I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 394 Dust Land

"I have taught many insects before, but most of them can't learn it. Even if they learn it, it will take a long time. Unlike you, you can learn it in just one lesson. You are very talented in petrification..."

The kindhearted person was not stingy with his praise at all and encouraged Mo Ling along the way:

"When you get to a place with denser dust, you will definitely be able to realize your potential. Failure in petrochemicals is common. Don't give up on the path you should stick to because of a temporary failure."

"You're right." Mo Ling replied wordlessly.

The two insects just crawled farther and farther in the dusty canyon.

"We're almost there." The good-hearted insect looked into the distance and said to Mo Ling beside him.

Mo Ling looked around and saw that the petrified dust here was indeed much richer than before.

The dust on the ground is also very thick. Stepping on it can raise thick dust. The sides of the canyon are constantly collapsing, and piles of dust fall from high places and hit the canyon.

The good Samaritan took Mo Ling around the dusty mountains and came to the exit of the canyon.

Passing through the exit, a huge plain appeared in front of us.

Endless petrified dust covered the earth. The gray in the sea water was even richer than the blue. The dust stuck together to form a huge overwhelming net.

As the seawater flows, this giant gray net filters out the petrochemical dust that comes and goes, making the dust concentration in this sea area reach an unprecedented height.

"I fell down from the canyon before and found out about this place. It's pretty good." The good-hearted insect pointed at the giant beast-like net and said proudly.


Mo Ling responded blankly.

The giant net blocked all the light, making the sea area appear even darker. If he hadn't been able to move freely, Mo Ling would have felt like he was buried in dusty soil.

The seawater surged, the edges of the giant net trembled slightly, and the flocculent structure made of connected dust twisted back and forth, like the tentacles of some kind of monster.

The mesh opens and closes, just like the monster's breath. The dull breath blows countless dust and sprays downwards.

Not long after arriving here, Mo Ling's round carapace was already covered with a thick layer of petrified dust.

“It is indeed a good place.”

If you want to master the ability to petrify, this is undoubtedly the best place to experience dust.

However, it seems that no insects have ever come here as the kind-hearted insect said.

In the darkness not far away, many pairs of eyes appeared unconsciously.

The kindhearted insect also noticed those eyes and became nervous instantly.

It wanted to take Mo Ling and run elsewhere, but it was also blocked.


In the darkness, a cold warning came.

Those eyes blocked all directions, leaving only the road leading to the canyon. They didn't seem to want the two insects to enter the plain.

The good-hearted insect had no choice but to stand there and asked those eyes: "Why? There is so much petrified dust here that you can't use it all. Why don't you let others use it?"

"Leave." Those eyes didn't seem to intend to explain.

Not only that, they also gathered towards the two insects, seemingly wanting to force Mo Ling and the good-hearted insects out of the plain.

When they came in front of him, Mo Ling also saw their appearance clearly:

It's exactly the same as the watermelon worm, except it's still covered in a thick stone shell, leaving only two empty eyes.

The short jointed limbs stretched out from the cracks in the stone with difficulty, crawling slowly on the ground. Because the stone shell was too bloated, their movement had become very difficult, but they still struggled to approach the center.

In the face of these approaching similar creatures, the good-hearted insects did not back down.

"When I discovered this place before, you weren't here either. I didn't even think about taking it for myself. You can't just take over this place! Dust doesn't belong to any insect in the first place!"

It stood firmly in front of Mo Ling, confronting those of its kind.

However, those of the same kind did not seem to want to be reasonable and did not pay attention to the words of the kindhearted people.

"Leave, this is ours." They continued to repeat the same words.

"This place does not belong to any insect!" the kind insect retorted forcefully.

However, things are not as simple as it seems.

Those of the same kind stirred up countless dust vortices as they approached.

The surrounding water surged instantly, and the turbulence from all directions began to tear Mo Ling and the good-hearted insect apart.

The turbulence made it very difficult for Mo Ling to move. Whenever he wanted to move, the turbulence would pull him back to the center and fix him in place.

While the turbulence was covering him, Mo Ling suddenly felt that the movements of those of the same kind were slowing down.

This seems to be another attack method using petrified dust.

"They are peeling off the petrification from our bodies..." The good-hearted insect was trapped in the middle of the turbulence and said with some despair.

"What does this mean?" Mo Ling also felt that his body was being torn apart by the turbulent current, but he felt no pain. He did not understand what those similar people were going to do.

The kindhearted person looked at Mo Ling a few times and blamed himself: "I shouldn't have brought you here. You obviously don't know anything, but you have to suffer this unreasonable disaster..."

It raised its limbs and stirred along the turbulent flow.

"I told you before, we can roll up the petrified dust and let it go where we want it."

"By converging on the prey, we can petrify the prey, slow them down, and finally pull the prey to the same speed as us, or even slower than us, so that we can catch them easily."

"But what about the other way around?"

"If we want to make them faster and faster..."

"Tear off the dust from them." Mo Ling directly answered the question of the kindhearted insect.

"Yes, since the water flow can gather dust, of course it can also peel off dust. The method is the same. Now they are creating turbulence, peeling off the dust on us, making us faster and faster."

faster and faster?

Hearing this, Mo Ling was a little confused. Wouldn't it be detrimental to himself to make the enemy faster and faster?

Is this kind of attack really useful?

In the turbulent current, those similar movements became slower and slower, and finally even stopped in place, motionless.

It's like... turned into stone.

Looking at the round stone shell, Mo Ling suddenly felt extremely familiar.

"Zombie stone?"

"What is a zombie?" the kindhearted insect asked in confusion.


Mo Ling's heart surged. Could it be that these watermelon worms were stiff rocks?

"What does it do to make us faster?" Mo Ling asked.

"Wait until we die." The kind worm said with some despair: "The life span of a worm is limited. If it is accelerated ten times, its life span will be shortened ten times. If it is accelerated ten thousand times, its life span will be shortened ten thousand times..."

"From their perspective, we will turn into corpses in an instant, and we will turn into fly ash in an instant, dissipating in this dim seawater..."

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