I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 365 Pure White Center

The feathered ones were buried in the pure white island they built with their own hands.

Their lives turned into the stimulating energy that activated Paradise Island, and their souls sank into the center of Paradise Island, becoming the main control program of Paradise Island.

Paradise was operating very well, without any mistakes, and the Hell Beast was sealed in a cage after the Battle of Paradise Island.

The races on the island left one after another.

After they return to their hometown, they will talk about the whiteness of the paradise island, they will talk about the magnificence of that war with emotion, they will talk about the righteousness of all races putting aside their hatred and coming together, and they will sigh that the long-lasting war in the abyss is finally over. Civilization can finally enjoy the long-lost peace and develop with peace of mind.

However, no one would think of those feathered warriors who squatted on the ground and paved the entire paradise island stone by stone.

History will only record those great battles and powerful heroes, and will not write about those "unimportant" things.

Rather than a story about heaping stones, what people want to see more is the struggle between a certain hero and the hell beast, with its ups and downs and dangers...

Peace is hard-won, and everyone is looking towards the bright future.

It's just that the white feathers are high on the paradise island, and the lonely light and shadow sit in the ocean, and they can no longer remember their origins...

Light and Shadow muttered, telling Li Luo all this.

There was no emotion in its voice, just like a bystander gently telling a story that did not belong to "them".

Li Luo listened quietly until the light and shadow slowly fell silent.

"What's your name?" She asked the light and shadow gently.

"Slave 500." Guangying lowered his head and replied in a low voice: "I have forgotten the others..."

Whenever he recalled the past, his body seemed to flicker, and the feather patterns on his body were also faintly visible.

Li Luo sighed, and she decided not to ask about Guangying's past.

She raised her head and looked at the white sky.

"I have already witnessed it, there is nothing more to ask."

Li Luo didn't know what to say at this time. In her opinion, everything on this island was just a tragedy.

However, there was one more thing she cared about.

"After the robots on the island become guardians, they will also be converted into the energy of white light stones to maintain the operation of Paradise Island?"

"Yes." Light Shadow replied.

"Why do they do this?"

Li Luo asked in confusion, is it just to protect human beings?

"Yeah, why are you doing this?"

At the same time, in another part of the center, Mo Ling, who had transformed into the shape of a square head, asked the machine next to him.

After falling into the "well", he turned into a square head and also fell into a patch of feathers. However, this place did not seem to be at the same place as where Li Luo fell, and the machine happened to fall next to him.

This is exactly the center of the center. Countless feathers are floating in the air, projecting scenes from various places in the center.

Mo Ling also saw the conversation between Li Luo and Guangying.

"It's about waiting for a changed future."

Facing Mo Ling's question, the machine replied.

Since landing in the center, the machine has been looking at Mo Ling's square head, seeming to be very interested in this form of Mo Ling.

"The changed future? What is that?" Mo Ling did not pay attention to the inspecting gaze of the machine, but continued to ask.

"It is a future where humans and robots can escape the influence of Paradise Island." Jitai explained.

"As robots, we will do our best to protect humans. That's why I proposed such a deal to Paradise Island. In this way, when Paradise Island is low on energy, it will give priority to transforming the robots on the island to ensure the safety of humans."

"But this is just a temporary measure after all. The real key lies in you."

"Me?" Mo Ling pointed at herself and asked doubtfully.

"Yes, you can change the future." Ji Tai said with certainty: "You will find a way to save everyone on the island."

Mo Ling was stunned when he heard Ji Tai's firm words.

"Are you so sure that I can save everyone on the island? Is this also the future you see?"

The machine shook his head: "I'm sure because I can't see it."

It stepped on its feathers and came to Mo Ling.

Immediately afterwards, it slowly bent down its tall body, and its mechanical arm supported Mo Ling's shoulders.

"I solemnly ask you to save everything on Paradise Island."

When Mo Ling saw that the machine suddenly became so serious, his mind went blank.


He didn't know how to answer for a moment and could only stare at the machine blankly.

"Isn't there anything Siyang can do? Isn't he the chief architect?"

"No, it only has control authority and no stop authority. Even the main control program cannot stop such transformation. This is a kind of 'survival' instinct of Paradise Island. It wants to exist forever, just like human beings cannot stop it. My own heartbeat is the same.”

"Then what should I do?" Mo Ling asked confused.

"I don't know." The machine shook his head: "You should think about it for yourself, just like you did when you called out my name."

"From the first time I heard your name, I realized that the future can be changed."

"Originally, there would be no 'machine' on Paradise Island, but because of your name, there was some extra information when the current was sensed, so the 'machine' was reborn."

"It is precisely because of the emergence of the 'machine' that the transaction between robots and Paradise Island took place, and the conversion of humans on the island was delayed because of this."

"The name "Jitai" should have disappeared from history long ago, but you pulled me out of it and reinterpreted a story."

"Can you understand? I should have been a non-existent character a long time ago, and there will be no me in the future. But your words changed everything."

"You set a fire that burns wantonly in the dark future that has been predetermined by the gods."

"That sentence was the spark that ignited the entire dark night."

"But the night is not over yet, and we need a new flame, a flame that can burn through the entire future and turn everything into chaos."

The machine spoke to Mo Ling seriously. Although its words made Mo Ling confused, Mo Ling could still feel the desire.


"Yes, flame." The machine confirmed.

Mo Ling looked at his hands.

He never felt that he was anything special. When it came to fire, the arsonist on Hell Island was more powerful than him.

Even after the machine said so much, he didn't tell himself exactly what he should do.

But it seems that the machine has given him the choice, letting him decide how to solve the crisis on the island.

Mo Ling also began to think deeply.

But after thinking about it for a long time, there was nothing I could do.

In the end, he could only tentatively say:

"How about we dismantle Paradise Island and give it a try?"

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