I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 144 Under the Cornerstone

Without the injection of energy, the entire world will move toward heat death.

When the Creator disappears, the world is heading towards death, but the death process may be long or short. A world with a stable foundation will take a little longer.

And an inferior world like the sound world will be destroyed very quickly, and those things that are constantly decomposing illustrate this point.

"There's not even a stage where the cornerstones are evenly distributed." Martin said with emotion as he looked at the accelerating collapse of the sound world.

Soon, everything he saw began to become nothingness, and even the ground and the ocean became drifting sounds.

Not only that, Mo Ling also felt that her body became light and airy, and she actually stood in the air with a kick of her legs.

"Gravity has also become sound." Martin also floated in the air.

The surrounding light became dim, and everything in existence continued to fade into pitch black.

"The visible light is disappearing, hold on to me." Martin held Mo Ling's hand tightly.

In the darkness, only the sound is extremely clear. This is the only thing in this world that will not disappear, and it is also the foundation of this world.

Mo Ling was deeply shocked.

"How does sound exist without a medium?" He asked uncontrollably. The weak sound spread out along with the noisy sound waves, and it became chaotic before it traveled very far.

When most of the air has disappeared, even the propagation of sound becomes difficult.

This is also the question in Mo Ling's mind. Sound is actually the vibration of an object. Even the sound source and medium are gone. Where does the sound come from?

Martin's answer came from the connected hands of the two: "This world is built on the basis of our world, and the sounds also come from that side. Even if this world disappears, these sounds will still exist."

"We don't belong here either, and we don't need everything here. Do you still need to breathe?"

Mollington suddenly understood that the dimensions of these sounds were higher than this world and did not need to rely on anything to exist.

The surroundings were getting darker and quieter, which made Mo Ling's touch extremely keen.

A great fear appeared in his heart.

"Will our world be like this? It will eventually die."

It was so quiet here that Mo Ling had no choice but to chat with Martin.

"No, the Creator of our world is still there. Haven't you noticed that the energy of those relics is endless?"

That's true, but does the Creator really exist?

At this moment, Mo Ling suddenly remembered Martin's previous promise.

"Can you tell me now, what are the things that form the cornerstone of our world?"

After saying this question, Mo Ling felt Martin's hand tighten.

"What's wrong?"


Martin was silent for a long time, as if he didn't want to tell Mo Ling.

"It's okay if you don't want to say it." Mo Ling didn't even understand why he came to this world.

If these worlds were created, then he might be able to return to the previous world.

Martin's clenched hand slowly relaxed, and his voice slowly came through his arm:

"I promised you that I would tell you, don't worry."

"You can believe it, or you can think it's a joke, but if you know this, you may have to bear some price. Are you willing?" Martin was extremely serious.

Mo Ling was stunned for a moment, then replied: "Yes."

He's been locked up in a box, so what's the cost?

"When you know the truth about the world, it also means that you are about to take on some kind of responsibility. You cannot escape this. Are you willing to do so?"

The more Martin said this, the more curious Mo Ling became.


When answering this sentence, Mo Ling felt Martin's hand clenching again and trembling slightly, as if she couldn't suppress the joy in her heart.

A faint laugh came.

"Okay! You must keep everything I say next in mind!"


"The thing that forms the basis of our world is a novel!"

Martin's words were astonishing, and he continued to talk to Mo Ling: "The Creator used novels to form the cornerstone of our world, and then used the cornerstones to build our world!"

Mornington laughed angrily.

"Isn't this the theory of the Dream Sect?"

After hearing Mo Ling's ridicule, Martin denied: "They are just a group of cowards. After knowing the truth of the world, they will just escape blindly. Hiding in the depths of dreams is just a cover-up. It is very simple for the Creator to find them, but he just has no intention." Just go find it."

He seemed very indignant at the actions of the Dream Sect and kept criticizing what they did.

"Dreams are a way to glimpse the nature of the world. Their leader accidentally discovered this, but led a group of people to escape."

"You should have read the information about the dream relic, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't know about the Dream Sect."

"Of course." Mo Ling admitted.

While Martin was telling the story, he found out that Mo Ling did not believe him. He was not angry, but patiently explained the topic to Mo Ling.

"Do you know why the price of dreams is 500 grams of Korean kimchi in a glass jar? And can it continue to deepen? It's because the depth of dreams set for us by the Creator is 500."

Martin told Moring about the little-known history of the Dream Sect.

The Master of Dreams was the first person to discover dreams.

He has specially trained his ability to lucid dream. After entering the dream, he can quickly realize that he is dreaming and wake up at will.

But at the beginning, the leader did not spread dreams, nor did he create a dream sect. Instead, he entered dreams and did all kinds of strange things.

He does whatever he wants in the dream, and wakes up quickly as soon as he is caught.

The leader regarded dreams as his own paradise and found a way to enter the next level of dreams.

He often enters deep dreams, then starts doing evil things, then keeps waking up, and finally returns to reality.

As long as he doesn't commit any crime in reality, he is still a law-abiding citizen.

As the impact of the catastrophe gradually expanded, the leader also realized that the dream he discovered might be a relic.

He had no intention of telling anyone else about this, and any changes in the world had nothing to do with him.

How can reality be as fun as dreaming?

Constantly sleeping, dreaming, and waking up became his daily life. He hoarded a lot of canned pickles at home and even bought a lot of drugs to help him sleep.

Soon, his savings were gone.

In the dream, he is very powerful, but in reality he is still poor.

Without the help of medication, it was difficult for him to fall asleep again after getting enough sleep, and he had to enter a deeper dream every time he fell asleep.

As long as he enters a deep enough dream, he will have enough time to pour out his desires.

However, one time, amid the constant changes in dream levels, he suddenly forgot which level he was on.

"How many pickles did I put in last time?"

"Is it 519? No."

"It seems to be 521, right?"

"Forget it, never mind."

Finally, he made a decision:

"As long as he stays awake, it doesn't matter how many layers he has."

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