I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 227 Rune Curve

While sighing, Mo Ling also discovered that whether they were fishmen or these pseudo-fishmen, they had a high degree of trust in ancient books.

"It's like some sort of behavioral guide."

At the beginning, Mo Ling thought that the ancient fish-man books only recorded some very rough things, just like human history books, which recorded major events that had happened in the past.

But after seeing the ancient book in person, Mo Ling realized that his understanding was wrong.

Compared to a "history book", the fish-man ancient book is more like a "diary" of some kind, recording down events in the past in every detail.

At the same time, this also adds to its credibility.

“There is nothing more trustworthy than the personal experience of those who have gone before us.”

Li Luo on the side listened thoughtfully to Jeff's explanation, still looking at the ball with some confusion.

"What are these little balls that trap food for?"

"Deploy the moon altar." Jeff said: "You need to put these small balls in the corresponding positions."

"What's the use of that?" Li Luo asked.

Jeff shook his head: "I don't know. The ancient books only record how to arrange it, but not the specific function."

Hearing this, Li Luo was a little surprised.

"I don't know the specific function. Do you still want to take such a big risk to arrange it?"

If it weren't for Mo Ling and Li Luo's presence during the Shijiu hunt just now, these pseudo-murlocs would have suffered heavy losses.

How dare they take such a big risk for an arrangement whose function they don't know?

Jeff looked at the confused Li Luo and picked up a small ball from the ground. He slowly explained: "It's just because I don't know the specific function that I have to arrange everything in detail."

"Just like you humans assemble machines, we are a group of assemblers who have no idea what the parts do, assembling the machine 'Moon Altar'."

"Because we can't distinguish the functions of the parts, we don't know which ones are key parts and which ones are just for 'beauty', so we can't make any reductions. Any seemingly small link may be a key point."

"What's more, this link is very cumbersome, and it is more likely to be a more important link."

Jeff sighed and said helplessly:

"If we don't fully grasp the technical system, we can only use stupid methods to completely copy the entire chain without any omissions or simplifications."

"This will ensure that there will be no accidents."

Listening to the conversation between Jeff and Li Luo, Mo Ling also realized the problem:

It is true that the fishman ancient book is a "diary".

But when normal people write diaries, they write "narratives" rather than "explanatory texts."

A diary is a record written by yourself.

So no one will "teach" themselves.

For example, the diary will write "I opened the door with the key", but will not write "I opened the door with the key, because the mechanical structure of the door lock is like this, the lock tongue, the body, the pull tab...", and then draw it by the way. The previous diagram.

This will not appear in the diary.

This is also a certain technical barrier, because these "principles" are just common sense that can be ignored in the eyes of the recorder.

Under the special recording method of ancient fish-man books, fish-men can only copy the operations of their predecessors once.

But they don't know why they do it.

In order to prevent accidents, we can only copy it without making any changes.

"This is the limitation of style."

While possessing both authenticity and coherence, diaries are bound to contain the one-sidedness and subjectivity of the recorder.

This is the price...

After Jeff finished speaking, Li Luo nodded understandingly.

“How are these balls going to be arranged?”

"Put it in the slot." Jeff looked around and pointed to the center of a rune line in the distance, where there was a very hidden gap.

The rune line looked very small from a distance, but when I actually walked to the moon altar, I realized that the rune line was as wide as a road, and the gap was hidden in the engraved fishman language.

That happened to be the position of the eye of a small fry. If Jeff hadn't reminded him specifically, he wouldn't have thought it was a slot.

The gap is a hemispherical shape that is concave inward, just about the same size as a small ball of immortal wood.

"No wonder Kuchiki has to be processed like this."

Mo Ling was still wondering why the immortal wood had to be shaped like a small ball. Wouldn't it be easier to hunt if it was made into a stick?

Or make it into a piece of mesh and throw it directly into the sea.

Wouldn't it be more efficient to catch old food like that?

Right now, the answer is right in front of you - to pair with the slot.

The fish people have already planned the next step.

"Can I let him go now?" Li Luo asked curiously.

"Of course, you go and try it."

After getting the affirmative answer, Li Luo took the ball and walked to the slot.

Then he squatted down and carefully put the little ball in.

The small ball rolled into it smoothly and got stuck in the groove. There seemed to be a strange suction force holding the small ball in place.

When Li Luo tried to pull it out again, the ball was firmly embedded in the groove and motionless.

The little fry on the rune line suddenly had eyes.

Suddenly, the fog stopped...

The sea breeze disappeared.

In an instant, the air near the fry suddenly solidified.

The rhythmic sound of the waves also disappeared in an instant.

The ball still rolling on the ground suddenly stopped.

Even everyone present suddenly became stiff in their movements.

Mo Ling had been staring at the slot, and when he saw this strange change, he immediately became nervous.

"what happens?"

He immediately raised his altitude, and his vision was as far as he could see, covering the entire area.

"Everyone stopped?"

Mo Ling saw a scene that shocked him. In a spherical area about fifty meters in diameter near the fish's eye, everything stopped moving.

Outside the spherical area, it is extremely normal.

Both things and people are fixed within this space.

The only ones that can move within this spherical area are blocks.

However, Moring soon discovered another thing in motion.

Rune lines!

The little fry that had been "dotted" began to swim in this solidified area!

It’s real swimming, not an illusion!

The small fry seemed to suddenly come to life, and began to surround the entire spherical area following the interconnected fish-man language.

It is like a new life, looking around curiously and interacting with the pictures in the fish-man language.

When a small fry jumps into the sea, it will make a splash.

If you get into a school of fish, you will lead the fish around.

When it swims to the moon, it will be illuminated by the moon.

It will also quickly escape from the sun, be chased by sharks, and will be stranded on land and bounce to other words...

However, these interactions only occur within the spherical region.

Whenever it reaches the edge of the spherical area, the small fry seems to have hit a wall and cannot get out at all.

After swimming around the edge for a while and realizing it was blocked, the fry swam back.

Then continue to swim in the rune lines...

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