I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 204 The belated Coke can

The familiar dents and scratches, the marks on the Coke can were very familiar to Mo Ling. This was the can he had used to practice his abilities many times.

It was also the jar that he asked the elf to carry him to the future.

But at this time, this Coke didn't feel old at all, as if time had no effect on it.

Although it takes 200 years for a can to degrade, the cola inside has already dried up, right?

Just as he was thinking about it, the elf shook the Coke can, and the sound of liquid sloshing came from inside.

"I regarded your request as a wish and it was successful, so I can fix the state of the Coke can." The elf saw Mo Ling's confusion and explained to him.

It turned out to be so, Mo Ling suddenly realized.

However, the elf's next words shocked Mo Ling.

"I helped you realize your wish, now it's your turn to pay the price." The elf said seriously.

Mo Ling was stunned for a moment.

I didn’t expect to be waiting for him here.

The elf looked at Mo Ling who was in a daze, and finally couldn't help laughing, and said happily: "I'm just kidding, there's no price, I just want to ask you for a small favor."

Hearing this, Mo Ling breathed a sigh of relief: "Just tell me, it should be."

Seeing that Mo Ling agreed, the elf pointed at the crack that had not disappeared: "I will enter this can of Coke later. Please help me take it over there."

Mo Ling looked along the crack and asked doubtfully: "The sea?"

"Yes, take it to the sea. There is the third level of the abyss over there." The elf nodded and confirmed.

At this time, there was no sign of the spinner turtle. It seemed that it had already sunk into the sea. Seawater was still flowing out of the crack, irrigating the desert.

Mo Ling nodded.

He doesn't know how long he can stay in this state now, and he must complete the elf's request as soon as possible.

"You go in, I'll send you there."


The elf handed the Coke back to Mo Ling's hand.

It was obviously not heavy, but it was heavy when Mo Ling picked it up.

Although it looks like an ordinary can of Coke, Moling knows that it may have the richest experience among Cokes.

The elf floated in the air, gathering all the golden light around him.

It reluctantly looked back at the original location of the fountain, then plunged straight into the Coke.

"Let's go." The elf's thin voice came from Mo Ling's hand.

Holding on to the Coke, Mo Ling found a deserted place and flew toward the crack in the sky.

It seemed that the crack was too big. The crack looked very close, but Mo Ling flew for a long time and didn't reach it.

While flying, Mo Ling couldn't help but ask the elf in the Coke can: "Why do you want to go to the third level of the abyss?"

The elf was silent for a long time before answering Mo Ling's question.

"Because the future of Oasis City does not have me."


"What do you mean?" Mo Ling asked confused.

"Although I can't see my future, I know that there is no Wishing Fountain in the future of Oasis. The disappearance of this character means that I died or went to another place."

The elf seemed very depressed.

"Oasis City didn't need me in the first place. To them, I am just a relic with endless troubles."

Upon hearing this, Mo Ling understood instantly.

For Oasis City, the elf can only be regarded as an uncontrollable relic, and it has "punished" many people during this crisis.

Although everything happened for a reason, it was indeed the elf himself.

No one will know why the elf did what he did, and no one will understand the elf's "final wish" plan.

Except for Mo Ling.

After thinking about it clearly, Morrington had nothing to say.

It was obvious that he had silently saved the relics of Oasis City, but the elf might still get a bad rap for it.

The humans in Oasis City will definitely not be able to understand what the elves did, and the wishing fountain will never be opened again.

If the elf continues to stay in Oasis City, the best outcome will be an eternal ban.

The Spin Turtle flew away, but the crisis in Oasis City must have an outcome.

The little boy is the hero who saved Oasis City.

What about the Demon King?

"People will praise heroes and spurn the devil. This is the fate of stories." The elf explained: "The simpler the story, the more people will remember it."

“It’s also easier for the public to accept.”

“Rather than ‘final wish,’ ‘everyone’s sacrifice,’ that doesn’t really resonate.”

"Compared to a hero who saves the world, an alien who saves the world is unacceptable."

"I know humans."

Listening to these familiar words, Mo Ling seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help but ask: "The world is a novel? The protagonist can only be human?"

But Mo Ling's words stunned the elf.

After a long time, the elf asked speechlessly:

"Are you from the Dream Sect?"


This conversation seemed familiar.

"Ahem, I'm not." Mo Ling quickly denied, "It's just that what you said is very similar to what someone I know said."

"But are you too absolute? Are humans really that superficial?" Mo Ling still disagreed.

"This is not superficial, it is a racial trait of human beings, just like shell people also have racial traits. This is an unchangeable fact."

The elf changed the topic: "Only humans will believe that the world is a novel, because from a human perspective, the world is a story, changing according to time and space, ups and downs."

"What about from a non-human perspective?" Mo Ling asked curiously.

"Just think about Li Xiangyi's perspective, which is a non-human perspective. The world is made up of scenes of abstract pictures. There is no time and space. It's amazing that she can still behave like a normal human being. "The little elf sighed.

Hearing this, Mo Ling also recalled Li Xiangyi's behavior. He could only say that it was a bit strange compared to normal people, but it was not out of the scope of normal people at all.

"Will she really continue to live a normal life in Oasis City?" Mo Ling still couldn't believe it.

"I don't know, I can't see what's behind." The elf answered bluntly.

As the two talked, they were getting closer and closer to the crack.

From a distance, this is just a "crack", but when you get closer, you realize that the crack that allows the turtle to pass is more like a "rift" that tears the sky apart.

Endless seawater flows out of it and pours into the desert.

"Stay close to the edge above the crack, you should be able to put me in." The elf reminded.

Mo Ling nodded and flew towards the top of the crack.

The edges of the cracks were like broken pieces of glass, very smooth, and there were even some small cracks extending around.

When we got closer, we realized how powerful the impact of the sea water was.

Under the influence of water pressure, seawater spurts out of the cracks like a leaky pipe.

Not only that, the tiny cracks are slowly expanding.

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