I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 271 The Dragon that Breaks the Boundary

The sun rose slowly, and the early morning sunlight slowly covered the giant dragon.

The giant dragon did not hesitate and chased towards the sun.

But just like the little fry trying to catch the moon before, the dragon flew for a long time and seemed unable to touch the distant sun.

There was no other way, the giant dragon could only stop in mid-air.

"Maybe we are going in the wrong direction." Zero One said suddenly.

"What's the meaning?"

"We should not destroy these illusions, we should destroy the real things in this scene, the places that really carry authority."

After hearing Zero One's suggestion, the little fish fry still didn't understand.

"Real things? What is real here?" Looking at the various scenes combined, the little fish couldn't tell which ones were real and which ones were fake.

"You don't need to look for it anymore, the real thing is right in front of you." Zero One lowered his head to look at the sea.

A ferocious dragon is hovering above the sea.

The little fry stared blankly for a long time before suddenly realizing.

The only real thing is us.

"Do you want to kill yourself?" the little fish asked in a daze.

"You got it."

The little fish froze in place. He never expected that he would make such a decision.

"If you can't move, you can let me do it." Zero One's calm voice came over.

It seems to think it's a very simple thing.

"No, I'll do it myself."

The little fry didn't hesitate or doubt Ling Yi's words. The sun's authority instantly descended on the dragon's body.

Pieces of dragon scales began to turn black, and scorching heat continued to penetrate from the outside.

The little fry once again felt the despair it felt when it saw the sun for the first time. The inescapable pain penetrated into its heart, destroying its body and will.

This time, there will be no more months to heal its pain.

It seemed to feel that the heat was torturing it and intertwined with its thoughts, breaking through the sky and rising to a higher level.

Countless rays of light struck the little fry, which was mixed in the red storm and left to its own devices, alive and dead.

Until all perception is lost.

Everything was dark.

"You can wake up."

Zero One called it softly.

The burning heat just now disappeared completely, and everything around him felt like water.

The little fry struggled and slowly woke up.

"Look below."

As soon as he woke up, his vision was still blurry, and the little fish followed Zero One's prompts and looked down in a daze.

But at this glance, the little fry suddenly woke up.

There is no longer a calm sea below.

Nor are they the ruins of destruction.

It was a bottomless ravine composed of "horizontal and vertical twists and turns". Within the ravine was an endless black void.

"What is this?" the little fish asked blankly.

"That's text." Zero One explained calmly.

The little fry looked at those ravines for a long time before coming back to his senses.

"My world is a string of words?"

For a moment, it couldn't tell whether the scene in front of it was real or fake.

Could it be that the fish haven't escaped from those illusions yet?

However, a new authority power appeared in its body.


The little fry felt this authority seriously, and his thoughts gradually became clearer.

Dreaming about authority represents a breakthrough.

That's the ability to cross boundaries.

"Have we found a way to break through the shackles?" The little fish fry couldn't believe it.

It never expected that this conquest would actually allow them to escape from the cage, cross the edge, and stand at a higher angle.

It's just that the truth of the world is a little too absurd.

The little fry scanned the scenes they had conquered, and they were all just simple words.

No wonder.

No wonder those scenes are so pure, because the meaning of these words is so pure.

The sea is the sea and the sun is the sun.

The same goes for authority. In the world of words, words themselves represent power.

These words that express scenery also represent other meanings, and those meanings are authority.

The little fry also discovered that there was a fish-shaped gully on the words conquered by the fish.

The fish-shaped ravine replaces the strokes of the original text, but it is completely natural.

This also means that schools of fish occupy part of these words.

At the same time, permission to these texts was also obtained.

"What the fish school has been doing before is just adding our own strokes to the text!"

Standing at a higher angle, the little fry understood everything instantly.

So, it suddenly started searching among these ravines.

Finally, it found the word that it had been thinking about—moon.

Now, it is a small fish fry wrapped into a ball, and the "pinna" represents the light of the moon.

The strokes of the moon have already been replaced by schools of fish.

The little fish looked disappointedly at what he had longed for so much.

"It's just strokes..."

So is the moon, and so is the moonlight.

"Are they all false? So what do my feelings matter?"

Looking at the ravines representing the moon, Xiaoyu also understood why the authority of the moon could control time.

Simply because this word also represents time, there is no other reason.

"so easy."

Just because of this simplicity, the little fry's understanding was instantly overturned, and it froze in place, at a loss.

"Are you okay?" Zero One asked with concern.

The little fish looked at Zero One blankly: "Don't you feel desperate? We are just words."

It can't believe why Zero One is still so calm now.

"When I first saw it, there was still a little bit of it, but not now."

Zero One looked at the little fry seriously.

"We've succeeded, haven't we?"

"What it was like in the past has nothing to do with it now. I was once just a little dot who knew nothing. Thanks to your gift, I was able to understand the world until I escaped from this prison."

"We are already much better than the other creatures in the text. At least we know the nature of the world."

“Instead of worrying about where you’re coming from, think about where you’re going.”

"The school of fish should have been swimming towards higher places."

Zero One spoke of his feelings very calmly.

It seems that it has never looked at things from the perspective of an independent individual.

From beginning to end, Zero One will think from the perspective of a school of fish.

"But, don't you feel that everything you have done is meaningless? It is just a slap in a string of words, the so-called conquest is just scribbling, and the feelings you once had are all false."

The little fry asked Zero One anxiously, and his heart was in a mess at this time.

Some questions are actually just asking themselves.

It also wanted to look at all this calmly like Zero One, but it couldn't.

Zero One still looked at the little fry seriously, and after listening to its question, he slowly spoke:

"The school of fish standing here means something."

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