I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 457 Mirror Square

"Each race has a different synchronization rate, so we have to calculate them all."

"Absolute accuracy is definitely not possible... Injuries are inevitable, so we can only take good personal protection."

"Don't worry about the synchronization rate anymore. As long as your body is strong enough, you can prevent injuries."

"Your race is so strong, of course you don't have to worry! You have to pay attention to those weaker races, they are the key!"

"I'm sorry, it's my negligence..."


There were both harmonious discussions and fierce quarrels among these phantoms.

But no matter what, they did not cause greater conflicts.

They seemed to have more important things to do.

There were too many phantoms on the square, and Mo Ling could only extract useful information from their words.

The phantoms dissipated and condensed again. After several cycles, Mo Ling gradually figured out what they were making.

Synchronization device - a device that can send creatures to the fourth layer of the abyss.

They are a spontaneously organized racial group in the Sea of ​​Creation. They dug out this square just to make this device.

A long, long time ago, before humans came to the abyss, there were not so many passages from the third layer to the fourth layer.

But at that time, the Sea of ​​Creation was already famous.

Many races came here, hoping to ask for a god and fulfill their wishes.

Among them were creatures from the fourth layer of the abyss.

They might succeed in asking for the god, or they might get nothing, but in the end they all faced a problem - how to go home.

The passage they came from was closed. Due to the lack of information, they didn't know where the entrance to the third layer was, so they could only wander in the Sea of ​​Creation to collect information about the passage.

In this way, slowly, a group of races with the same purpose united together, excavated this space, and planned to create a device that would allow all creatures to go home.

That is, this synchronization device.

"Since we can't find a passage, we'll make one ourselves." This was what they thought at the time.

After learning everything from the conversation between the phantoms, Mo Ling finally understood why Olive brought him and Li Luo here.

I just don't know if this ancient device can still work.

When Li Luo first entered the square, she was a little cautious, but after discovering that the phantoms were not real, she became bolder.

She wandered around the square, listened to the conversations of the phantoms, collected information, and took out the electronic screen to check the matter of the channel.

Sure enough, almost all the information mentioned the word "synchronization rate".

"You need to synchronize the organism with the fourth layer to enter the fourth layer..."

Li Luo flipped through the information, most of which were very complicated formulas and introductions, until she found a more popular science article.

After a simple scan, she came to the square and raised the electronic screen to the middle.

Mo Ling also immediately understood and read.

“Synchronization, in fact, the principle is very simple.”

“If a person wants to catch up with a high-speed train, he first needs to synchronize his speed with the train.”

“People cannot change the speed of the train, so there is only one way to synchronize, which is to accelerate, let the person accelerate to the same speed as the train, and wait until the two are relatively still, and then the person can easily jump on the train.”

“It is said in elementary school textbooks that the flow rate of time is related to the mass of the object. Different time flow rates will also cause the ‘train’ effect. An object with a low flow rate will be shattered when it hits an object with a high flow rate.”

“The same is true for space. An extremely chaotic space will collide with a stable space because the ‘space speed’ of the two is different, and a terrible collision will occur, and even both will be wiped out. ”

“The speeds of the third and fourth layers of the abyss are different, and they are completely different. The speed of movement, the speed of time, the speed of space... are completely different. ”

“The third layer is low speed, while the fourth layer is high speed. The creatures originally in the low-speed world will maintain low speed due to inertia. Suddenly coming to the high-speed world, there will be a terrible collision and annihilation in an instant. ”

“It's like a person riding a bicycle suddenly jumping onto a supersonic plane, only to be smashed to pieces. ”

“So, synchronization is to accelerate the creature to the speed of the fourth layer, make the time flow the same, and then make the body become "chaotic" and adapt to the space of the fourth layer... After this series of operations, the creature is qualified enough to jump on the high-speed train..."

After reading this popular science article, Mo Ling instantly understood the meaning of "synchronization".

Not only that, he was also amazed at the popular science ability of the author of the article.

Although Mo Ling still couldn't figure out the specific details, he at least understood the general principle.

“Now most of the passages from the third layer to the fourth layer are made by humans.” Li Luo added after reading the article.

So that's it.

While being influenced by the abyss, humans have also completely changed the abyss.

Although the bizarre rules of the abyss have had a huge impact on the human technological system, in turn, humans are also using the abyss to verify and correct their own routes.

This is also the reason why human civilization has made rapid progress after the catastrophe.

While sighing, Mo Ling looked at this ancient synchronization device.

From the conversations of those phantoms, Mo Ling understood that this entire square is part of the device.

Because of the time disorder caused by synchronization, these strange phantoms are left here. They are harmless and can even serve as a guide for future generations.

Looking at the dense phantoms on the square, Mo Ling silently thanked them in his heart.

The olive flew on the square for a while, then slowly floated to the center of the square and stopped there.

The ground in the center of the square seemed a little different. The worn mirror surface was polished very smooth again, and it was engraved with complicated patterns.

The phantoms next to the patterns were discussing how to engrave these patterns.

The reason why they chose to manufacture the device near the garbage dump of the Sea of ​​Creation is because only here will the mirror surface not automatically repair itself.

Coming to the center of the complicated pattern, the olive suddenly sank down, hit the center of the pattern, and disappeared.

"Is the guidance over?"

Li Luo walked to the center and squatted down.

After looking at it for a while, she turned to Mo Ling and said, "This is a button."

It turned out that the mirror surface in the center of the pattern had been cut into a hidden button.

It seems that as long as this button is pressed, the device will be triggered, so Olive's guidance ends here.

Mo Ling controlled the cube to float to the center and looked down at the pattern on the ground. He found that the complex pattern actually depicted an eye.

There were some strange vines wrapped around the eye, and the vines were full of smaller eyes, and those smaller eyes were wrapped with thinner vines... Just like this, it keeps repeating.

"What is this?"

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