I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 448 Glass Tree

It is another mirror space with a completely different shape.

Mo Ling took the rabbit and the dog through the mirror and came here.

As soon as he arrived here, Mo Ling noticed a tree in the center of the space.

It was a glass tree, standing motionless.

"The mirror here is spherical..."

No part of this space is flat, nor does it have any edges or gaps. It is a completely hollow sphere, and the glass tree is right in the center of the sphere, which looks quite strange.

Mo Ling was still observing, but the dog couldn't wait to rush forward.

"The Outer God has arrived, surrender quickly! Join the glorious transcendence!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Rabbit stopped it quickly.

"I'm not talking nonsense. In front of the Outer God, any resistance is futile. Once you come into contact with that advanced thought, you will definitely be infected. I just want it not to waste time."

"We're not here to fight, and we don't want to infect anyone..." Rabbit said helplessly.

"This is not a question of whether you think about it or not. This is an established fact. Just like the reflections in the mirror, as long as we are here, they will be there. The same is true for thoughts. As long as advanced thoughts exist, those backward fools will definitely be infected. of."

The dog explained its understanding seriously. The rabbit realized that he was playing the piano to a cow and stopped paying attention to it.

"Have you decided? Do you want to surrender?" The dog looked at the strange tree again and asked urgingly.

The surrounding spherical mirrors distorted the objects in the space into weird shapes, and their original appearance was completely unrecognizable. Only a bunch of stretched shadows that lost their shape were left, twisting continuously.

"Why don't you answer?"

Seeing that the tree never replied, the dog became a little anxious.

"It's just a tree and won't answer you." The rabbit explained helplessly.

"Why won't the tree answer me?" the dog asked.

Rabbit was about to explain, but was suddenly stunned.

"Yes, why do I think the tree won't answer? Why do I think this way?"

Seeing that the rabbit was confused, the dog said to it earnestly: "Your thoughts are also false, and the trees over there are also false. We are all just appearances. You are the rabbit and I am the dog. These appearances It has no meaning in the first place. Since you want to be detached, don’t care about these appearances.”

"But why do you know that you are a dog and I am a rabbit?" The rabbit asked back: "We were born in this mirror world and have never been exposed to this knowledge..."

"But I can know that trees don't answer questions, what dogs and rabbits look like, what God is, what people are... as if I knew these things from the beginning."

Rabbit said, becoming more and more confused.

"Why should you care about things that are inherently false? We are meant to be detached and not be blinded by these falsehoods. We should not be obsessed with these."

"Do you think I'm right? Lord Outer God?"

Mo Ling looked at the tangled rabbit, then at the expectant dog, thought for a moment, and replied: "Thinking too much is not a good thing."

"Lord Outer God is right!" The dog quickly agreed, "Thinking too much is not a good thing."

"Thinking too much is not a good thing."

The big tree on the other side also echoed.

"See, the big tree also tells you not to think too much." The dog said excitedly.

Hearing that the big tree was actually talking, Rabbit did not continue to struggle, but looked at the strange big tree in surprise.

"Did I hear you correctly? The tree is talking?"

"I've told you, that's just an appearance. It's not a big tree. Of course it can talk." The dog jumped directly in front of the big tree and patted the trunk: "It seems that you are also willing to join the glorious transcendence, not bad! Not bad. !”

"But, you have to tell me your opinion. I want to see if you really understand detachment." The dog talked to the big tree as if he was an experienced person.

However, what everyone present did not expect was that the big tree actually began to explain slowly.

However, its understanding seems a little special.

"There was a pony who met a river..."

The big tree seems to be telling a story.

"The pony saw that the river was very fast and was very scared. It hesitated at the river for a long time and did not dare to cross the river. So it asked an old cow who had just waded across the river whether the river was deep."

"The old cow said it was not deep at all, so the pony mustered up his courage and walked towards the fast-flowing river."

"However, just as it was about to go into the river, a squirrel stopped it and told the pony that the river was very deep and many squirrels had died in this river."

"After listening to the squirrel's advice, the pony retreated again. It was so scared that it never dared to cross the river again, so it had to go back and ask its mother. Her mother told it that if the river is deep, you have to try it yourself to know. "

"So, the pony came to the river again and walked down the river..."

"Then it was eaten by a crocodile."

"The big tree by the river burst out laughing after watching this scene."

The big tree paused for a while and said calmly:

"The big tree is detachment."

After telling this story, Dashu stopped talking.

The dog was very excited after hearing the story about the big tree.

"Okay! You are qualified! Your understanding of transcendence is very profound. I allow you to join us."

The dog turned its head and looked at Mo Ling: "Lord Outer God, what do you think of its understanding?"

"Very thoughtful." Mo Ling didn't know how to evaluate it.

"Okay! Lord Outer God has also confirmed you. Now, let me tell you about the structure of the world in detail! This is the taboo knowledge I learned from Lord Outer God. Let me first tell you what mirror reflection is... "

In this way, the dog carefully taught the tree the knowledge that the rabbit taught it.

The rabbit also listened and helplessly corrected what the dog said to prevent it from going too far.

"Do you understand?" After imparting the knowledge, the dog patted the trunk of the big tree and asked kindly: "Now, do you have any new understanding of detachment?"

The big tree stood motionless, not answering the dog's questions for a long time, as if it was digesting new knowledge.

After some time, its voice came again.

It seems to be telling another story:

"There is a big tree that has been thinking about the nature of the world in which it exists..."

"It thought for a long time without coming up with the result, until one day a dog and a rabbit found the big tree."

"The dog told the big tree that the world is false and everything is an appearance. But the rabbit told the big tree that none of the dog's words were so exaggerated. Most of them were true, and the big tree shouldn't believe anyone."

"The foreign god on the side looked at this scene and laughed."

The big tree paused for a while and continued:

"Lord Outer God, you are detached."

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