I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 362 The real paradise island

After a while, a female doctor in a white coat came to the police box.

On this paradise island where everyone is wearing white clothes, the doctor's attire looks extremely normal.

She directly pulled Li Luo up and began to check the injury.

Soon, she came to a conclusion.

"Your eyes need to rest. They must have been stimulated by strong light."

"Are your eyes tired now, your eye muscles are spasming, your eyeballs are swollen, and your eyes are dry?"

Li Luo nodded.

The doctor took out a bottle of potion from the medical kit and asked Li Luo to apply it whenever he felt uncomfortable.

Then, she looked at the machine.

"You come here too and let me check it."

The machine did not hesitate and walked over directly.

"Robot, do you also need to check?" Li Luo asked puzzledly.

"Of course, the robot will also be injured." The doctor replied very seriously, not as if he was joking.

The doctor took out a line directly from the medical box and connected it to the machine.

"Open your permissions."

"Okay." The machine was very cooperative.

The doctor plugged the line into his electronic screen and started operating on it quickly.

All kinds of messy data slid across the electronic screen, and the doctor frowned.

"You have two sets of master control programs?"


"Is this a backup procedure? Do you need me to restore your main body?"

"No need for now, I still have things to deal with."

The doctor nodded: "Okay, then I will clear the cache data in your memory files, okay? Is this data still useful?"

"It's useless and can be cleared." The machine nodded to confirm that those were the memory data that the machine had read on Hell Island before.

"Okay." The doctor operated on the electronic screen for a while, and then his brows slowly relaxed.

She carefully checked every part of the machine's body before putting away her electronic screen.

"No problem, except you might have to repaint it, black really doesn't suit the island."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Siyang again.

"There is no technology on Paradise Island that can check other races. If you need to check, you need to go to a larger island base. Do you need me to contact you?"

"No, thank you." Siyang politely refused the doctor's help.

After telling Li Luo to check up regularly, the doctor left in a hurry.

"She can actually repair robots." Looking at the doctor's retreating figure, Li Luo couldn't help but sigh.

"Identity is just a concept given by Paradise Island. How to understand it depends on the individual." Siyang explained.

"So, it seems that the status classification is not so strict. Even if the status boundary is crossed, there is no punishment. Why do people on the island still abide by this rule so much?"

"No reason, because everyone is bending down." Ji Tai said calmly.

"Bend over?" Li Luo didn't react for a moment.

"Yes, didn't Lin Nian tell you such a story? The monitoring station where everyone walked bent over."

"After seeing people around them abiding by the same rules, most people will abide by them, even though they don't know why. This is a common feature of human beings, and it is also the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

Li Luo wanted to retort, but thinking of the situation on the island, he swallowed his words again.

Who says it’s not?

No one is going to be the one to stand up.

But she still had some doubts:

"Why do the robots on the island also have to abide by their identities, and more strictly?"

This is a question she has been thinking about since she came to this island.

The machine looked at her and replied calmly: "This is a deal."


"Yes, the robot's deal with Paradise Island."

The machine turned to look at Siyang:

"Send her to that place, the real paradise island."

Hearing Ji Tai's words, Siyang shook his head helplessly: "You really know everything."

It looked at Li Luo for a while and sighed.

Putting his hands together into fists, Siyang made that strange gesture again.

"Build: Well." Its voice was a little tired.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Luo felt that his feet suddenly stepped on the ground and fell uncontrollably.

The surrounding scenery also began to change.

White, black, white, black...

Black and white began to alternate, and the thickness of these colors also varied, some were very thick, and some were only a thin layer.

"Are these all domes?"

After Li Luo calmed down, he finally saw clearly what these colors meant.

The white ones are the domes and the black ones are the shadows between them.

The shape of the dome is also different, and there are some strange facilities arranged on the dome. These white dome layers are covered in layers and extend toward the ground.

Li Luo didn't know how long she had been missing, but she knew that her current location must be very deep.

Suddenly, she felt herself sinking into softness, and the impact of her fall was instantly offset.

The soft thing slowly lifted her up, and when she came back to her senses, she found that she was already on a piece of pure white ground.

No harm was done, and the ground beneath him was like light clouds, extremely soft.

"This is where?"

She looked around and found that Cube, who had been following her, was nowhere to be seen, as were Jitai and Siyang.

This soft ground extends to an endless distance, and the sky is pure white and empty, as if there is nothing.

At this time, Li Luo felt something strange under his body.

She looked quickly and found countless feathers scattered on the ground. She pushed the feathers away with her hands, only to find that there were still feathers underneath, layer after layer, no matter how deep they were.

"All feathers?"

Is this a sea of ​​feathers?

"Where is this?"

If Mo Ling were here, he would definitely feel that these feathers are very familiar, because the appearance of these feathers is exactly the same as the lantern repairer remembers.

Just when Li Luo was confused, a weak voice suddenly came from beside him:

"Fire Thief, you are here."

Li Luo turned around and saw that it was actually a dim light and shadow, resembling the shape of a human child, standing behind her at some point.

Li Luo quickly stood up vigilantly and took a few steps back, but the soft ground made her almost fall again.

"Who are you?" she asked facing the strange light and shadow.

At this moment, a gust of wind came, and the feathers all over the place were blown up by the wind and rolled into the air, obscuring Li Luo's sight.

She had to cover her eyes with her hands to prevent feathers from falling into her eyes.

When the gust of wind stopped, the feathers slowly fell down.

When the feathers all over the sky fell to the ground, Li Luo looked at the light and shadow again and found that it had disappeared.

But at this moment, Li Luo felt a warmth around her. She looked immediately and found the light and shadow standing beside her, looking up at her.

In the dim light, light patterns like feathers flickered.

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