I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 137 Correction Plan

In the beginning, humans used the power given by the core very well.

But the core thing ignores one point. Human lifespan is limited, and unlike these immortal beings, they will not master a language forever.

The power of time cannot be ignored. Even between two generations, there will be differences in accents.

Although it is only a subtle difference, the power of language is also very different. As time goes by, some words are even lost.

Human pronunciation is becoming more and more weird, and it continues to change over time, because different pronunciation methods appear in different regions.

Due to the limitations of their vocal organs, their accents gradually deviate.

However, humans also realized that their power was fading, and they carved the words given by the core onto the murals. The words on these murals would cover their bodies when future generations appeared, correcting their pronunciation.

This is also the origin of hieroglyphs, which are relics created by ancient humans.

However, hieroglyphics are limited and can only be given once. If things go on like this, the hieroglyphics on the murals will disappear.

Because of the disappearance of these words, the development of human language has flourished and deviated further and further.

War and the movement of people have further diversified the language, and its power has gradually faded to the point of being lost.

By this time, the influence of the core had slowly faded away.

He asked his friends if it was necessary to spread it again so that humans can regain this power.

But the friend shook his head: "No need, this is their own choice, they will become stronger in other ways, you have to believe them!"

Core heard the regret in her friend's tone, but since she said no, there was no need to work anymore.

However, after this time, the number of times his friends came to see him became less and less, and the core made a lot of efforts to do so, but it could not be undone.

Until she never showed up again.

"So I'm going to set humanity right again so she'll come to me."

The core said it calmly, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

After listening to Core's story, the Lord of Righteousness realized that this was Core's own wishful thinking. He was very angry at Core's behavior: "If she doesn't come to you, why don't you go find her! What's the use of correcting human beings here?"

Zhengyanzhu was very speechless. He felt that his core brain seemed to be missing something.

"I looked for her, but couldn't find her. I could only use this method. She cares very much about humans. After she sees the changes in humans, she will come to me."

"I will complete the correction of the Black Tower, and then there will be humans in the entire abyss, and then there will be humans on the earth."

"That's my plan to correct it."

"I can meet her again, and humans can regain great power. Isn't that great?"

Core asked rhetorically, leaving Zhengyanzhu speechless.

The Lord of Righteousness knows that he cannot reason with these abyssal beings. Their logic is completely different from that of humans. From the core point of view, humans are an insignificant species.

The core changes the cognition of humans in the Black Tower, which is also to prevent the news of the Black Tower from leaking out.

As for the modifications he made to human organs, it was just like what humans did to mice. He had no other ideas at all, just to let humans "correct" as soon as possible.

"After the correction of the Black Tower is completed, it will be opened, right?" After a moment of silence, the Lord of Righteousness asked.


There is no doubt about the core words. He will only continue to implement his plan and no one can change it.

Anyway, all the twisted humans in the Black Tower can't be saved. The Lord of Righteousness thinks that he is not a savior and just wants to escape from here as soon as possible.

So after careful consideration, he decided to accelerate the "correction plan."

If you want to speed up the correction, you must let those people in robes with strange pronunciation master the correct pronunciation.

After pondering for a long time, Zhengyanzhu still believed that there is no other way to learn a language except oral transmission.

However, he also understands that communicating with each other with the wrong accent will only make language learning more difficult.

So Zhengyanzhu planned to find a place where he could personally teach the correct pronunciation. After much thought, he finally decided that Shimen was suitable.

It is quiet and secluded here. He will select some people to come here first, and after teaching them the correct pronunciation, he will invite more people in robes to come.

In this way, Lord Zhengyan built a castle within the stone gate, and then came to the castle with some robed people who were willing to stay away from home and study with him.

This castle, which is similar to a "language training school", has complete facilities and is much better than the primitive society of the robed people. The robed people who came here were pleasantly surprised and worshiped the Lord of Righteousness even more.

These men in robes spontaneously took on various responsibilities in the castle and began to be responsible for making the entire "school" officially run.

The Lord of Right Speech was also happy with this, and he also taught these robed men different pronunciations according to their different responsibilities, allowing them to practice their pronunciation while using these powers to work.

This made the robed people even more grateful to him, and was the beginning of the different "classrooms" in the castle.

Soon, many people in robes met the core requirements. The Lord of Righteousness asked them to return to their hometowns to find talented seeds and bring them to Shimen to continue to spread the knowledge of pronunciation.

After these robed men returned to the village, they told others about all the good things in the castle, and the news about the Black Tower Castle spread.

More and more people in robes came to the Black Tower Castle, and soon the castle became overcrowded. For this reason, the Righteous Lord asked the people in robes to continue to expand outside the castle, creating the current Black Tower City.

"From now on, everyone must communicate in sign language. Don't communicate in languages ​​with strange pronunciations. This will distort your pronunciation and may also lead to the incorrect use of power."

The Lord of Righteousness has laid down rules for the people in robes who come to Black Tower City. This is also to speed up their "correction" progress.

The use of sign language also prevented unnecessary damage to Black Tower City.

At this time, all the people in robes believed in the Lord of Righteousness and obeyed any of his orders. Some people in robes even deified him.

Although Zhengyanzhu wanted to speed up the correction plan, the constant flow of robed men still made him physically and mentally exhausted.

There are too many robed people in the black tower, and their levels vary greatly. Even the castle can hardly support teaching activities.

"Don't let other people come up yet. I'll write a book to let them master something first."

Therefore, the Lord of Righteousness wrote the "textbook". This book recorded a method that could use blood transfusion therapy to bring more knowledge into the minds of those people in robes whose pronunciation was extremely irregular.

The man in the robe will also know the location of the stone gate, which can play a role in screening "talents".

Of course, there are some other effects...

At this point, Bai Zhou suddenly realized something and asked in disbelief: "Exchange therapy? Martin?"

When Zhengyanzhu heard Bai Zhou's question, he suddenly turned his head as if his name was called and blurted out:

"Yes, I'm Martin."

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