I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 390 Zombie Stone

Just when Mo Ling was still wondering why he suddenly passed through the mirror, the situation in front of him shocked him again.

I saw Jiujiu and Li Luo on the other side of the mirror, suddenly seeming to fall into the water, crossing the thin mirror and coming to the side of the mirror.

"Coming in!" The head shouted excitedly: "This is detachment! Nothing can stop the progress of detachment, not even God's seal can stop it. Detachment can go wherever it wants! Hahahaha!"

"Detachment! What do you want to do? Do you want to kill the gods here! Let me help you! I just need to make a little move, and the dead rocks and gods here will turn into dust! They will become the sand of the Sea of ​​Creation Gods!"

The head spoke eloquently to the square, and then the fat man forced it into it.

"You can stop me from talking! But you can't stop me from thinking! Thoughts are unlimited!"

The sound of the head slowly disappeared, and the fat man sat on the ground for a long time before he recovered.

It looked at the square in the air meaningfully, and then looked at Li Luo: "Sorry, ignore that madman, just ignore all his words."

Li Luo was very calm and kept observing the situation around him.

She raised her hand, trying to catch the wandering glass creatures, but they nimbly dodged them.

"Is this in the mirror?" She was also a little unsure.

"This is a place for divine sacrifice." Fatty replied: "If you want to understand it as a mirror, that's fine, but it's not a mirror."

"It's not a mirror? What is that?" Li Luo asked.

The fat man thought for a while and suddenly had an idea.

"Television! You showed it during the previous transaction."

"The entire Sea of ​​Creation Gods is like a huge TV screen. You can see the images of various god worship sites on the screen, just like different channels."

"The Sea of ​​Creation God can receive the signals from these places, and then convert them into pictures and display them on the mirror. The signals of different channels are different, which means different places of worship."

"But if you break the mirror, you will find that there are only crystals underneath and nothing. What is displayed on the screen is only a picture of an unknown space, which does not actually exist."

Li Luo became even more confused as he listened.

"If it's just a screen, why are we walking through it?"

Hearing Li Luo's question, the fat man also spread his hands.

"You have to ask what Transcendence thinks, and why it brought us here. Normally, only by carrying divine objects can you come to the corresponding sacred place, but Transcendence directly brought us in."

With that said, the fat man looked at Cube again, thoughtfully.

Mo Ling, who was in the cube, was also confused after hearing its words.

"Did I bring them here?"

Mo Ling had no memory of what he had done.

He just wanted to get closer to the altar, otherwise he could not see clearly.

"Could it be that if I just think about it, I can bring them into the place of worship?"

Mo Ling doesn't think Cube still has this ability.

The idea of ​​"entering the TV screen" is also ridiculous.

Mo Ling was still confused, but the fat man walked directly under the square and started talking to the square.

"Detachment, what do you want to do by bringing us in?"

The fat man asked seriously.

"How do I know what to do?" Mo Ling asked in the square. Of course, the fat man outside couldn't hear anything.

The fat man stood there and waited for a while. Seeing that there was no response from Cube, he turned his head again and said to Li Luo very seriously:

"Detachment says nothing."


Li Luo was also stunned.

"I know it doesn't say anything..."

Just like that, the two of them looked at each other in the endless mirror.

Li Luo wanted to have a detailed communication with Cube at this time, but due to the presence of the Block Man, he had to pretend not to know anything.

At this moment, the head sneaked out again.

"Detachment definitely wants to kill everyone! What other reason is there for breaking into someone else's sacred place? Isn't it just to fight! Those zombies have already launched an attack, fight back quickly! Take out your relics and throw them at them Face! If you can’t even hit me with a stone, I will look down on you forever!”

"Initiating an attack?" The fat man ignored the fire in his head, but noticed the key point in its words.

"Stupid! You've already broken into someone else's sacred place, and you still ask such a thing. Haven't you noticed that the bricks on your body are beginning to harden? After a while, you will be turned into stone by them!"

"Those rigid rocks will not allow any moving things to exist. This is their rule. Look under the altar, did you find anything?"

The fat man listened to the head's words and looked below the altar.

Soon, it discovered something was wrong.

Those transparent glass creatures would deliberately avoid being under the altar, as if they were avoiding some danger.

"You see! That's why I said you are stupid! You have been in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods for so long and you haven't even memorized the rules of other races. I really don't know what you are doing. If it weren't for me, you would have died long ago!"

Li Luo listened to the head's words and thought of one of the precautions on the ship: "It is forbidden to stay under the rocks..."

Because there were no rocks on the ship, Li Luo didn't understand why such strange precautions were set, so she had a very deep memory of this precaution.

Now, the few people are not under the rocks, but according to the head, the stiff rocks have already launched an attack on them.

"Turn into stone?"

Li Luo pinched his arm and found that it was indeed quite hard.

After the fat man heard the words of the head, he became nervous instantly, and the blocks on his body changed.

"I'll deal with them, don't be afraid." Fatty said directly to Li Luo.

"That's right! Don't be indecisive, just kill when it's time to kill!"

The fat man ignored the words of the head, and the building blocks on his body changed again and began to build again.

It jumped up, turned into a huge building bird, and flew towards the altar.

The Block Bird was very fast and soon arrived at the rock.

However, as the distance got closer and closer, the speed of the building bird became slower.

"You have to isolate their perception, don't be so reckless!" the head commanded.

"I understand." The blocks on the Block Bird's body kept changing, and the relics in the body were also wrapped in the blocks and floated to the surface of the body.

A relic like an eyeball was rolled up to the bird's head.

"Help me pay the price."

Following these words, a skinny brick arm suddenly stretched out from the surging bricks, fiercely inserted into the eye of the brick bird, and then forcefully pulled out an eye.

"Excellent eyes."

The eyes of the blocks that were pulled out suddenly expanded and turned into a black smoke, rolling towards the stiff rocks and wrapping them tightly.

After the black smoke completely obscured the rigid stone, the stiff movements of the Block Bird suddenly became flexible.


"Don't stop! Take advantage of the victory and pursue it!"

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