I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 231 Counterclockwise

When the platform rotates counterclockwise, the fry also swim counterclockwise along the center of the cross and move backwards.

Mo Ling didn't know if this was a special design, but he always felt it was a little strange.

He flew to a high place, followed the rune lines, and slowly read out the fishman language near the platform:


"The fish dreams of the moon, the fish leaps into the dream, time and space, the clock space..."

This is, a poem?

Mo Ling was a little surprised.

None of the fish-man languages ​​he had seen before had a style similar to poetry.

However, the moment Mo Ling understood this rune line, he realized that the current paragraph was a poem, a very strange poem.

Mo Ling had carefully observed the runes on the moon altar before. Compared with the "diary"-like record form in the ancient fish-men books, the rune lines on the moon altar could clearly see the shadow of "poetry".

Most of them are written in a hazy and intermittent manner, with no meaning at all.

"Why use poetry?" Mo Ling was confused.

Is it because the poem fits the theme of Haiyueli better?

In the thick fog, these complex and mysterious runes lay quietly on the moon altar, with unknown meaning.

"Jeff, what else is missing?"

"No, this is the last step."

Jeff looked at the platform in a daze, as if he had not expected that the most difficult part of arranging the moon altar would be completed so easily.

The shrimp-headed man's eyes flickered between the platform and Jeff, his two shrimp tentacles kept swinging, and he asked cautiously: "Hai Yue Li, can we come to participate? I just want to see what it's like."

The other pseudo-fishmen heard what the shrimp-headed man said and echoed expectantly: "Yes, even if they don't agree with us going to the Moon Altar, it's okay to let us watch from a distance."

"In two hundred years, we can only see this once in our lifetime."

Jeff nodded: "I will talk to the patriarch. This shouldn't be difficult."

Jeff's words were like reassurance, and all the pseudo-fishmen present showed expectant eyes.

"I really want to see what it was like back then. Fish-Man Island is always lifeless. It hasn't been this lively for a long time."

"The last time it was so lively was when there was navigation with humans. They brought a lot of new things."

"Yes, humans are such a lively race. Why are we fishmen so dull?"

The pseudo-fish people relaxed and started chatting. While they were chatting about humans, they looked at Li Luo with admiration in their eyes.

"When I was among the shrimp people before, the shrimp people also felt that humans were very friendly, because other races would directly attack the shrimp people when they saw them, but only humans made friends when they came up."

"Why do humans want so many friends? Is this the price of their race?"

Speaking of this issue, the pseudo-murlocs all looked at Li Luo again.

Li Luo was not embarrassed when facing these glances, he just lowered his head and thought deeply.

After a moment, she answered uncertainly.

"It's just because humans are too weak."

Li Luo's answer didn't seem to satisfy the pseudo-fish people.

They retorted:

"I think humans are not weak. Your weapons are very powerful, and your research and utilization of relics are also very in-depth."

"Even in the abyss, they can still eat and drink without worrying about food and drink, and they can also wear beautiful clothes. How can such a race be considered weak?"

Such a rhetorical question made Li Luo freeze on the spot. She probably had not considered such a question.

Are humans considered a powerful race?

Is it humility, or are humans really not that powerful?

The pseudo-fish people were chatting, and suddenly someone asked this question:

"If the fish-men were as powerful as humans, what would we do?"

But it was such a simple question that made everyone fall into silence.

The pseudo-fish people all lowered their heads in thought, but no one answered for a long time.

Finally, someone sighed: "I can't figure it out."

"me too."

"Why are you thinking so much? The fish-men are just fine like this."

"That's right."

As the pseudo-fish people talked, they started talking about other topics.

Only Jeff was still in a daze, his eyes were lifeless, and his fish eyes seemed to be looking into the distance through the fog.

On the other side, there are still some fishmen who are busy. They are carrying heavy goods. They have just arrived at the top of the Moon Altar with difficulty from the passage, and then turned around and devoted themselves to other work. The water flow was controlled intermittently, and they seemed to be a little overworked. .

Jeff slowly raised his hand, but then put it down feebly.

He looked at Li Luo and asked curiously: "Do you humans also do manual labor?"

Li Luo was stunned: "Of course."

"Are there many people like this?" Jeff asked.

"It's quite a lot, but it will be easier if you can use machinery."

When Jeff heard this, he thought for a while: "The machine is the conveyor belt on the previous transport ship?"


Seeing that Jeff was so curious, Li Luo started to learn about some of the machines commonly used by humans...

"Although machines are used, currently, there are still a lot of manual jobs that need to be done by people, but humans have also been developing in the direction of liberating the labor force."

After listening to Li Luo's introduction, Jeff nodded thoughtfully.

"If the fishmen become stronger, they should also free up the labor force."

Thinking of this, Jeff's eyes were filled with yearning.

But the figure flashing in the mist brought him back to reality.

"For so many years in the fish-men clan, from the time I was born to now, it seems that nothing has changed."

"We do everything according to the ancient fish-man books. We don't know why, and we can't figure out the principles. We always know what we know, and we will never understand what we don't know."

"If I hadn't come into contact with these pseudo-murlocs who came back from the outside, I would still be in a daze, wallowing in the mire every day. Maybe when I die, the murlocs will still be like this."

"Two hundred years later, during the Haiyue Ceremony, there was another group of people who struggled to set up the Moon Altar, risking their lives to fight against Shijiu, and muddleheadedly doing what the fish-men's ancient books told them to do."

"Four hundred years, six hundred years, eight hundred years..."

"The cycle goes on and on, and it's still the same."

Jeff slowly confided his troubles to Li Luo, desperate and helpless. It seemed that this was also the knot that had troubled him for a long time.

The expansion of his knowledge brought Jeff not only more comprehensive thinking, but also countless troubles.

The more you know, the more you want to change.

But he couldn't do it.

He is just an ordinary fishman. He has no way or power to interfere with the development of the entire tribe.

Jeff became more and more lonely as he spoke, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

"I can't even get the village to accept the pseudo-murlocs."

"I can't change anything..."

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