I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 214 Ashore

The captain of the transport ship smiled, and it didn't take long to get acquainted with Captain He.

"You said you are coming from Oasis City? Is this the maiden voyage?"

Captain He nodded: "Yes, the entry point to the sea is near here, and the route is very safe. There are not even any large marine creatures."

The captain was very surprised: "So, this place will be opened in the future, and it may become a commonly used port?"

"That's right."

Hearing Captain He's affirmative answer, the captain was thoughtful and seemed to be thinking about the future: "It's going to be lively around here."

The conversation between the two was just a sideshow.

Captain He was surprised to see Li Luo preparing to change ships.

"Are you going to the end of the route?"

"Yes, I want to go to the fourth floor." Li Luo nodded.

"You must pay attention to safety on the third floor. After all, it is not land. You must be careful about everything and ask for more help. Everyone who can get here is quite united." Captain He asked with concern.

Li Luo agreed seriously.

Compared to when she first entered the abyss, she was no longer so lonely.

After bidding farewell to Captain He, Li Luo walked towards the transport ship.

Tiny chatter came from behind:

"Help take care of me. This young man is from Oasis City. It's his first time going down to the third floor."

"It's easy to say..."

This goodwill continues to be passed on.

Surprisingly, Li Luo was the only one who changed ships. The captain even found a small room for Li Luo to sit outside the cargo hold.

"We'll get to Fish-Man Island soon. It will take about half a day. If you're bored, just wander around on the boat. If you have any questions, just come to me or just ask anyone on the boat."


Just like that, the transport ship began to move forward slowly.

The strange sand ship is also getting further and further away from the field of vision.

Slowly only an endless sea is left.

This transport ship is not big, and the cargo carried is very small. Most of them are old daily necessities.

There are many items such as clothing, food seasonings, kitchen utensils, and lighters, and they are of various types. Just like moving, they are packed in simple boxes, and packing is very simple.

Even different types of things are packaged together in a very perfunctory way, not like goods for trading at all.

"It's like packing up used garbage and throwing it away." Mo Ling looked at the debris and thought uncontrollably.

The supplies in the abyss are very scarce, so everything must be used sparingly.

But it is impossible to keep everything. It will definitely be replaced. These goods should be obsolete items.

Mo Ling even saw a kitchen knife without a handle among the debris. The knife was extremely dull and even had some rust on the surface.

"Can this really be regarded as goods?" Mo Ling couldn't help but mutter in her heart.

Fortunately, although it looks like a pile of garbage, the goods are very clean and look like they have been carefully cleaned.

The cargo hold was filled to the brim with these second-hand supplies, and the tall cargo piles swayed as the transport ship moved.

There was nothing wrong with the seemingly crude packaging method, but it just looked a little shaky.

Time passed quickly on the ship, and the transport ship had begun to slow down as it swayed.

"Is it about to arrive?" Mo Ling quickly looked outside the ship.

The transport ship is still at sea, but its speed is getting slower and slower.

what happens? Why did it suddenly slow down?

Just when Mo Ling was confused, the transport ship plunged into a thick fog.

The cargo hold suddenly became dark.

Immediately afterwards, the thick fog seeped into the ship.

The sky was clear just now, why did it suddenly become so foggy?

The thick fog was even a little black, filled with a strange damp and rotten smell. As soon as it poured into the warehouse, some turbid water droplets hung on the goods.

The originally relatively clean cargo pile suddenly became very "dirty" and looked very old.

The gray fog quickly reduced visibility, and in the blink of an eye, the transport ship had fallen into the fog area.

"Is it because we encountered this thick fog that we slowed down?" Mo Ling guessed.

It seems to be for safety reasons.

The flashing red lights in the warehouse looked very scary in the thick fog. The light was refracted by the thick fog and blurred into a ball, like the eyes of some kind of creature.

The lights in the corridor of the transport ship seemed to be affected by the moisture, and they would suddenly go out after a while.

Moist water droplets quickly climbed all over the wall, slowly streaking down the rust stains, making the weather-beaten transport ship look even more dated.

After visibility decreases, senses other than vision become extremely sensitive.

There was a "crunching" sound of metal friction coming from the bottom of the warehouse.

There were also some small sounds of the collision of broken goods and kitchen utensils knocking against each other, echoing in the small warehouse.

The damp vapor made the smell of staleness and decay more obvious.

Mo Ling even felt that he could smell the stale smell on those goods:

There is a faint smell of cooking fumes from the kitchen utensils.

The sour human body odor in the laundry.

The fermented smell of expired seasonings.

This thick black fog seems to have a magical power, which can make objects become obsolete and cause decay to occur in advance.

The stale and fishy smell in the air became stronger and stronger, and the transport ship moved slower and slower, as if it was stuck in mud.

Li Luo also realized something was wrong and walked onto the deck with the cube.

Thick fog indeed covered the entire transport ship, and the deck became very slippery, full of water droplets, and was getting heavier.

The searchlight on the top of the ship penetrated the fog, pierced into the distance, and disappeared on the sea not far away.

With limited vision, Mo Ling could not see the scene ahead. He could only feel that the speed of the transport ship was still slowing down, almost stagnant, and it was just drifting forward along with the inertia.

In this dim environment, the sound of the crew talking on the deck was also very obvious.

"I have to clean the boat again when I go back. It's really troublesome. I don't want to work on this boat anymore."

"You also have to clean up other ships, but our ship will be a little more troublesome. It has such a short voyage, is so safe, and the pay is so high. How can other ships be so good? Just be content."

"Hey, just say it casually. What's going on on Fish-Man Island? The fog has gotten heavier and heavier recently. Is it related to the traditional festival on the island?"

"I don't know. You should ask the fish people, or ask those strange people on the island. They may know."

"I won't go. If I stay on the island for a long time, I will have trouble breathing. Don't you think it's fishy? It smells like dead fish. Those fishmen also smell like this."

"Of course I can't stand it, but I just have to bear with it. The fishmen are very friendly, so if it smells bad, it just smells bad. Maybe they think it smells good."

"Well, maybe, we can finish this trip early and return early..."

"Stop complaining, it's time to drop anchor, go quickly."

The conversation between the two came to an abrupt end.

Immediately afterwards, there was the clanging sound of anchor chains.

The transport ship just docked, and dim lights flashed on the shore.

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