I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 141 Another Black Tower

After dividing the object infinitely, the smallest unit is the elementary particle.

This is also what Martin calls the "cornerstone."

When Mo Ling learned this, he could no longer suppress the shock in his heart.

"Could it be that our world was created?" Mo Ling suddenly had this thought.

"What are the building blocks of our world?" he asked eagerly.

Hearing these words, Martin, who was originally serious, suddenly laughed out loud, raised his finger and waved it, and said jokingly: "What do you think?"

He smiled and walked forward, but his words pierced Mo Ling's heart like nails, forcing Mo Ling to keep thinking.

"Is what he said true?"

If sounds can make up the world, then other things can certainly make up the world.

"What is my current world made of? Then was the world before I came to the abyss made of other things?"

The more Mo Ling thought about it, the more something was wrong and she became more suspicious.

At this moment, a shout from the front interrupted Mo Ling's thinking. Martin was urging him from the front, and Mo Ling quickly followed.

After Mo Ling caught up, Martin said to him calmly: "I will tell you when the core is killed, but you have to remain suspicious of all this."

His tone was very serious and slightly tired.

Before Mo Ling could ask, Martin raised his hand to interrupt, pointed forward and said, "Did you see it? That's the shell of the core."

Mo Ling looked forward and saw a tall tower reaching to the sky standing in front of him.

The familiar shape, even the small towers surrounding it are exactly the same.

"That's the Black Tower!" Mo Ling exclaimed.

But the tower is not black, but rich purple, with a dazzling purple light.

This tower looks exactly like the Black Tower, except for its different color.

Not only that, this purple tower kept making various sounds, like a tall pipe organ.

The surrounding small towers are like different pipes of a pipe organ, and the huge stones supporting the tower are similar to the piano boxes.

What surprised Mo Ling the most was that this purple tower was moving!

The tower-shaped sound tube vibrated slightly, and the strong air flow drove the notes to flow out of the holes and float into the distance.

The fluttering notes landed all over the island jungle, some turned into animals, some turned into trees, some turned into the earth, some turned into ponds...

This is the organ that created the world!

A rune followed the sound and floated in front of the two of them, spinning and falling on the ground.

Then the rune expanded into a human being, but this human being was as lifeless as the animals he had seen before, like a doll.

"Don't move forward, leave." This weird human said.

He made a strange move, pointed behind the two of them, and then put down his arm stiffly.

Then repeat this action over and over, exactly the same every time.

"You are the core?" Mo Ling asked.

"Yes." He still answered all questions.

But this seemed to be the first time he took the initiative to communicate, with the purpose of getting Mo Ling and Martin out of here.

"Stop twisting, let's leave." Although Mo Ling didn't know how to leave, he still planned to communicate.

"It's not a distortion, it's a correction. After the correction is completed, she will come back to me." Core repeated his answer again.

It seems that consensus still cannot be reached.

"Stop talking nonsense to him and hold on to me." Martin suddenly grabbed Mo Ling's hand.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Ling found that the surrounding scene blurred instantly, and they passed directly through the body of the human just now and arrived in front of the tower.

"It may take a while to find his true form, so don't let go." Martin ordered and continued to travel with Mo Ling.

Passing through the hole, the two came to the tower.

But what he saw in front of him made Mo Ling even more surprised.

This is a monitoring station! The core replicated a black tower monitoring station in its own body.

The buildings and facilities are exactly the same, even the layout is exactly the same.

Not only that, but there are also humans wearing combat uniforms living inside. These people are like dolls, coming and going in the monitoring station, but their behavior is very rigid and mechanical, and each has a fixed route and movement.

There are also "people" who are stuck here. They are stuck between buildings, or half of their bodies have fallen into the sewer, and they are still walking on the edge of the ditch.

Their faces were expressionless, but the texture of their flesh and blood reminded Mo Ling all the time that the structures of these "dolls" were no different from those of living people.

After discovering Mo Ling and Martin, these false humans walked straight towards the two people, blocking them in the middle.

Even the walking movements were exactly the same. These human beings carved from the same mold stared at the two of them, reaching out their hands to grab them.

"Wait for me, I'm looking for a location. Kill them as soon as they get close." Martin said calmly.

Mo Ling nodded and looked warily at these false humans who were getting closer.

"It's so disgusting." Due to the weird behavior of these "dolls", Mo Ling's stomach acid surged and he complained uncontrollably.

Unexpectedly, upon hearing Mo Ling's words, all the fake humans around them stopped.

They all asked in unison: "Disgusting? Why is it disgusting? Can you tell me?"

Mo Ling didn't want to explain, but just waited for Martin silently.

It seemed that the core was controlling these humans. They spoke in unison again: "She said the same thing about me. She said the world I created is disgusting, and the humans I created are disgusting."

"She said it was disgusting too."



Without answering the core, Martin held on to Mo Ling tightly and jumped up. The surrounding scenery blurred again, and he changed his position again and came to a purple structure similar to a heart valve.

"It seems to be the same as the position change pattern of Shimen." Martin said lightly.

"Is this the stone gate?"

"Yes, this is the entrance to the heart of the tower. The representation on the other side of the black tower is the stone door. The location will be changed at will as a protective measure."

I see.

There was also a tray in front of the valve, but Martin didn't plan to put anything on top. Instead, he grabbed Mo Ling and shuttled again, directly to the other side of the valve.

As soon as he landed, Mo Ling felt that the texture under his feet was wrong.

Taking a closer look, you can see that there are countless relics piled on the ground under your feet, and there is a tall relic mountain in front of you.

This is a treasure trove!

It turns out that this treasure house has always existed, but was transferred to this world. The legend of Shimen is true!


Martin moved again with Mo Ling, and soon came to a hidden cave made of purple crystals.

An ugly black-gray stone full of holes was floating in the air.

Seeing the two people arriving, the stones slowly floated in front of them.

The sound of rough stones rubbing against each other was heard.

"Why did she say I was disgusting?"

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