I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 283 The Origin of the World

Just when Mo Ling was still in chaos, a long tree root suddenly stretched out from behind, tied him up, and pulled him backwards.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Ling saw that the blue sky quickly distanced itself from him.

He was pulled by the tree roots and returned to the pitch-black void.

Mo Ling turned back and looked along the roots of the tree, but couldn't see who was pulling her.

Until a familiar voice came from the root of the tree: "Don't be afraid, I will take you out."

That was Bai Zhou's apprentice.

Mo Ling breathed a sigh of relief and turned back, looking at the blue sea gradually going away, feeling a little lost.

Being so far away, he could no longer see the little fry.

Even the seemingly endless sea turned into a small blue dot, like a clean and pure sapphire in the void.

This sapphire is the beginning and the temporary end of everything on Fish-Man Island.

"Have you seen the fish in the sea?" Mo Ling asked towards the root of the tree.

"What fish?"


Bai Zhou's apprentice didn't seem to notice the little fish going away.

Mo Ling turned around and looked at the void, which was exactly the same as the void he had seen from the perspective of the little fry.

The tree roots pulled Mo Ling, flying higher and higher until he rose up from the ravine.

Looking at the ravines formed by strokes, Mo Ling suddenly realized that he had seen such a scene before. When the little fry led the fish and transformed into a dragon, escaping from the world of words, those ravines were exactly the same as the scene in front of him.

"Does all this come from the word 'immortal'?"

Mo Ling looked at the smooth and familiar cutting marks on the ravine, and a strange thought slowly arose in his heart:

"Am I the source of all this?"

If he hadn't used his own ability to help Bai Zhou cut open the unshakable boulder and carve the immortal characters on it, nothing would have happened next.

There is no immortal Bai Zhou.

There are no schools of fish.

There is no Fishman Island.

Not what I'm going through now.

When I was confused, a voice of concern came from the roots of the tree.

"How are you?"


Mo Ling looked up again and found that he still couldn't see clearly what was above the tree roots.

He didn't know where the tree roots extended, and he just followed the roots and kept rising.

The ravine underneath was getting farther and farther, and Mo Ling confirmed that it was the fairy character he helped Bai Zhou carve out.

However, the surroundings of the fairy characters began to slowly collapse, and some prototypes of characters seemed to be appearing.

The angle of view continued to rise, and Mo Ling found that a thin film appeared on his head, just like what he had seen in the fish fry's angle of view before.

The tree roots tied him, and with a strong tug, Mo Ling jumped over the film and fell to the ground.

Warm sunshine shone down, and the breeze rustled through the leaves.

Mo Ling looked along the roots of the tree and saw a Chali clan member squatting aside, looking at him worriedly.

"Are you OK?"

He is Bai Zhou's apprentice.

"It's okay, what happened?"

Mo Ling quickly looked around and found that Bai Zhou had disappeared, and only the boulder stained with blood was still standing there.

The fairy character in the middle remains unchanged, but there are many strange cracks on the boulder. These cracks are like "horizontal and vertical strokes", cutting the boulder into bruises.

"Why did it become like this?" Mo Ling couldn't help but ask.

"After you fell in with Master, it became like this." The apprentice on the side replied.

"I only captured you, where is the master?"

He ran to the boulder and circled a few more times, as if looking for Bai Zhou's figure.

"Have you seen Master?"

"He turned into a fish," Moring replied strangely.

"Fish?" The apprentice showed a confused expression, but soon he suddenly realized: "Master has become an immortal!"

He excitedly ran to Mo Ling and said, "It turns out that after being engraved with immortal characters, you can really become an immortal, but we have to leave quickly now. This world probably won't last long."


"Because this is the world of souls. After losing its master, it will fall into reality, but the time of falling into reality is uncertain. It may be a long, long time ago, or it may be in the far future."

"How do you know?" Mo Ling was puzzled.

"Because no one understands souls better than our Chali clan."

After hearing this, Mo Ling finally put everything together.

This world will fall into the past where fish schools did not exist...



The tree roots tied Mo Ling again and pulled hard.

Mo Ling felt like he was being pulled backwards by a huge force, and he was separated from a ball of sticky jelly.

Immediately afterwards, he felt the shaking when he first entered this world.

Pulling from all directions.

However, the strength of the tree roots that wrapped around him was stronger than these pulling forces, and Mo Ling was still being pulled backwards.

Until he escaped from the messy suction, he stumbled backwards and almost fell to the ground.

"How do you feel?" The villain asked with concern, standing on Mo Ling's shoulder.

Mo Ling looked down at his body and found that there were no tree roots at all.

"That's just the appearance of the soul. The power of nothingness needs to have a physical expression." The little figure seemed to see Mo Ling's doubts and explained.

Are tree roots the power of the soul?

Mo Ling turned around and looked behind her. Sure enough, she didn't see any tree roots.

However, I finally came back.

"What will happen to that world?" Mo Ling was still very concerned.

"I don't know." The villain shook his head: "Go where it should go."

"Deal with the matter in front of you first." He patted Mo Ling on the shoulder and motioned for Mo Ling to look forward.

Mo Ling looked forward in confusion and found that the old-eating orb was still there.

It was still that clear and transparent, as if everything just now was an illusion.

"Wait and help me catch the people inside."

After saying that, the villain jumped off Mo Ling's shoulders and came to the bottom of the sphere. The tiny roots on his body extended out, intertwined and pierced the sphere.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Ling saw the old eaters waking up one by one and quickly drilling into the body of the root carving man along the roots.

Although it has only a small body, the root carving seems to have unlimited capacity, constantly allowing food to be incorporated into it.

The villain's roots also spread along the sphere, twisting to various locations on the sphere, which made him absorb food faster and faster, and the size of the food ball also rapidly shrunk.

As the jelly-like sphere slowly dissolved, a figure actually appeared in the center of the sphere.

This man's whole body was covered with food, and he seemed to be unconscious. His body emerged from the transparent food group, like a black piece of wood floating on the water, being swept to the surface by the surging water.

Shijiu swims and merges into the roots that are still spreading.

The people in the sky fell softly without the support of Shijiu.

Mo Ling spotted the position, caught the man, and slowly placed him on the ground.

Looking at the familiar diving helmet, Mo Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

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