I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 276 The Disappearing Fish

Mo Ling sat in front of the table in a daze, looking at the patriarch who fell on the table.

The person who was chatting just now disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"Really going back?"

Mo Ling took out the ancient fish-man book that the patriarch had pressed under his hand and moved it in front of him.

The fish-man language above remains unchanged. A small fish fry swims around, shuttling between various words, still vivid.

He still couldn't believe that the school of fish disappeared so easily.

"What are you looking for?"

A voice suddenly sounded behind Mo Ling.

Bai Zhou!

Mo Ling turned around instantly, but still couldn't see where he was.

Just like outside the library, sounds can be heard but no one can be seen.

"Where are you?" The fish school had disappeared, and Mo Ling stopped being cautious and asked immediately.

"Here it is." A short black figure suddenly jumped onto the table.

It was a small figure carved from roots. His whole body was entangled with tree roots, and his arms were wrapped around him.

After the villain jumped on the table, he bent down to act as a buffer, then stood up straight and looked up at Mo Ling.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Mo Ling looked at him in shock and didn't reply.

Seemingly sensing Mo Ling's doubts, the Gendiao villain looked at his body.

"I put my soul in it. This relic is quite useful..."

Mo Ling asked in surprise: "Can it still be used like this?"

"Of course." The villain nodded.

"Why are you staying here?" Mo Ling didn't understand.

"Prevent falling asleep." The villain explained: "I still have important things to do, and I can't sleep through them, so I have to hide. I can hide here for a long time."

The villain looked at the ancient fish-man book in Mo Ling's hand again: "What are you looking for?"

"Fish School, have they really gone back?" Mo Ling asked, pointing to the words in the ancient book.

Hearing Mo Ling's question, the villain shook his head.

"How is it possible to go back? Traveling through the world is not that simple. They come to reality through dreams, and they must find a medium to go back. Deleting the account means complete death."

"Then why do they want me to delete all my accounts?"

"You will know if you try to control those parts now." The villain replied.

Control parts?

After hearing the villain's words, Mo Ling immediately began to try to control the parts.

Sure enough, he soon discovered something was wrong.

The current fish school system responds very slowly, operates very sluggishly, has very high latency, and freezes from time to time.

Not only that, the lag situation is getting worse, and some functions can no longer be opened and used.

"What's going on?" Mo Ling asked quickly.

The villain spread his hands: "Because the permissions of the 'group' have disappeared. You are not a literal creature, so you cannot use those permissions, and you cannot manage them through the 'group' system, so that's why this happens."

"The group disappeared?"

"Yes, after deleting the account, won't the group disappear?"

Hearing this, Mo Ling suddenly realized.

"So they're just trying to keep me from having access?"


"What Jeff just said was all a lie to me?" Mo Ling asked in disbelief.

The villain thought for a while and shook his head: "Most of them are true, half true and half false. You also know the significance of the highest authority to the fish school. They will not let the highest authority fall into the hands of an outsider."

"The Fish School is originally a race that exists to pursue 'freedom.' If the highest authority is in the hands of others, it means that the entire race will always be controlled by others. This is unacceptable to them."

"But doesn't the authority still belong to me?" Mo Ling still didn't understand.

Although the "group" permissions disappeared due to account deletion, other permissions are still there. Although Mo Ling cannot use it now, is there no other way to mobilize these permissions?

However, the villain's simple rhetorical question instantly dispelled Mo Ling's doubts.

"Are you a fish?"

Mo Ling froze.

He silently looked at the little fry on the ancient book.

"The reason why you were able to control those permissions before was because the school of fish was still there, and the permissions could only be triggered when there were 'fish'. Now that the 'fish' are gone, the permissions will disappear completely."

I see.

After understanding all this, Mo Ling was not very depressed.

The highest authority is something that was picked up, and it is gone when it is gone. It is just a pity for the fish.

In Mo Ling's view, Fish School could have had a better way to solve the crisis of the race, but since it chose the path of invasion, it would inevitably suffer backlash one day.

They were accustomed to conquering when they were in the written world. This racial characteristic has continued into reality, and they are not merciless towards other races in the abyss.

Even when faced with the survival of his own race in the end, he put "freedom" above "life" and chose to commit suicide.

Such a race would only make Mo Ling feel regretful and afraid.

"When there are more and more fish-man language words, won't the fish really make a comeback? They will break out of the world of words again and try to conquer this boundless world with a more powerful attitude."

Mo Ling looked at the words on the fish-man ancient book and felt entangled in his heart again.

But at this moment, the villain walked up to the ancient book, bent down, and covered the ancient book, interrupting Mo Ling's thinking.

"You'd better take off your armor quickly and fix it later." The villain said, pointing to the armor on Mo Ling.

Only then did Mo Ling realize that the armor on his body was becoming heavier and heavier unknowingly, and his movements began to become sluggish. There was also the sound of parts rubbing at the joints.

It seems that because of the disappearance of authority, this armor is slowly becoming useless.

So, he quickly stood up and began to take off his armor piece by piece from head to toe, revealing his smooth metal head again.

Looking at his bare hands again, Mo Ling was also confused as to why he could maintain the square-headed form for so long this time. He had been in this state since he fell into the moonlight.

It's a pity that he still doesn't know how to control this form change.

The villain also stood on the table and looked at Mo Ling seriously.

When the armor on Mo Ling's feet was completely taken off, the villain jumped and stood on Mo Ling's shoulders.

"Do me a favor before your authority disappears."

"Okay, hurry up."

"Go this way." The villain pointed to a corner of the library.

This way?

Mo Ling looked at the dark corner with some doubts. Isn't that a dead end?

But he still walked over with hesitation.

However, after walking towards that corner for a long time, Mo Ling didn't even see the edge. Instead, the fog around him became heavier and heavier, and the space seemed to slowly become more and more open, as if he had passed through a door. We arrived at a huge underground square.

It seems that the villain is indeed not giving random directions. Is there something else hidden in this library?

"Now turn ninety degrees to the left and walk ten steps forward."

"Okay." Although he didn't know where the villain wanted to take him, Mo Ling turned around as requested and continued walking forward.

Still can't see the edge, it's still a vast fog.

"Turn left ninety degrees and walk ten steps forward."

Mo Ling turned around again.

After reaching the designated location, he stopped.

"Then what?"

"Then turn left ninety degrees and walk ten steps forward." The villain said slowly in his ear.


But Mo Ling stopped before he took two steps.

"Wait, are you sure?"

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