I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 413 The End of Hostility

Mo Ling was immersed in the balloon's words and couldn't calm down for a long time.

"The hostility from 3,500 years in the future... no wonder it is so subtle and difficult to detect."

"I'm surprised. Such a distant thing has actually been decided a long time ago. A stream of water in the sea has become hostile to a mass of magma in a volcano. They will meet in a destined encounter three thousand five hundred years later."

"This line will become thicker and thicker, getting closer and closer, and finally break as one of the parties disappears."

Mo Ling was stunned. He never expected that hostility could reach this level.

But now, he can easily change what happened 3,500 years later, just by tearing off this fragile thread.

Mo Ling stretched out his hand blankly and put it down again.

It doesn't dare to pluck the strings of fate, even though all this may be just a simulation of the Sea of ​​Creation.

The gentle sea breeze blows, and the shore is extremely calm. Countless thin lines in the sky are connected and motionless.

They connect from one unknown end to the other unknown end, forming this big network that covers everything.

Mo Ling stood under this web of hostility, feeling overwhelmed.

"Are you okay?" Balloon asked concerned.

"It's okay." Mo Ling's body was a little stiff. He was worried that a small movement of his would disturb the surrounding threads and affect events hundreds or even thousands of years later.

"Relax, as long as you don't deliberately disturb them, it won't affect these lines. They are very strong."

The balloon floated quietly aside, waiting for Mo Ling.

The sea breeze gently blew Mo Ling's sponge body, but the silk threads spreading everywhere remained motionless.

After a long time, Mo Ling finally relaxed completely.

"Sorry, I was too nervous just now."

"It doesn't matter. When I fully understood these threads for the first time, I was just as nervous as you. And I didn't adapt as quickly as you. I didn't move for several months for fear of disturbing the threads around me." Qiu Qiao said somewhat self-deprecatingly.

"Is this what's confusing you?"

"No, it's not worth my confusion. So far, I can understand it."

Balloon looked at Mo Ling: "How are you? Can you continue walking?"


"Then keep following." The balloon fiddled with the slightly invisible thread with a sponge thread and floated toward the sea: "Let's go and have a look inside the sea."

Just like that, Mo Ling followed the balloon and dived into the deep sea.

The thin line stretches forward, in the dark blue water, to the unknown distance.

The hostile network in the sea is even more chaotic, with thin lines of unknown origin spreading everywhere, some extending to the surface of the sea, some penetrating into the deep sea, and some thin lines are constantly moving.

"Those come from sea creatures," Balloon explained.

"Life is special. They can freely control the generation of hostility and bring life to this completely solidified network."

As Balloon spoke, the moving thin line suddenly disappeared.

"It seems that it had an accident..."

Some lines disappear and new ones appear.

The tranquil deep sea became alive with life because of those moving thin lines.

"After fully understanding these thin lines, I felt desperate. I felt that everything was destined. Only I could change the direction of those thin lines. Invisible pressure came to me unknowingly."

"But then I discovered that any living thing has the ability to change thin threads, but they don't know it. The world is moving and changeable, and all living things can bring vitality to this world."

"We're just a little bit special..."

Listening to Balloon's intermittent narration, Mo Ling felt much more relaxed.

"The bearing capacity of this world is much stronger than I imagined. I once tried to cut off all the thin threads in an area, but nothing happened. The activities of living creatures will bring new threads, making this stagnant water move again. stand up."

In the silent deep sea, the balloon slowly told its story. It also had a lot of confusion and doubts, but as time went by, they slowly disappeared.

In the process of exploring the world, it is also adapting to the truth of the world and compromising towards the incomprehensible unknown.

"Looks like we're very unlucky, the line is very far apart."

The balloon floated with Mo Ling for a long time, but still could not see the end of the thread.

But what is certain is that the thread is connected to a deep trench.

Going down the trench, they finally found the end of the thread next to the dark rock wall of the trench.

It was an ordinary mass of sea water.

The ends of the thin thread were twisted into a ball, floating quietly in the middle.

But above the sea water, there is another thin thread wrapped around it.

"It's something else's hostility towards him," Balloon explained.


"Go on and have a look."

Following the thin line, the balloon floated upward again with Mo Ling.

Keep going up, keep going up, and finally reach the sea.

The thin line stretched into the sky, flying towards the sun.

"Eighty years later, that mass of seawater will be evaporated by the high temperature of the sun and turn into water vapor in the clouds. It will not be destroyed. It will continue to circulate, fall into rivers, and merge into the sea..."

"That's hostility from the sun."

The ball of light in the sky is entangled with a terrifying line of hostility. The sun is spreading wantonly on the entire sea, pouring out hostility to everything regardless of high or low.

Because of the rotation and revolution, the silk threads also wriggled on the surface of the sun like worms, wrapping the sun into a ball of wool.

"It seems that we can't go on." The balloon looked at the silk thread that went straight into the sky and said with some disappointment: "We have to use other methods."

The balloon slowly floated to Mo Ling's side.

"Catch me." It stretched out the sponge thread.

After hesitating for a moment, Mo Ling reached out and grabbed the balloon.

"Don't resist."

Accompanying the words of the balloon, Mo Ling felt that he had left the sea and suddenly flew into the sky.

"We are flying towards the sun."

"Flying towards the sun?" Mo Ling looked at the sea surface that was getting farther and farther away, and asked in disbelief.

"Yes, we are flying towards the sun along the hostility."

Listening to the words of the balloon, Mo Ling realized that they were now following the silk thread and constantly going up.

The speed of the ascent was getting faster and faster. Mo Ling only felt that the surrounding scene changed for a while, and then he came to a void.

Then, there was another change. When Mo Ling fully reacted, the sun, like a ball of wool, was already quietly hanging in front of him.

Countless threads were entangled, and the sun released hostility to the universe without emotion.

At the same time, there were countless hostilities from other things, tightly binding the sun.

"That is a meteorite one day later..."

"That is a meteorite thirty million years later..."

"That is another star one million and four hundred thousand years later..."

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