I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 216 Fishman Island

"Captain, you taught us relay transportation last time, and the patriarch praised me for being smart when we got home, so I rushed to receive the goods this time."

The captain wiped his sweat and "praised": "You are indeed smart, Jeff, you are different from other fishmen."

With that said, the captain also patted Jeff on the shoulder.

Jeff's body was covered with water. It took the captain a few pats to realize something was wrong, and he quickly wiped the water on Jeff's clothes. As a result, the more he wiped, the dirtier it became.

"Jeff, why are your clothes so dirty?" the captain said with disgust on his face: "You don't want to wash them either."

"That's how it is on Fish-Man Island. I washed it too, but it happened again the next day." Jeff said blankly, looking down at the clothes.

The captain had no choice but to wipe his hands with a handkerchief: "Ask your brother to carry the cargo up."

Jeff responded, went to the exit of the cargo hold, and spoke a strange language to the fish-men below.

The huge wooden box was carried up by several fishmen. The captain couldn't wait to open it, and the contents inside were also exposed.

Inside the box is an old metal part, but it is already rusty and the shape is basically unclear. However, the strange patterns engraved on these parts have not disappeared, and some are even still shining slightly.

When the captain saw these glowing rune parts, his eyes lit up and he grabbed them directly without caring whether his hands were dirty or not.

"The things you have collected lately are getting better and better." The captain said in surprise, holding a rune part.

"Because we were going to hold the Sea Moon Ceremony, we renovated a lot of places and dug up a lot. There are still some in the village, but they haven't been sorted out yet. We will move them here next time," Jeff explained.

He pulled out another part similar to a handle from the depths of the box: "This one is a relic that can still be used, but the patriarch said it was useless to the fishmen and asked me to put it in for trading."

The captain stared directly at the parts in Jeff's hand: "What is the purpose of this relic?"

Jeff thought for a while and said uncertainly: "It seems to be able to control the salt content of liquids. The range is quite wide. I don't know the cost."

The captain nodded: "It's a good thing. Can it be converted into fresh water?"


Hearing this, the captain's face was full of joy. He quickly ran to the cargo hold and moved a box of wine.

"Send this to your clan leader, and you can just say it's a gift from the captain."

Jeff didn't say anything and asked his companion to move the wine down.

"Captain, let's go back and prepare the Haiyue Ceremony."

"Okay, okay, you guys, go back." The captain was playing with the relic, unable to move his eyes away, with a look of joy on his face.

But something suddenly occurred to him, and he asked Li Luo, who was on the side, to follow the fish people back: "You have to go to the fish people village and ask when the boat in the other direction will leave."

After Li Luo thanked him, he followed the fish people off the boat.

As soon as he landed, Li Luo stepped on the mud.

The land on Fishman Island is very humid, similar to a tidal flat, and will even sink when you step on it.

"Just go ashore," Jeff reminded enthusiastically.

"Okay." Li Luo quickly quickened his pace, and sure enough, he stopped sinking further when he reached land far away from the coast.

But at this time, the ground was still covered with mud, as if it had just rained.

The fog seemed to be getting heavier, and a fishy and rotten smell floated from all around, permeating the thick fog.

"Can you still adapt to it?" Jeff followed up and asked curiously: "Many humans who come here for the first time are not very adaptable to Fish-Man Island."

"It's okay, has Fish-Man Island always been like this?" Li Luo didn't really care.

Jeff's gills twitched twice: "Yes, it has been like this since I was born. The Sea Moon Ceremony is coming, and the fog has become much thicker."


"Yes, it is recorded in ancient books that during every Haiyue ceremony, the thick fog on the island will spread faster and even affect the surrounding sea areas." Jeff explained.

Li Luo nodded and did not continue to ask.

At this time, Mo Ling also remembered the thick fog on the sea before. It seemed that the fog came from the Fish-Man Island.

What does this sea moon ceremony have to do with the fog?

Mo Ling originally thought it was an ordinary traditional festival of fishmen, but now it seems that this festival is also related to the climate.

Just like the twenty-four solar terms of human beings, festivals are used to distinguish changes in natural rhythms.

In fact, it is a summary of the rules of climate change in a year.

The twenty-four solar terms are a product of farming civilization. Looking at the level of civilization of this group of fish people, it seems that they are also a farming civilization that relies on islands to eat islands. It is not surprising that festivals can correspond to climate changes.

However, Jeff's words denied Mo Ling's guess.

"You came at the right time. The Haiyue Ceremony is only held once every two hundred years, and I have never seen it before."

Two hundred years?

Mo Ling was a little surprised.

What festival can repeat every two hundred years?

The reason why humans can summarize the twenty-four solar terms is because the climate cycle is exactly the same every year, and humans have gained life experience after constantly experiencing it.

But how to summarize the two-hundred-year cycle?

Is it possible that there are fish people who can live for two hundred years?

Li Luo on the side was also shocked by Jeff's words: "Do you only hold it once every two hundred years?"

Jeff nodded: "Yes, even the big patriarch has never met. He can only find the content about Haiyue Li from ancient books, which has made him very busy recently."

Hearing this, Li Luo also had a question similar to Mo Ling's: "Do you fishmen live very long?"

"It's not long. It's about the same as humans. That's why no one has seen Haiyueli. We all arranged it according to what is recorded in ancient books." Jeff scratched the fish's head. This matter seemed to bother him.

It is indeed not that simple to recreate the festival of two hundred years ago.

"If the Sea Moon Ceremony is not held, the fog will continue to worsen, and the decay of the entire island will accelerate and even affect our lives. This is recorded in ancient books." Jeff said seriously.

Seeing that Li Luo was very interested in Hai Yue Li, Jeff told her about Hai Yue Li while walking.

Murlocs do not have the advanced recording methods that humans do.

They also don't have any paper books, because the paper will rot in a few days on Fish-Man Island.

For them, the only way to understand tradition and history is to read the "Old Fish-Man Books".

It was a wooden book recorded on the "Immortal Wood", which recorded various precious histories of the fishmen in the fishman language.

There are even some powerful strength training methods recorded in ancient fish-man books.

It can be said that these ancient books are the inheritance of civilization for the fish people.

Moreover, these ancient books are everywhere on the island, and you can even find one or two when digging holes, but the most precious ones have been collected by the Fishman Village.

The Haiyue Ceremony is recorded in one of the most precious books.

It was an ancient book called "The Fishman's Calendar".

According to the records in "The Fishman Calendar", the Sea Moon Ceremony is an extremely important ceremony, and it is even recorded on the first page of the book, with an emphasis on it, which is extremely eye-catching.

This is also the reason why the fish people value Haiyue Li so much.

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