I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 337 Surrounded by Dark Shadows

"Xiao Zi! Come back!"

Following Li Luo's shout, Xiao Zi made another sharp turn and returned to Li Luo's wrist.

Looking at the purple bracelet on his wrist, Li Luo sighed.

I thought that Xiao Zi finally listened to the instructions, but I didn't expect that it still wanted to attack the cube.

Fortunately, the crisis is temporarily over.

Unexpectedly, the sword of the inheritor was so powerful that even the safe house was directly split into two halves.

The machine building on the side also started to tremble: "He has never used this trick before, the prophet must have done something to him!"

The prophet in the distance is still controlling the air mass, and there are more and more figures around, and some figures even taller than the inheritors appear.

Looking at those figures in the aircraft building, the robotic arms trembled uncontrollably.

"It's over, it's over. With an identity we haven't seen before, even the safe house can't protect us."

The ground trembled, and a thick pillar suddenly hit the air mass.

The two of them looked up to the sky in shock and found that it was also a figure.

It was like a giant god standing tall, carrying a black building on his shoulders. The figure's face was covered with black smoke. It was hard to see, but it could still be seen that he was staring at the damaged safe house. .

"What is that?" Li Luo asked in surprise.

"I don't know! I don't know!" The terminal was completely confused. He had never seen such a situation.

"Why is there such a thing on Hell Island?" A weapon similar to a crossbow popped out from the aircraft's arm and shot towards the tall figure, but the arrow disappeared directly into the black and made no sound.

"Can't beat him! Run!" Jilou said to Li Luo decisively.

It called Li Luo, followed the crack cut by the sonic sword energy, and fled towards the other side of the Fire Thief's Studio.

But then the two of them discovered that the other side was also filled with figures blinded by black energy.

"Surrounded..." the airport said with some despair.

In that dark night, there were rows of figures of different heights standing, some of them humans, some of other races. They stood densely together, walking towards the center with great desire, getting closer and closer.

Seeing this scene, the terminal also gave up struggling and stiffly returned to the crumbling safe house.

"Is there anything else you can do?" The airport looked at Li Luo helplessly, then looked at the cube in the air and asked seriously:

"What about you? Mr. Diamond? Or Ms. Diamond? Is there anything you can do?"

Mo Ling was stunned for a moment when he heard the serious inquiry from the airport.

This was the first time someone other than Li Luo spoke directly to Cube, and he was so polite. Maybe this was the brain circuit of the robot.

Mo Ling didn't take action just now because he was still observing the prophet carefully, or in other words, he was determining her identity.

Li Luo and Ji Lou could not see clearly, but Mo Ling could see clearly.

There was nothing in the body shrouded in black smoke.

Including her body and arms, they are all imitations condensed from black smoke and are not the real thing at all.

The "Lin Nian" who knocked on the door at the beginning was just a mimic of a cloud of black smoke, so it looked vague.

The prophet's true body is not here, but has been hiding far away.

"Where exactly?"

Mo Ling has been searching eagerly and can't even think of blocking the attack of the inheritor, because he knows that the source of everything is the prophet. If the prophet cannot be stopped, there will definitely be more powerful figures than the inheritor. .

And now, Mo Ling has found it.

That was the place he always ignored - inside the wall.

Or rather, in the circuits in the wall.

It was a black current that was constantly jumping in the circuits around the safe house. Occasionally, it would pull out an invisible spark. If Mo Ling hadn't accidentally seen the current jumping from one circuit to another, Mo Ling would Such a hidden phenomenon would never be discovered.

Mo Ling didn't know if this was the true form of the prophet, but he had to try it first.

Seizing the opportunity for the electric current to jump, Mo Ling took the walls and circuits nearby and teleported them into the square.

The black walls and circuits slowly peeled off, and the current instantly lost its carrier and floated directly in the square. The current that seemed very active before suddenly stopped moving and shrank rapidly.

Until it turns into a ball.

It was a ball of pure black lightning, floating in the air, very gentle.

But the change seems not to be over yet. The appearance of ball lightning is still shrinking, and mysterious textures begin to appear on the surface of ball lightning.

The texture gradually deepens, forming layers of folds and ravines. The shape of the entire sphere also gradually changes with the appearance of the ravines, gradually becoming like a walnut.

A huge ravine cuts down the center of the sphere, like a safe house that has been hacked open.

Finally, a floating black brain appeared in front of him.

Mo Ling looked at the slightly illusory brain and was a little surprised.


Mo Ling thought that the prophet's body might be a black object like the previous memory components, but he did not expect that the body was actually a black brain.

Thin black fragments were falling from the brain, suspended in the air, and looked very strange.

Mo Ling originally planned to touch the brain to understand the prophet's memory, but he suddenly remembered that the brain was made of electricity and might cause him unknown harm.

He had no choice but to find an empty can in the cube and carefully threw it towards the brain.

The empty can hit the brain, bounced away, and fell to the ground. Nothing happened.

There was no sudden electric spark, and the can was unscathed. Instead, the brain was knocked off and many black fragments fell down.

"Becoming physical?"

It seems that the brain has indeed lost the characteristics of electricity and has completely turned into a kind of "meat" that is harmless to humans and animals.

Mo Ling hesitated again and again, but still stepped forward and gently put his hand on it.


Mo Ling felt that his hand was touching a piece of soft jelly. He could sink his hand into it with just a slight push. In addition, he also felt a tingling sensation, like a piece of jelly. The soft feathers were tickling his palms, which was very strange.

"Is it electric current?"

Mo Ling didn't know if it was electric current. He just felt that his palm was slowly becoming very comfortable, like some kind of massage instrument, caressing every part of Mo Ling's palm.

Suddenly, a gentle inquiry sounded beside Mo Ling.

"Does it feel good?"

Hearing this voice, Mo Ling turned around suddenly and found a researcher in a white coat standing next to him, looking at him expectantly.

"Stop being in a daze and tell me how you feel. How about it?"

Mo Ling was stunned, what is going on? He had come to the memory without even realizing it.

The strangest thing is that he can actually control the actions of the memory owner.

"I" actually have self-awareness?

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