I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 399 The Real God

"God, don't go..."

The voice seemed to come from the dust floating in the sky, and it seemed to come from the huge vortex in the sky.

Mo Ling knew that the voice was talking to himself.

"God, is it me?" Mo Ling was a little confused.

The gazes suddenly became humble, and countless dust gathered around the cube in the middle.

Seeing that Mo Ling was no longer running away, the voice also realized that Mo Ling understood what it said, so it stopped adjusting its speech speed.

The cube floated quietly in the center of the pure area, and the vortex slowly fell and came to the top of the cube.

The terrifying sense of oppression came over him, and Mo Ling seemed to see a millstone of time, which was rotating with the vortex and constantly crushing everything.

However, the voice from the vortex was full of humility:

"God, please help us."

Between the gray sky and earth, countless dusts were worshiping the cube and telling their sufferings.

"God, petrification, stagnant..."

With the sound of the collision of the arthropods, Mo Ling slowly understood everything.

The Zombie Stone tribe originally had a genius.

When the Zombie Stone was still in the form of a worm, the genius created a vortex that could accelerate the petrification of the entire tribe.

Zombie Stone thought that they could all follow this genius and become perfect petrified forms, using limited life to explore infinite time.

But one day, the genius suddenly stopped the vortex.

It said to the Zombie Stone tribe: "Petrification is wrong, and there is only nothingness at the end of time."

It left the tribe and even removed all the petrification on its body and disappeared.

The Zombie Stone tribe was unwilling to give up petrification, so they could only learn from the genius's previous practice and continue to maintain the vortex.

Although the effect of the vortex was not as good as before, fortunately it could operate normally and began to attract petrified dust.

However, the good times did not last long. Suddenly one day, the Zombie Stones found that the petrification had stagnated.

Zombie Stone thought that there was something wrong with the vortex again, and hurriedly began to check, but found that the vortex was still operating normally.

After continuous exploration, the stone zombies finally came to a terrible conclusion - there was not enough petrification dust.

This is the key to petrification. Without dust, their petrification will never continue.

The vortex is still rotating, but it can no longer attract dust.

The stone zombies panicked. They explored the whole world with the help of the vortex, but they did not find any new dust.

They thought that the vortex had a malfunction or that other races were sabotaging it, but they never thought that the final obstruction of petrification was actually due to insufficient dust.

At this time, they thought of a way to reduce the vortex, make the petrification dust denser, and make the petrification more concentrated.

There is no way to adjust the mass, so you can only reduce the volume and make the density higher.

This approach quickly took effect, and the petrification continued.

But the good times did not last long. Not long after, the stone zombies found that the vortex was no longer enough to accommodate their bodies.

So the stone zombies decided to abandon their bodies.

"It is enough to petrify the mind."

Thoughts have no volume, will not occupy the space of the vortex, and do not need food like the flesh, and there are no various constraints.

The stone corpses spent a long time looking for a way to separate their thoughts from their bodies.

But in the end, they found that the method was right beside them.

"Petrified dust."

The stone corpses can control the petrified dust, and in turn, the petrified dust can also bear their thoughts. With unremitting efforts, they finally transferred their thoughts completely to the dust.

So far, they have completely become a new race.

In order to petrify, they abandoned their bodies.

But out of habit, they still use dust to gather into the shape of stone, and this form of existence makes them feel more at ease.

As the vortex continued to shrink, petrification continued.

But the stone corpses knew that this would not last long. The vortex could not shrink infinitely, and the dust could not be compressed infinitely.

"We need more dust." The stone corpses knew clearly where the key to the problem was.

So, they came to the Sea of ​​Creation, wanting to create a god to help them find more dust.

"We have no choice. The dust is seriously insufficient."

"Please help us, God."

"Petrification must continue. We have not seen the end of time yet..."

In the dust, Mo Ling seemed to hear countless petrified stones chattering.

They told their pain and expressed their desires.

"God, I haven't seen the dying star, I haven't seen the colorful nebula, I want to see, I really want to see..."

"God, I don't want to become dust in the world in a daze, I want to reach eternity, I want to see the end of time..."

"God, please help us, we can abandon everything, the body, the mind, and even our freedom, as long as we can reach the end of petrification..."

These praying voices wrapped the cube, as if the cube really became their god.

Listening to these eager voices, Mo Ling was speechless.

"They are still unwilling to give up petrification, and they are even more persistent in petrification."

Mo Ling's heart was mixed with mixed feelings. He once had a common goal with those petrified stones, but when he saw those nothingness, he gave up everything.

He even had some doubts about whether everything he saw when he turned into stone was real.

Mo Ling didn't understand why he suddenly became the god of stiff stone.

"Does it mean that to become a god, you have to experience everything that their race has experienced?"

The surrounding gazes still did not disappear, and Mo Ling suddenly realized that maybe it was not a simple gaze, but countless expectant gazes, which was why it was so sharp.

Under the whirlpool and in the dust all over the sky, the cube became the target of all the zombies' prayers.

The chaotic sounds shocked Mo Ling's heart.

Mo Ling stood in the square, looking at the dust on the ground, extremely confused.

He is not a god, but he can fulfill the wishes of the zombies.

But does he really want these rocks to go down the wrong path?

"Why do I have to make a choice?"

The mirror that was covered with dust was no longer shining with pure light, and the vortex was slowly rotating, waiting for Mo Ling's response.

Unknowingly, those stiff stones stopped talking.

The surroundings became quiet again, but the gaze became even more intense.

"What would you do if you were God?"

"Will you choose to deny their wishes and correct their path, or will you realize this wrong wish and let them fend for themselves?"

"How can you detach yourself from it when you are completely trapped in it?"

“If you can’t transcend, how can you become a true god?”

Countless questions suddenly appeared in Mo Ling's heart, making him unable to breathe anymore...

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