I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 44 In the Temple

In the huge temple.

In the center surrounded by tall stone pillars, there is an exquisite statue of the goddess.

The clothes on the goddess's body were like melting liquid. The liquid changed and twisted, and various plants were carved out at the end with a flick of the pen.

The lower body is a curled snake tail, and on the snake tail, all kinds of strange animal limbs grow weirdly.

This is like a goddess who is a mixture of various creatures. The head is actually that of a very beautiful woman, looking lovingly into the distance.

The goddess's hands covered with various plants were held forward. A vine snaked upwards, and a strange spine was held diagonally between the palms.

The tall square base of the statue is carved with a full network of circles, with small dots drawn in the middle of the circles, like closely connected cells.

The spine stretched long over the base, spiraled to the ground, and finally sunk deep into the ground.

This lifelike sculpture attracted everyone's attention, and Mo Ling was immersed in its weird beauty.

He suddenly realized that the spine in the goddess's hand seemed to be one in his cube.

Mo Ling took a quick look and found that they were indeed very similar.

But the most important thing now is not the spine, but the figure on the ground in front of the goddess.

It turned its back to the crowd and faced the goddess, standing upright.

It was the sheep-headed man.

What was in front of it made no one dare to act rashly, including the two tribesmen who had already arrived here in advance.

It was a huge wooden shelf, made of several interlaced logs in the shape of a "meter".

The shelf was stuck straight into the ground, with a dying man above it.

It was a flesh-and-blood tribesman covered in red.

His arms and feet were cut vertically and divided into two pieces from the end to the root. They were tied to the top of the "rice" frame by vines and hung in the air.

The sheep-headed man made this flesh-and-blood tribesman look like the "Vitruvian Man"!

The chainsaw on its arm hadn't even been retracted yet, and was still spinning rapidly.

However, the flesh and blood tribesmen who were watching did not stop him.

Because the wounds on the hung flesh and blood tribesman were dripping with transparent liquid!

The flesh and blood tribesmen looked at each other in disbelief, looking at the shelves and smelling the smell wafting over carefully.

But the expression of the leader of the Transparent tribe changed drastically at this time, looking very strange.

The sheep-headed man hasn't finished his behavior yet. He has been playing with the hanging flesh and blood tribesman.

It tied the vines tightly to prevent the flesh and blood tribesmen from moving. Although the flesh and blood tribesmen were still wailing in pain, it was as if the sheep-headed people had not heard them.

It has also been moving the shelf so that it is in the center of the temple, directly in front of the idol.

This act of desecrating the idols finally became unbearable for the Transparent people.

"What are you doing? Move this thing out quickly!" Some transparent tribesmen who had never seen a sheep-headed man scolded and stepped forward.

The sheep-headed man turned around and stared blankly at the approaching transparent tribesman with his two rectangular pupils.

The man walked around the sheep-headed man and stretched out his hand to touch the shelf, but as soon as his hand was raised, it left his body.

The sheep-headed man swung the electric saw and chopped it off from below, and an arm dripping with transparent liquid fell straight to the ground.

Things happened so fast that the transparent tribesman didn't even react. He stared at his empty arms with wide eyes.

When the pain spread throughout his body, he covered the smooth incision at the base of his arm and shouted in pain.


Wails of fear echoed throughout the temple.

The sheep-headed man did not continue to attack, but looked at the transparent tribesman with a broken arm curiously, and imitated the "baa baa baa" sound a few times.

Then he stretched out his right hand and chopped it off with a saw.

The sheep's hooves fell to the ground.

"Baa baa baa! Baa baa baa!" The sheep-headed man also shouted in pain, and the two voices echoed each other.

Seeing such a terrifying scene, the injured transparent tribesmen didn't care about blaspheming the statues, and ran towards their companions on the ground.

The sheep-headed man also followed suit, shouting "baa baa baa" while staggering after the transparent tribesman.

But just after catching up a little bit, the sheep-headed man's arm fully recovered.

So it stopped learning, stood still suddenly, turned around and continued walking towards the shelf, as if nothing happened.

As if what he just did had nothing to do with him, the sheep-headed man began to carefully trim the vines on the shelf with a chainsaw again.

The leader couldn't bear it any longer and asked the flesh and blood tribesmen beside him: "You have found the culprit, why don't you go and ask the question now?"

The flesh and blood tribe member spread his hands and said nonchalantly: "He is not the culprit. He also helped us find your traitor. He should be the hero."

The flesh and blood tribesmen did not wonder why the companion was leaking transparent liquid, but directly labeled him as a "traitor".

"I quite appreciate its behavior. If you want to catch it, go do it yourself." The flesh and blood tribe members all looked very happy.

At this moment, the "traitor" on the shelf finally lost his breath after all kinds of torture, his body began to become transparent, and liquid continued to flow downward.

The sheep-headed man was in a panic at this time and kept tightening the vines, trying to fix the body of the "traitor" above him.

However, the body's liquefaction speed was too fast, and the sheep-headed man's approach was ultimately in vain. It also realized this and finally stopped trying to remedy it.

It just stood in front of the shelf, watching its work of art reach its final moment.

After everything was over, the sheep-headed man picked up the empty shelves and walked outside the temple.

At this time, a soldier in the team quietly asked Captain Su: "Captain, do you want to attack it?"

"It's going to attack you, can you beat it now?"

The soldier was choked and speechless.

Everyone got out of the way, and no one tried to stop this weird sheep-headed man.

After the sheep-headed man got closer, he seemed to recognize the cube in the air. He stood there and raised his stand and shook it.


After calling a few times, he put the rack on his shoulders again and walked out.

Finding that the soldiers who had previously attacked it were there, it also raised its frame and waved in the same way.

"What is he doing?" a soldier asked in confusion.


"Aren't we its enemies? Why does it say hello?"

The soldiers whispered and speculated on the goat-headed man's behavior, but no one knew what it wanted to do.

When the sheep-headed man walked up to the flesh-and-blood tribesman, the flesh-and-blood tribesman stopped in front and patted the goat-headed man on the shoulder.

"Thank you for helping us get rid of the traitor." The flesh and blood tribesman praised.

This announcement shocked everyone.

Just when everyone thought that the sheep-headed man was going to attack, the sheep-headed man actually said "baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"" and walked out around the flesh and blood tribesmen.

Mo Ling was shocked.

Why doesn't it attack?

Thinking of the sheep-headed man's previous behavior, Mo Ling suddenly had a guess.

"It won't actively attack organisms with normal cells?"

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