I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 52 Druid Spine

In the center of the area, the sheep-headed man stood blankly, staring at the object in front of him.

The people behind him were also attracted by this thing.

That's an egg.

A huge transparent egg, the transparent mucus inside seems to be alive, constantly surging inside the egg.

But underneath the egg is a nest made of countless spines.


Mo Ling thought of the spine thrown into his cube again.

After getting the spine from the Huashu tribe, Mo Ling never paid attention to it, but something similar always appeared in front of him.

So Mo Ling teleported the spine to Li Luo, told Li Luo the ins and outs of the spine, and then asked on the electronic screen: "Do you know what this is?"

"The leader of the Huashu Tribe has been saying 'change'. He seems to want to use the power of this spine. Is this thing related to the voice of God?"

Looking at the pile of questions written by Mo Ling on the electronic screen, Li Luo also looked puzzled: "I haven't seen it before."

But Captain Su, who was looking at the spine at the side, suddenly realized something and said to Li Luo: "Is this the Druid spine?"

Druid Spine?

Li Luo quickly entered the name on the electronic screen, and dense news popped up instantly:

"Shocking! The most suitable relic for abyss adventure is actually this!"

"The most straightforward price, the most diverse abilities, the best choice for abyss exploration."

"Sweeping across the first level of the abyss, why is this relic so popular?"

Li Luo found a relatively normal record and clicked on it.

Soon, the information about the spine appeared on the electronic screen:

[Relic: Druid Spine]

[Price: User’s spine]

[Ability: Gives the user the ability to transform into creatures and control creatures]

[Discovered: Level 1 of the Abyss]

This is a relic found when just exploring the Abyss.

It was like the remains of living creatures that could be seen everywhere, casually thrown on the ground. Many people who came to the abyss at that time had seen it.

The identical spine went unnoticed for a long time.

Who cares about the mediocre bones in the forest?

So much so that researchers have no idea who discovered the druid spine.

How the spine was discovered as a relic is also unclear.

The most widely circulated rumors are as follows:

A team of hunters with no relics overestimated their capabilities and took on a very dangerous hunting mission - to hunt down the raging spiral bee swarm.

This is a terrifying wasp with spiral scales on its body that attacks creatures and humans in the abyss in swarms.

They are not very big, they will pierce directly into the prey, then start to spin, burrow into the prey's body, and then die.

The vitality of the spiral wasp is very strong and pervasive. It can often penetrate very deep, penetrate the bones, and embed deep in the prey's body.

The hard shell will cause the spiral wasp to get stuck in the prey's body like a bullet, and the cutting of the threads will cause the prey to bleed to death.

After the prey dies, the remaining spiral wasps will swarm over the prey and eat it up.

Such creatures would not provoke them if they did not have corresponding large-scale destructive relics.

But this fledgling hunter team took over the mission, and they didn't even prepare any protection. They just bought a bunch of flamethrowers and wanted to eliminate the swarm.

When they actually came into contact with the bee swarm, they found that the flames had no effect on the bee swarm at all.

The spiral bee, whose body is so hot that it turns red, penetrates into the human body faster.

As the swarm swarmed up, the team members died one by one.

One of the team members fell to the ground and was covered by the swarm from behind. Countless spiral bees pricked his back with holes, and his spine was exposed.

At the last moment, the team member grabbed the druid's spine on the ground.

At this time, the stone-like Druid's spine, which could be seen everywhere, came to life.

Like a centipede, the druid's spine crawled along the team member's arm to the back, eating the exposed spine directly.

The team member found that he had no feeling on his back. He only felt that he was too seriously injured, and all he could think about was getting the swarm of Spiral Bees to leave him.

Unexpectedly, as the buzz gradually disappeared, the raging spiral bee actually left him.

It's like being controlled by something.

After regaining consciousness behind them, the team members actually felt that their bones were beating slightly, as if they were alive.

He stretched out his hand and touched it, and found that his spine was exposed and still beating!

He crawled around to find a recording device and started videotaping his back.

In the video, his spine was completely replaced by a Druid spine, exposed to the air, but no blood flowed out.

The druid's spine was still beating slightly like a heart.

Before I could take a closer look, the spiral bee swarm that had just gone away flew back again.

The team member quickly tried to escape, but his legs had been injured in the previous attack and he couldn't run fast at all now.

He endured the severe pain and started to move, but the swarm behind him was getting closer and closer.

Hurry up! Hurry up!

As the team member thought, a strange feeling suddenly arose in him, and the beating on the Druid's spine spread throughout his body.

His body twisted for a while, and he actually turned into a deer!

The vigorous deer flashed and moved in the jungle. When the team members came to their senses, the swarm behind them had disappeared.

Under the control of his mind, he turned back to human appearance.

Dragging their injured bodies, the team members quickly returned to the monitoring station and told the researchers what they had experienced.

The role of the druidic spine thus began to spread.

As long as you expose your spine and let the druid eat it, you can gain powerful transformation abilities and the ability to control creatures.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

The bones that can be seen everywhere are actually relics?

This discovery caused a sensation in the entire abyss level, and all hunters would stare at the ground while walking.

It's like the gold rush.

Instead of completing quests, many hunters wander around all day looking for druid spines.

There are too many "bone" hunters, but the number of spines is limited. Most of these hunters looking for spines get nothing, but the merchants selling bone-finding equipment at the monitoring station make a lot of money.

When it first started, there were still a lot of druid spines being discovered.

Because this relic was so famous and so easy to obtain, the number soon became less and less and could no longer be found on the road.

Another hunter started digging deeper.

This behavior was quickly stopped by the monitoring station, because these people dug holes all over the ground, and what they dug out were not necessarily druid spines.

Some hunters cut their own backs open, only to find that the druid spine they bought was fake, and it was the skeleton of an unknown creature.

This happens all the time.

As the number of druid spines decreases, the heat slowly fades.

But this legendary relic remains in people's hearts.

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