I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 411 The Final Battle

On the sea, lightning and thunder suddenly began.

The wind on the seaside also stopped, and a strange atmosphere was brewing.

"Are you angry, Brother Wave?" The balloon didn't know what happened, it just felt that Brother Wave suddenly became a little strange.

The waves certainly didn't respond to it.

In this weird atmosphere, the sea water suddenly retreated to the distance, directly away from the coast where the balloon was, and the black volcanic rocks under the water were also exposed.

"Is Brother Wave running away?" The balloon was a little puzzled, and the sea had never been in such a situation before.

It looked at the shallow sea in the distance and found that the sea surface had turned white, and countless bubbles rose from the water, as if something was deliberately stirring the water.

Then, the sea surface suddenly twisted and turned, and a long water wall rose, and bubbles also surged on the water wall, constantly bursting in the sun.

As the water wall rose, the sea surface suddenly began to shake violently, and the water wall became shaky, as if it would collapse in an instant.

Strange muffled sounds began to be heard from under the water wall, as if some huge creature was hitting the seabed. With the appearance of this sound, countless panicked fish and shrimps suddenly jumped out of the sea.

These marine creatures even began to rush to the shallows and finally ran aground on the volcanic rocks.

Balloon understood that Brother Wave was not running away, but brewing a heavy punch.

"Brother Wave, you have to cheer up."

The water wall in the distance was getting higher and higher, and the bubbles were surging more violently.

In the deep sea, the dull slapping sound became heavier and heavier, and the vibration even spread to the land.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Under this muffled sound, the water wall staggered up to the sky.

Suddenly, the sky darkened.

The water wall blocked the sun, and the bubbles on it slowly disappeared.

The muffled sound suddenly stopped, replaced by a sound of waves, far away but loud.

Snap! A bolt of lightning struck, cutting open the curtain of the battlefield.

The water wall rushed towards the coast with a terrifying military force, and countless waves gathered into the tall waves, pointing at the volcano!

This is a tsunami!

"Brother Hailang! Well done!"

The balloon was swept into the waves before it finished speaking.

It was directly swept by the huge waves of the tsunami and rushed towards the volcano.

Wrapped in the water flow, the balloon was not hurt at all.

It was just swept into a circulation, except for spinning all the time and being a little dizzy, it was unscathed.

The waves swept across the volcanic plain, crushing all the creatures that blocked it, and the scorching magma flow was completely extinguished.

With a strong impact, the huge waves rushed directly to the volcano, the sea water surged, and hit the crater hard.

Then, a large amount of sea water followed one after another. They took advantage of the road paved by the huge waves and drilled into every corner of the crater, cooling all the high-temperature gaps.

The high temperature in the crater evaporated the sea water and turned it into white water vapor, but the sea water behind it continued to replenish it.

The magma was also irrigated by the sea water, and quickly cooled down, becoming a rigid volcanic rock.

In this way, the high temperature energy of the earth and the sea water began a tug-of-war, and corpses were everywhere at every moment.

"Brother Wave..."

The balloon was just hanging on the edge of the crater and witnessed the war with his own eyes.

It did not expect that his advice would actually cause this great war.

The balloon could not feel any hostility at this time. The waves had completely targeted the volcano, and the volcano also poured its hostility on the endless sea water.

This war provoked by it had nothing to do with it at all.

The inside of the crater was the battlefield between the volcano and the waves, and the outside was a unilateral massacre by the waves. The creatures on the volcanic plain were completely wiped out by the terrifying waves.

The unbridled hostility of the waves poured on the heads of every creature. The balloon saw the corpses floating in the sea water and a completely destroyed plain.

The sea water was overwhelming, showing its monstrous power without reservation.

The balloon regretted it.

"All gone..."

The air was filled with smoke and chaos, and the torrent was full of fragments of living creatures. Those originally alive lives became fragmented under the hostility of nature.

In the chaotic water flow, the balloon seemed to see countless silk threads, entangled with the corpses of those creatures, and swung them around.

They were tied by the silk threads, and even though they were dead, they were still being manipulated.

Unable to transcend.

"What is that?"

The balloon looked along the silk threads and found that those threads were connected to countless waves.

It understood that it was the hostility of the waves.

Of course, the hostility of the waves was more connected to the volcano.

At the same time, countless silk threads stretched out from the volcano and pierced into the surging waves.

The silk threads of the two were intertwined, and they would never stop until death.

On the volcanic plain, those innocent creatures were also tied into the intertwined silk threads of the two and became cannon fodder on the battlefield.

Only the balloon itself dodged all the threads and hung quietly above the crater. It was clearly the culprit of all this, but it was clean and not a single leaf was stained on it.

"Is all this caused by me?"

It was ignorant and finally realized that it had caused a big disaster.

"Brother Hailang, stop it, that's enough, don't hit me anymore..." The balloon looked at the devastated volcanic plain and begged.

But at this time, its pleading was useless.

All the silk threads were tangled together and could not be untied.

It was easy to cause hostility, but it was difficult to untie the hostility.

The balloon tried hard to untie the tangled threads, but the threads got stuck more and more, and finally they were completely knotted and could not be separated anymore.

"Stop, don't fight..."

The balloon looked at the increasingly tangled threads and had no choice but to turn around and untie the threads on those innocent creatures.

These creatures were entangled by the hostility of the waves and were thrown around. Most of them were dead, but some were dying.

The balloon struggled to rescue these creatures.

While untying the silk threads, these creatures got a glimmer of life.

However, the power of the balloon was just a drop in the bucket. It could only keep running and untying the silk threads.

"I was wrong, I was wrong."

The balloon kept apologizing to every creature entangled by the silk threads, regardless of whether those creatures could understand it or not.

In the end, its movements became more and more mechanical, and its mind gradually became numb.

It only remembered that the silk threads in the sky were finally completely tangled into a ball, and could no longer be untied. Finally, under the invisible huge force, they were completely broken.

The seawater completely evaporated, and the volcano completely cooled down. Both sides of the war fought to the end under endless hostility until death.

The broken silk threads covered the ground, and it was a mess.

The corpses of the creatures were covered in hostility, and the entire volcanic plain was devastated.

The balloon floated on the crater, holding a few broken silk threads, and fell into endless self-blame.

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