I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 229 Transforming into a Dragon

The strange dragon flew in front of this horizontal line.

The horizontal line had been broken in half by the previous destruction and was very fragile.

The strange dragon looked at the horizontal line with a furious look on his face.

It didn't pay attention to this ordinary text before.

Compared with other words, "dream" seems a little special.

Whenever the little fry from before comes here, all kinds of strange stitched words will start to fall on the horizontal line.

These stitched words are like a mixture of various strokes, very abstract.

After appearing out of thin air from the horizontal line, the stitched words will hit the little fry underneath, but these stitched words will not cause any harm to the little fry, and will only let it experience a short adventure.

Then, these stitched words will suddenly shatter and disappear without a trace.

The strange dragon looked at this horizontal line, stretched out his hand to grab it, and the fracture began to slowly heal.

Soon, the complete horizontal line appeared in front of me.

Various stitched words began to fall into the completely repaired horizontal lines.

These stitched words are very dreamy, and the way they are combined is also very unexpected.

Weilong looked at these stitched words, and there was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, as if he had returned to his childhood.

But this moment of nostalgia was quickly swallowed up by desire.

It reached out and tore apart the stitched words that were slowly falling like bubbles, and rushed upward against the horizontal lines.

The fallen stitched text was also shattered by the strange dragon without hesitation.

"What does it want to do?"

Mo Ling didn't understand what this strange dragon was doing.

Why does it want to repair the dream?

Mo Ling couldn't guess what would happen next.

However, the moment the strange dragon crossed the horizontal line, Mo Ling understood.

I saw that the strange dragon no longer melted into the rune lines on the ground, but jumped over the dragon gate and jumped into the air.

It broke free from the prison of words and flew up.

The extra strokes on the strange dragon's body were cut open by horizontal lines and fell back to the ground.

The strange dragon abandoned those mistakes and jumped into another dimension with an extremely simple gesture.

It is no longer a creature on the runes, but free from the runes, high above, no longer trapped by the cage, no longer limited by the fragile words.

"It jumped over the dragon gate with the help of dreams?"

Mo Ling could no longer suppress the shock in his heart.

The strange dragon was also ecstatic. After feeling its own changes, it floated in the air and turned around.

But when it saw its former world, it was stunned.

The strange dragon stared blankly at the runes underneath, in disbelief.

In its eyes, complex emotions are constantly intertwined, including confusion and confusion, surprise and shock, and also a hint of bewilderment and fear.

These emotions even outweighed the joy of escaping from the cage, and the fear spread.

At this moment, this mighty dragon was like a helpless child.

Mo Ling had never seen the strange dragon be so scared. This heartfelt fear even made the strange dragon tremble a little.

Would the overlord of the world be so afraid?

Just when Mo Ling was confused, a weak but extremely desperate murmur came into the square.

"My world is a string of words?"

It was a kind of extreme despair. When Mo Ling heard this voice, it felt like the world was shattering.

The strange dragon's gaze swept across the fragmented world.

That was the place where it once lived, but it had already devastated all living beings.

The lightless sun, the dried sea, the land turned into dust...

Its original settlement was splendid, and the treasures and power it plundered from other characters were piled up like mountains.

The dazzling colorful light shines on the dazzling walls made of beautiful stones, and the exquisite gemstone dragon-shaped carvings shine brightly.

The mighty and domineering throne exudes a cool air, which is the eternal glacier taken from other words.

Luxurious and dreamy.

That is the Dragon Palace that belongs to it.

But now, Dragon Palace is just a word.

A nicer word.

"How could this happen? How could this happen?"

The strange dragon was greatly shocked and kept mumbling.

"Then what am I?"

It looked at itself and saw that there was no powerful dragon body.

It's just a simple drawing.

Add a ball.

A wooden ball.

"Am I a ball?"

The strange dragon soon realized that this wooden ball was the source of its uniqueness.

The so-called powerful body and unlimited power are just ordinary words.

Its eyes suddenly began to dodge, and it even dared not look at itself anymore.

The majesty it felt at the beginning disappeared, and the strange dragon trembled all over. Without looking at the world it once had, it turned around and flew into the sky without looking back. It hurriedly looked like the innocent creatures it had once chased.

It is a deserter at the moment, and fear is driving it to flee further.

Escape from your original world.

Get away from it all.

"A little further, a little further..."


However, just as it looked higher, it froze again.

That is a slowly moving block...

Just like the sun once, floating in the sky.

But this metal square sun has no light or temperature, just like a stone, just looking at itself silently.

The strange dragon froze.

It no longer continued to escape, but faced off against the cube in the sky.

The strange dragon wanted to show off its powerful abilities, but after shaking all over, nothing happened. The four dragon claws were weak and weak, and they grabbed a few times in the air, only blowing a few breezes.

All of its abilities are based on its ability to interfere with text.

But now, there were no words for him to influence.

The strange dragon's stiff body began to tremble uncontrollably. It had never experienced such a weak feeling.

As fear spread, its body began to slowly turn black.

It could no longer control its body, and despair broke out again, shouting hoarsely and asking the square in the sky:

"Creator, why do you do this to me!"


Before the confused Mo Ling could react, the strange dragon howled and fell into the abyss.

It fell helplessly and smashed through the horizontal lines in the void.

Finally, when the strange dragon fell into the last horizontal line, it returned to the original rune plane again and hit the ground heavily.

It fell to the ground limply, unable to move.

The horizontal dragon gate is still floating quietly in the air, as if it is mocking the strange dragon, and a stitched text slowly falls down like a bubble and hits it.

The dream bubble bursts, and its dream comes again.

This time, it is no longer able to tear these sutured words into pieces.

The little fry had a dream of transforming into a dragon.

When the dream dissipates, the dragon body and the dream are shattered together.

The little fry started swimming again, swam to its original position and stayed there quietly.

It became a lifeless text again.

Li Luo slowly raised his hand and turned to look at Jeff.

"Is this okay?"

"That's it."

"It's pretty simple."

"Of course, nothing complicated."


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