcony, leaving an empty spot by the guardrail.

"See? Mr. Odysseus."

Odysseus stared blankly at the sea in the distance.

There was a shadow that made him extremely frightened.

An island.

"It, why is it here!"

Odysseus stepped back in shock, but the official clamped his arm and prevented him from leaving.

"You have to notify everyone immediately and plug your ears!"

But the two officials still looked calm and said calmly: "Don't worry, it has been fixed by us."

"Mr. Odysseus, you are a third-level hunter, right?"

"Yes," Odysseus replied.

"As for the third-level hunter, there are some things that you should be able to understand after listening to them."

"You are now officially informed that you have been infected by a conceptual creature. We have tentatively named this creature

——Siren. "

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