I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 392 Zombie God

Mo Ling felt that the atmosphere suddenly became uncomfortable.

It seems that an unimaginable pressure is coming to this area.

Gray-black stone powder began to fill the air, and a realm that petrified everything was overlapping with this world.

Mo Ling quickly looked at Li Luo and found that her skin had been stained with a layer of stone crust, but she remained motionless, as if she couldn't see it all.

The quarrels in the sky suddenly disappeared, and the wings of the building block bird suddenly stopped, covered with stone marks like tree roots.

The head also maintained a surprised expression, stopping at the moment of exclamation.

Not only that, all the wandering glass creatures stopped moving. Their crystal clear bodies were covered with gray-black stone powder at some point, and the stone powder was still spreading, eroding inside their originally transparent bodies.

Within Mo Ling's entire field of vision, the sky suddenly darkened. Petrification was slowly filling this area. Maybe not long after, everything here would turn into immovable stone.

"Has God really come?"

However, Mo Ling did not see the shadow of God. Apart from everything being petrified, nothing appeared here.

“Is God visible or invisible?”

Mo Ling didn't know whether the so-called "gods" in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods were some kind of powerful creatures or some strange phenomena.

He knew nothing about anything here.

"what to do?"

The petrification continued, and Mo Ling became more and more panicked. Although the cube was not affected, the petrification on Li Luo's body was very serious, and the stone shell had almost covered her body.

In desperation, Mo Ling remembered what the head had said before.

"The altar and the sacred objects are all Zombie Stone himself."

Since he couldn't find God, he would destroy the stones. Mo Ling quickly made up his mind.

Those dead rocks had become riddled with holes in the previous battle. Mo Ling directly aimed the teleportation frame at them and activated the teleportation.

The dead rocks were too big, so Mo Ling had to cut them into small pieces and pile them into squares.

However, there were too many stones, and Mo Ling couldn't hold them, so he could only throw the teleported gravel out and onto the mirror.

Just like that, the suspended rocks in the sky disappeared one by one, and there were more and more gravels on the mirror.

After Mo Ling smashed the last stone, he looked around expectantly.

However, the most worrying situation emerged:

The petrification has not disappeared, it continues.

What was even more frightening was that Mo Ling felt that countless eyes seemed to appear in the petrified field, staring at him.

It was a strong sense of surveillance, as if the stone powder around him came alive and looked at Cube.

The sight circled around the square, as if it wanted to take a closer look at the square, but was blocked by the metal wall and could not invade. It could only gather around the square, gathering more and more.

Mo Ling could hardly believe what he was feeling at this moment:

"Gaze can be superimposed?"

The area around the block became more and more oppressive, and countless stone powder appeared in the surrounding area in an instant. Although the petrified gaze could not affect the block, it could affect the air next to the block.

Before Mo Ling had time to react, the cube was wrapped in countless stone shells, unable to move.

"It's over."

Mo Ling never expected that the petrified stone was actually conscious. It must have been his act of crushing the frozen stone that caught the conscious gaze.

"Could this be God?"

A trace of confusion flashed in Mo Ling's heart, but he shook it off.

Right now, the most important thing is to escape.

Aiming the teleportation frame around the block, Mo Ling planned to break the still thickening stone shell and escape.

But just when he was about to initiate the teleportation, he found a knocking sound coming from behind him.

Something was beating on the stone shell, trying to let him out.

After a while, a ray of light came in...

A strange-looking creature poked its head out and asked, "Are you okay? How do you feel?"

It was a strange language, like some kind of horny friction sound, which was very difficult to understand. However, Mo Ling found that she could actually understand it.

Seeing that Mo Ling didn't respond, the creature had no choice but to stretch out its jointed limbs and pull Mo Ling out.

Only then did Mo Ling realize that there was no block at this time, and the strange creature directly touched his body.

"Have I turned into a square head again?"

He quickly touched his head, but he couldn't feel the familiar square. Instead, he felt a round carapace.

"What's going on?" He looked at the strange creature and found that the creature looked like a round watermelon worm. Several pairs of jointed limbs kept rubbing together, which looked quite weird.

"Why are you in a daze all the time? How do you feel?"

Mo Ling didn't know what to say, so he had to look back and found that the stone shell he had just escaped from was lying quietly on the seabed, broken into several pieces.

"Wait, this is under the sea?"

Mo Ling was startled, and quickly looked around, and found that everything around him had changed. It was a gray seabed, with countless seafloor dust floating around, just like the stone powder before.

"This is a completely different place."

Because there was also gray dust floating around, Mo Ling didn't react for a while.

Mo Ling's strange reaction aroused the suspicion of the strange creature. It stretched out its jointed limbs and waved it in front of Mo Ling.

"Is there something wrong with your petrification?"


"Yeah, weren't you petrified just now?" The strange creature said, pointing to the broken stone shell on the ground.

Mo Ling didn't understand the situation yet, so she could only remain silent.

At the same time, he began to look at his body, and found that he had turned into the shape of the watermelon insect, with layers of carapace wrapping his back, and his abdomen was made of twisting joints.

"What's going on?"

How could he still change his appearance after being locked up in a stone shell?

Not only that, Mo Ling could still feel the existence of the square space, but his original body in the square had disappeared.

Mo Ling was confused by the situation in front of him and froze on the spot.

Seeing that Mo Ling still didn't speak, the watermelon bug in front of him thought that Mo Ling had been hit too hard.

It gently patted Mo Ling's carapace with its arthropods and comforted: "Petrification is not so easy to succeed. The dust density in this place is too low, which is not suitable for petrification. Don't be depressed, I will take you to a good place."

So, this "good Samaritan" directly picked up Mo Ling and led him to climb up on the bottom of the sea.

While crawling, the "good-hearted insect" kept nagging to Mo Ling:

"Why are you petrifying yourself here? Don't you go to the gathering place?"

"Is there a bug that's pushing you away?"

"That's what those bugs are like. If they think you're stealing their dust, they'll be very angry and won't make things easier for you. They'll even form gangs and drive you out."

"I have been driven away before, but I found a new dust gathering place. No insects have ever been there before. There is so much dust that I have been petrified many times."

"I took you there because you were pitiful. You are not allowed to tell others..."

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