I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 359 Pain

"Can you lower the light?" The machine asked Xiang Siyang politely.

"Of course." Siyang raised his hands and gestured to the white sky, and the dazzling white light dimmed instantly and became extremely soft.

As the white light dimmed, the ray of sunlight became very conspicuous.

"You can take off the cloth strip." The machine gently patted Li Luo's shoulder and reminded.

Li Luo tried to take off the cloth strip and rubbed his eyes again. After a while, he finally adapted to the current brightness.

She looked around curiously, first finding the location of the cube, then looking at the machine, and finally focusing on the black stone statue in front of her.

Li Luo looked at this strange stone statue in confusion and asked:

"Can you explain it to me?"


Ji Tai first introduced his precognitive ability, and then told Li Luo Siyang's experience.

Siyang on the side also listened attentively.

It seems that it is also recalling its own life through the words of the machine.

Not only that, he was also extremely surprised at how familiar he was with the machine.

"Can you really see the future?"

After listening to this, this ancient being who had traveled through the Infinite Sea for many years and had incomparable knowledge looked at the machine and sighed:

"Human beings are actually able to create such a powerful race."

But the machine shook his head: "We are not a race, we are just a tool."

"In my opinion, you can already be regarded as a new race." Siyang still insisted on his opinion.

"No, we are tools." The machine seemed to be very stubborn about this matter.

Seeing how serious Ji Tai was, Siyang didn't want to continue arguing, but began to add some information that was missing from Ji Tai's words.

"The identity of the island is a kind of compensation mechanism for the paradise island."

"This was originally designed to eliminate the influence of hell beasts, but during the self-operation of Paradise Island, new rules were slowly formed..."

Hell beasts will swallow up the pain of life. This pain may be long or short, and some may even last a lifetime.

They stored these memories in their lairs and created a hell island to accommodate these pains. These pains also became the memory structures on the hell island.

After the lives on the island lose their pain, Paradise Island will "supplement" these memories and construct some false experiences, just like the false memories that appeared after Li Luo lost his memory.

However, one's identity is made of pain.

Only when you have been injured will you become a "wounded person".

Only those who have participated in a war can become a "soldier".

Only when your voice becomes hoarse can you become a "singer".

It is a person's pain, large and small, that makes up his life, establishes his three outlooks, and gives him social attributes and various identities.

When pain is lost, people lose their identity.

Therefore, Paradise Island can only overcorrect and use a "strong correction" method to modify the memory of creatures and impose an identity on the creatures on Paradise Island.

In this way, the creatures who come to Paradise Island will not feel that "I am not myself".

Li Luo listened, still a little confused.

"But didn't I register my identity at will when I landed on the island?"

Hearing this question, Siyang smiled and asked: "Why do you think that Paradise Island will not affect you at that time?"

Li Luo was stunned and suddenly remembered that for some reason, he had looked down at the nameplate at that time.

Is that also because of the influence of Paradise Island?

"Don't underestimate the power of Paradise Island." Siyang said proudly.

"But why the Fire Thief?" Li Luo was still a little confused.

"Maybe it's because your memory is related to the Fire Thief." Siyang didn't know how to answer this question.

"This is all the self-judgment of Paradise Island. It may think that your pain is more consistent with this identity."

Hearing this, Li Luo also nodded, thoughtfully.

"The price of suppressing the relics is also the function of Paradise Island?"

"No, the price was eaten by the hell beast."


"Yes, what they eat cannot simply be defined as 'memory'. A more accurate statement is that it eats the painful part of your life, just like biting off your arm. From then on, this part It doesn’t belong to you anymore.”

"After this experience disappears, of course the price of the relics will no longer exist."

As Siyang spoke, he looked at the frenulum on his hyphae.

"However, your pain and mine have been brought back. I don't know how. I have never seen anything like this."

Siyang seemed to have been alone for too long, and did not stop, continuing to tell the story of its past:

"At that time, I should have been devoured by hell beasts and suffered from pain. Therefore, Paradise Island naturally added a false memory to me, and also gave me an identity - a builder."

After Siyang woke up on the black hill, her memory had been corrected.

It only remembered that it was the guardian of the island, and was dragged down from its lair by the terrifying hell beast and launched an attack.

Now, the hell beasts have broken a hole in the sky. If it weren't for the suppression of white light, they would have escaped soon.

Siyang panicked and quickly returned to the ground.

It quickly filled the square hole and continued to protect the island.

It always felt that it had forgotten something, but as a builder, it was also a very happy thing to be able to work on the island it built.

Just like that, day after day, year after year.

Siyang stayed alone on this island for a long time.

It developed a strange habit, always touching its mycelium hair from time to time, because it always felt that something was missing there, but it couldn't remember it.

In this way, Siyang waited for humans to land on the island.

This creature that had never been seen before began to build buildings on the island, wanting to use Paradise Island as a base.

Siyang wanted to drive these humans out because these strange buildings might affect the function of Paradise Island.

However, as a builder, it became interested in human buildings.

It wanted to see how these buildings were built, and just like that, unknowingly, human buildings were all over the island.

Perhaps it was lonely for too long, Siyang finally decided to let this seemingly very weak creature continue to live on this island.

However, in order to maintain the function of Paradise Island, Siyang transformed all human buildings into white light stone buildings with higher safety, and smoothed the edges and corners of these buildings without affecting the function of the buildings.

Because if there is a shadow, it will affect the operation of Paradise Island.

After finishing everything, Si Yang entered the interlayer between the white dome and the Hell Beast's lair, guarding Paradise Island and monitoring this "terrible" lair.

Under the correction of memory, Si Yang always thought that the coal balls were just some indigenous creatures on Paradise Island and had nothing to do with the Hell Beast.

It's just that it always feels familiar when looking at these coal balls, but under the influence of Paradise Island, it didn't realize that there was anything wrong.

Until just now, a hole suddenly broke in the Hell Beast's lair.

As soon as Si Yang came nearby, he saw a black robot, and there was a human standing next to him with a black cloth covering his eyes, like he was being held hostage.

So, Si Yang made a decisive decision to attack.

"I'm sorry, at that time, I was very sensitive to all black things." Si Yang said apologetically.

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