I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 309 Night

Li Luo had fallen into a deep sleep without a sound.

Although the white glimmer was still shining, Li Luo didn't seem to be affected at all, and instead slept very peacefully.

Mo Ling had never seen Li Luo sleeping so peacefully.

In the past, Li Luo slept very lightly and would often wake up due to some slight noises. This was due to his vigilance as a hunter.

However, in this obviously weird hotel, Li Luo slept so soundly, which made Mo Ling feel that something was even more wrong.

"It's so quiet that it's a little scary."

Mo Ling's vision spread.

The hotel with a very strange structure was empty. Mo Ling found that there was only one guest in the hotel, Li Luo. The other rooms were empty, and only the dim white light was on.

The layout of each room is exactly the same, pure white, without edges and corners.

After returning to the counter, the hotel owner tidied up for a while, then walked to the door to look at the street, and then closed the hotel door tightly.

She walked slowly to a room behind the counter.

The layout of this room is exactly the same as other guest rooms. The boss sat beside the bed, took out the electronic screen, and rummaged through it.

This seems to be a hotel check-in list, and the guests on these lists only have "identities" and no names:

"The Fire Thief."




Mo Ling saw many familiar identities above.

These were the people he saw on the island during the day.

"Beggars also stayed in hotels?"

While Mo Ling was still wondering, the innkeeper slid over, and Mo Ling had no choice but to continue looking down.

As the list continued to scroll down, Mo Ling also saw many strange names:

"Nest Builder."


"Night watchman."


"The Inheriter."

Mo Ling looked at these strange identities and felt strange.

"Have these people all stayed in this hotel? Have they also stayed on Paradise Island?"

When the hotel owner scrolled to this point, her sliding speed was obviously much slower. Her rough fingertips ran across each identity, and she was still muttering something in her mouth.

Finally, she stopped swiping and just stared blankly at the electronic screen for a long time. The image on the electronic screen remained frozen, trembling slightly with the hotel owner's fingertips.

Mo Ling could clearly see that there were names at the end of the list, but the innkeeper did not scroll down.

She just frowned and kept looking.

for a long time.

The hotel owner let out a long sigh, and the electronic screen went off.

She stretched out her hand in front of the light on the wall, felt the light, turned around and looked around, and then placed the electronic screen on the bedside.

"Are you going to sleep?"

While Mo Ling was still thinking about the names on the list, the innkeeper was already lying on the bed.

Dim white light hit her face.

Like Li Luo, the innkeeper quickly fell into a deep sleep, and he slept very soundly. It seemed that the white light really had the magic power of sleeping, making everyone feel drowsy and fall into sleep.

Light snoring could be heard, and no one in the entire hotel was awake.

Mo Ling's vision didn't stay in the hotel for long. Following the wall, he came to the street.

At this time, the streets were deserted, and the night was shrouded in darkness. It was not yet too late, but it was already late at night on Paradise Island.

A faint shimmer covered all the buildings, and the angular appearance of the buildings took effect at this time.

The light will not cast shadows on these buildings, and the light sources that can be seen everywhere also make the streets brightly lit, just like a pure white wedding dress covering the island.

The dark night has no effect on everything on this island.

No matter how dark the night is, this dim white light can shine into all corners of the island. Under the reflection of pure white buildings, no shadow can be hidden.

"It's heaven, eternal light."

Mo Ling looked at this scene and couldn't help but sigh.

But in this paradise, there is silence.

Mo Ling's vision immersed in other buildings and found that the people inside had also fallen asleep, and they were also sleeping very peacefully.

In the entire field of vision, Mo Ling could not find anyone awake. It seemed that people were sleeping deeper as the light covered them.

That dim white light really makes people feel sleepy.

Mo Ling didn't observe it for long, and was a little dizzy by the white light.

He had no choice but to sit down on the bed, take back his vision first, and plan to wake up first.


Mo Ling shook his head. He just paid a little attention to the white light, and he didn't feel so sleepy just by looking at it with his eyes.

"No wonder those bathed in white light sleep so soundly."

Mo Ling originally guessed that the people on Paradise Island just had some problems with their schedules, and resting at sunset was not a particularly strange habit.

But at this time, the strong sleepiness made Mo Ling put aside his original speculation.

"The people on this island obviously can't bear the sleepiness, so they go to bed so early."

While thinking about it, Mo Ling also yawned.

When he was on the Paradise, his nerves were always tense, and the ship was inevitably rocking, making his sleep uneasy.

Now, all the fatigue accumulated this week is coming back.

Once sleepiness strikes, it can no longer be suppressed.

Mo Ling only felt that his thinking began to be intermittent and chaotic. As soon as he had a clue, he suddenly jumped to another place.

"can not sleep……"

Mo Lingqiang worked hard and wanted to move around in the square, but his body couldn't leave the bed.

Just as he was about to stand up, his eyelids suddenly trembled and his mind became blurry.

In a daze, Mo Ling felt that he had stood up, but when he woke up again, he found that he was still in bed.

The drowsiness became more and more severe, and I even had some hallucinations.

Mo Ling kept struggling, trying to cheer up again, but such struggling was of no use except making his sleepiness more obvious.

"How about taking a nap?"

"When you feel better, can you investigate again?"

"No, you have to stay awake tonight. There must be something wrong with those lights."

Mo Ling seemed to hear two villains arguing.

He knew clearly that he shouldn't sleep, but various reasons kept popping up in his mind.

The consciousness is getting blurry and the fragmented time is getting longer and longer.

Unknowingly, Mo Ling had fallen on the bed.

Lying like this, his sleepiness became more obvious, and he felt that he was constantly falling into a peaceful dream.

"Wake up, there may be dangers outside..."

While thinking about it, he fell asleep again.

"Be clear, there must be something wrong with this island..."

Then he fell asleep again.

After struggling repeatedly, Mo Ling finally sank into the inescapable chaos and slept extremely sweetly.

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