I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 164 A heart that no longer beats

"Okay! Your wish will gradually come true!"

"The relic I gave you is a heart. If you keep using it, you can realize your wish. But if you want to use it, you need to drink more hot water every day. Do you understand?"


Drink more hot water? What does it mean?

Lao Xu didn't understand what the elf meant. He just felt that his heart was very uncomfortable, but there was no pain at all. He just felt very empty.

After a period of strange stiffness, Lao Xu touched his heart and found that it had stopped beating.

"What did you do to me?" Lao Xu asked in shock.

"I'm helping you realize your wish!" The elf replied happily, while reaching out his hand to control the water flow to roll up Lao Xu.

The water surged again, and the elf was submerged in it. Old Xu was also carefully sent outside by the giant hand of the water flow.

The fountain was constantly rising and falling, but there was no moisture on Lao Xu's body. He stood in a daze holding his heart, unable to adapt.

At this moment, the captain happened to pass by and found him in a daze.

"Xu Jianguo! What are you doing standing around? Go find a place to go out!"

"But, captain, this fountain..." Old Xu wanted to tell the captain about the fountain, but the captain was also very anxious at this time and ignored him.

His heart couldn't beat. Lao Xu felt empty and had a very uncomfortable feeling. He covered his heart, gritted his teeth, and rushed in a random direction.

There was an intuition guiding him, and that intuition was constantly reminding Lao Xu - this is the exit!

Old Xu was running staggeringly when he suddenly tripped over a raised stone and rolled to the side of the shell wall.

He climbed up in pain, only to find that the wall here was different.

"Seems particularly weak?"

Lao Xu picked up the flashlight and looked around, and found that just outside the wall was the warehouse where various fertilizers and pesticides were previously stored.

"Shells are afraid of this?"

Although the walls here are weak, the shells are still spreading and may become hardened before long.

Lao Xu quickly shouted: "Found it!"

The investigation team members came over one after another. The captain looked at the wall and said with great joy: "Xu Jianguo, I really have you. I thought you were lazy before!"

The captain quickly took out his relic, a scorching white light flashed, and a hole that could allow one person to pass through appeared in front of everyone.

"It's indeed very weak." The captain patted Lao Xu on the shoulder excitedly.

So, while everyone helped expand the hole, they notified other team members to evacuate from the hole.

Soon everyone came from the cave entrance to the fertilizer warehouse, walked along the warehouse to the power plant, and reconnected the power.

The light came back on, and Lao Xu, with divine help, relied on his own intuition to lead the team around to find the hidden shell people, just like a professional detector.

Those shell people hiding in the darkness were all eliminated, and soon the investigation team regained control of the monitoring station.

At daybreak, the monitoring station was full of fallen shells and crushed shells.

"Xu Jianguo, how did you do that?" The captain gasped and looked at Old Xu in disbelief.

The other teammates were also shocked. They killed more shells in one night than all of them combined before. Even the shells hiding on the roof were discovered by Lao Xu.

It seems that Lao Xu is really a humanoid detector.

Lao Xu was also a little confused. He just led a group of people around and took them there if he felt something was wrong. However, these places where he felt something was wrong were all hidden with shell people.

When the Shell Man is hiding, it is like a stone. It is motionless and makes no sound. It is very difficult to detect, but Lao Xu can accurately find their location.

As the night passed, Old Xu got a little familiar with the feeling of his heart not beating anymore, and it was no longer so uncomfortable. Looking at the curious companions around him, Old Xu couldn't bear it anymore: "Captain, I have something to report to you!"

After hearing Lao Xu's experience, the captain's expression became more serious and asked: "Did you make a wish?"

Lao Xu nodded fearfully.

"What price?" the captain asked.

"Drink more hot water." Old Xu felt guilty.

"No, I'm asking about the price of using the spring water to make a wish, not the price of your ability." The captain explained.

Lao Xu thought for a long time, but he couldn't figure out what he paid.

"have no idea."

Hearing Lao Xu's answer, the captain's face became more solemn. He was very knowledgeable and immediately told Lao Xu the terrible consequences of various wish-making relics.

Listening to the miserable fate of those who made wishes, Lao Xu felt that his heart felt uncomfortable again.

"Captain, save me!"

The captain thought for a moment and comforted him: "You go to the hospital to find a ward to isolate yourself first. I will find someone to guard you. After I finish dealing with those shells, we will discuss your matter."


So Lao Xu found a ward and waited in extreme anxiety for the captain who had finished handling the matter.

The captain led a group of doctors and began to examine Lao Xu.

"How do you feel now?" the doctor asked.

"I feel empty, and my chest feels tight, as if something is missing. If you don't pay attention, it will be fine. I can't feel the beating of my heart, but there is no discomfort in other parts of my body."

"Also, sometimes strange intuitions appear, and they always come true. I think it should be the ability given to me by the spring water. For example, right now, my intuition reminds me that something is wrong with the lamp over there."

As Lao Xu spoke, he pointed to the lamp on the bedside table.

After hearing what Lao Xu said, the doctor turned in the direction he pointed, but his knee accidentally hit the bedside table.

The tabletop shook, and the desk lamp was shaken so much that it hit the ground in a circle.

Fortunately, the captain had quick eyesight and reached out to grab the lamp in his hand.

For a moment, there was silence in the ward.

The doctor's words broke the silence: "If you don't tell me, I won't turn around."

"But I just felt something was wrong with that lamp, and you asked me to express my feelings." Lao Xu explained innocently.

The doctor ignored it and just silently recorded this strange phenomenon.

"You'd better not use this ability casually. Even if you feel something is wrong, don't say anything nonsense."

"Why?" Lao Xu felt that this ability was quite useful.

The doctor's expression was a little serious: "Maybe it's not your intuition that is accurate, but your behavior that leads to the corresponding consequences."

"I discovered those shell people through intuition, as well as the weak wall. This is not caused by my behavior, right?" Lao Xu asked doubtfully.

"Who knows?" the captain asked from the side.

The doctor also nodded.

Lao Xu looked at the two people staring at him with scrutinizing eyes, and suddenly realized that he had now been listed as a key suspect.

The estrangement has arisen unconsciously.

He sighed helplessly.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense."

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