I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 316 Nightfall

In the cube, Mo Ling stared anxiously at the electronic screen.

Time passes very slowly, seconds are like years.

One hour and forty minutes were extremely torturous, and Mo Ling began to pace anxiously in the square.

"At this time, the white light should be at its strongest." Mo Ling calculated the time. It was at this time last night that he couldn't stand the sleepiness and fell asleep.

But now it was hiding in the square. Of course, the white light could not penetrate the solid metal wall, and Mo Ling did not feel any sleepiness.

However, the field of vision never extended, which made Mo Ling very frustrated, and his eyes kept glancing at the electronic screen on the bed.

"The time is almost up."

After waiting anxiously, the timer finally reached zero. One and a half hours had passed, and only the last ten minutes remained.

This was the waiting time set by Mo Ling himself, in order to prevent the white light outside from disappearing completely.

Ten minutes passed quickly, and Mo Ling carefully looked through the metal wall.

It was dark and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that the white light has completely disappeared."

After waiting for a while, no sleepiness came over him, and Mo Ling boldly expanded his vision.

Although it was dark outside, Mo Ling could still see things in the darkness.

Li Luo had fallen on the chair and fell into a deep sleep. Because he was so asleep, his head was still tilted to one side.

The gong on the table was placed quietly. As soon as Mo Ling's vision was extended, he controlled the cube and bumped into it.


A deafening sound spread throughout the studio.

However, Li Luo, who was lying on the chair, did not react at all, and did not even move his eyelids.

"Sure enough, the sound can't wake you up."

Mo Ling looked at the bucket in the sky again. The ice cubes in the bucket had almost melted, but the water was still slightly cool.

"I hope it works."

The teleportation frame aimed at the rope on the side of the bucket and quickly cut it off. The water in the bucket also splashed down, hitting Li Luo on the head.

Not only that, the remaining ice ballast even fell into Li Luo's clothes.

However, this method still doesn't seem to be working.

After waiting for a while, Li Luo still tilted his head, sleeping very hard, without any reaction at all, and the ice particles did not have any effect.

"We can only try the last method."

Mo Ling had begun to worry that if the last method didn't work, he would have to explore this darkness by himself.

The outer wall of the square gently pressed against the back of the chair. Mo Ling carefully tipped the chair backwards, and Li Luo's feet slowly lifted up as the chair tilted backwards.

After turning over the critical point, the chair suddenly fell backwards, and Li Luo turned his back to the ground and fell hard.

It fell over very quickly, and Li Luo was about to hit the ground with the chair.

At this moment, her closed eyes suddenly opened, she turned over in mid-air and rolled to the side. Although she still fell to the ground, she supported the floor with her hands and was not injured.

Li Luo rested on the spot for a long time, panting heavily, and it was obvious that he had not yet come to his senses.

Because of the ice on her body, she couldn't help but shiver, but this also made her wake up quickly and understand the current situation.

"Successful?" she said happily.

Then, she reached out her hand and grabbed it in the darkness.

"Iron block, are you there?"

Mo Ling controlled the cube and touched her hand. Li Luo also used the cube's support to struggle to get up in the darkness.

The electronic screen on the table was still glowing slightly. Li Luo groped over and picked up the electronic screen, turning on the lighting mode.

When the surroundings became slightly brighter, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Luo looked at the still shaking gong and the overturned chair, and then touched the ice water on his body.

"Did I wake up using the last method? It seems that this kind of sleep is indeed very deep and not normal."

With the help of the dim light of the electronic screen, Li Luo looked around again. The hypnotic white light had completely disappeared, and the studio was also terrifyingly dark.

"We are really in the dark..."

She gave Cube a thumbs up: "The plan is successful, the next step is to find what is hidden in this darkness."

"The hotel owner said before that there are many identities that can only be active at night. We have to go find someone and ask them. They must know something."

Li Luo asked Cube to follow him and slowly walked out of the studio.

On the street, there was still darkness, and Li Luo's electronic screen was like an island in the darkness, glowing faintly.

"Why is there no light at all?"

Li Luo raised his head and looked at the sky.

"Where are the moon and stars?"

I don't know why, maybe it's because the clouds are too thick, and the moon and stars can't be seen at all, which makes the streets look even darker.

Not only that, the surroundings were silent and there was no sound.

"It's so dark, so dark that something is wrong." Li Luo said solemnly.

Mo Ling's vision slowly expanded, and he was also observing everything nearby.

What surprised him was that there was no one around here, not just on the streets, but also in the houses. The beds where people should be lying were empty.

"Where have everyone gone?"

The field of vision extended to the farthest point. At this time, Mo Ling's field of vision was already very large, but no one was seen in such a large area, and the buildings were all empty.

Li Luo also held the electronic screen and was at a loss.

"Didn't you say it's also very lively at night?" She asked doubtfully, "Is the hotel owner lying? In fact, everyone is asleep?"

Just when the two of them stayed where they were, not knowing where to go, a dark shadow suddenly broke into the edge of Mo Ling's vision.

The only moving target in the darkness immediately attracted Mo Ling's attention.

"What is this?"

Mo Ling vaguely saw that it seemed to be a person, riding something, but it was very fast, and the surrounding black mist was wrapped around it, making it very blurry in the darkness.

"It's coming this way!"

Although he couldn't see clearly what it was, Mo Ling could clearly see that the black shadow was quickly approaching Li Luo.

Mo Ling quickly touched Li Luo's shoulder, and then blocked the direction of the black shadow.

Li Luo also seemed to have a tacit understanding, quickly retreated, put his hand on the purple hand rope, and looked ahead warily.

The speed of the black shadow was so fast that before Mo Ling could take a closer look, it had already sprinted to the front and then stopped suddenly.

When the black shadow stood in front of them, Li Luo and Mo Ling finally saw its appearance clearly.

It was a man on a bicycle.

"Bicycle rider!" Li Luo couldn't help but exclaimed.

That was indeed a cyclist, but he looked a little strange.

The protective gear and rider uniform were in tatters, and the helmet was covered with all kinds of strange stains. Even the white bicycle that looked clean during the day was now pitch black.

A pitch black mist emerged from the frame and spread to the cyclist.

The most terrifying thing is that through the damaged frame, you can still see the structure inside, like some kind of living black flesh and blood, which is constantly beating. The surging black mist is constantly escaping with the beating of black flesh and blood. Scattered out.

The cyclist raised his hand, and his arm was actually covered with wounds. Through the wounds, he could still see the black mist surging in his body.

Not only that, as he arrived, there was a sudden "rustling" sound all around, as if something rough was rubbing against each other.


Mo Ling quickly focused his vision on the "black mist".

At this time, he finally saw their composition clearly.

"That's not fog! That's sand!"

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