I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 72 The spread of alien veins

The physical changes stopped, and the general called his subordinates to come forward.

He spoke out the changes in himself without reservation, and even explained the details of the changes clearly.

"Now, I want to show you my abilities." As he said this, he casually broke the prison and came outside.

Seeing such a scene, the subordinates with ulterior motives were frightened.

But the general didn't seem to have any intention of attacking them. Instead, he led them to a secret open space, squatted down, and dug his four palms into the ground.

There was a shaking vibration, and the rocks above the cavity were shaken to collapse.

Then, countless thick turquoise stone pillars grew out of the ground, stretching toward the sky like big trees.

There are also magical stripes on these turquoises, like cracks on tree bark, with a vibrant beauty.

After the turquoise pillar grew taller, the top of the pillar began to swell, and branches like branches quickly spread, covering the entire open space in an instant.

Just like that, the blue-green turquoise jungle appeared in front of the general's subordinates.

The general pulled out his hand and asked coldly: "Did you see it? Such power."

At this time, the subordinates were stunned, and the rebellious thoughts in their hearts were swallowed up by fear.

The general looked at the turquoise on his body and said strangely: "I don't know how to describe this power. I have seen many kinds of things in my life when I became conscious."

"Plants, animals, minerals, sky, white clouds..."

"I can describe all of these, but I can't use anything to describe the power in me. If I have to find a similar metaphor, then he is like..."


The general slowly walked towards his subordinates and said thoughtfully: "Do you know about blood? You should know about it, right?"

The subordinates didn't know what the general wanted to do, so they just stood back stiffly, not daring to move too much to attract the general's attention.

The general didn't pay attention to the little actions of his subordinates, and he also knew that his subordinates were afraid of him.

Arriving in front of his subordinates, the general stood still.

He spread his hands, stared at them in confusion, frowned, and then folded his four arms to his chest, feeling something.

"Besides the fear, I seemed to feel something else."

Then, he pressed four arms into his chest, turning his entire body into dust and scattering it to the ground.

The turquoise forest behind him also began to dissipate due to the death of its owner.

Turquoise dust drifted away, falling slowly from the tree canopy.

A faint light flickered like a green rain.

When the dust settled, the ground was covered with blue-green gravel.

Is this suicide?

The subordinates stood in the rain and couldn't believe this.

In the history of the Mining Tribe, there has never been a similar species that would commit suicide, because they are beings driven by fear.

War is just because of fear of death, fear of others killing themselves.

This has also led to a very large proportion of deserters, and they can do anything driven by fear.

Their innate wisdom and rich lifespan allow them to learn many things from other beings, such as companionship, sacrifice, glory, righteousness...

However, these things have nothing to do with them, life is the most important thing.

No miner would commit suicide.

They looked in disbelief at the debris left behind by the general.

Something conquered fear.

I thought that after the show of power, the general would kill them without hesitation, keep the secret, and then escape like the strange newborn.

But I didn't expect that it would be such a result.

They just can't understand it.

However, they also realized the horror of this contagious power and quickly spread the news.

Gradually, this contagious force also got a suitable name——

Abnormal vein disease.

The symptom of the disease is the appearance of another unrelated mineral power in the body, and it gradually begins to replace the infected person's original power.

Moreover, this power is very contagious and can be transmitted to others through touch.

The most important thing is the ability to feel other emotions besides fear.

The miners are afraid of this ability. They don't want to die for no reason like the general.

In front of the completely self-interested mining tribe, such a way of death is completely incomprehensible.

So much so that they developed an extreme fear of the disease.

However, after the general incident, the abnormal pulse disease began to appear frequently, and many mining tribes suffered from this disease inexplicably.

Emerald appears on the copper tribe.

Spinels appeared on the bodies of the Marble Tribe.

Gold appears on the Quartz clan.

Abnormal vein disease can appear at any time, whether it is a new mining tribe or an old mining tribe that has survived for a long time.

There is no pattern at all.

As a result, the entire mining clan fell into a cloud of alien disease.

People are panicked.

Miners who are found to have the disease will be executed directly, but such behavior also attracts resistance from the patients with the disease.

As long as you are hurt, you will get sick, so the self-interested mining tribes began to adopt isolation methods, creating special closed holes to drive away these patients with different veins.

The mining tribe began to spontaneously expel these patients with abnormal veins. In the process, the fear of abnormal vein diseases continued to deepen.

Such expulsions even artificially created some "foreign vein holes". These closed hollows are isolated from the rest of the world and no one dares to approach them.

The disease has even affected wars, with fewer and fewer large-scale confrontations and head-on conflicts.

Caves and ground passages began to be artificially blocked, dividing the battlefield into small areas.

This also gave the rare mining tribes who were already at a disadvantage a chance to breathe, and the war entered a rhythm they were familiar with.

The exit of the Acupuncture Stone Forest was blocked at this time.

After saying all this, Shi Beng's mood stabilized again.

When describing the disease, his mood kept fluctuating, jumping repeatedly between fear and stability.

This also caused him to tremble and stutter while speaking, and then speak fluently like a robot.

While observing the strange changes in the stone collapse and listening to the story about the disease with different veins, Li Luo asked another question: "Why do you think it is a disease with different veins?"

She pointed to the square in the sky, her face full of confusion.

The symptoms of heteropulmonary disease do not appear on the cube.

Mo Ling also didn't understand why Shi Beng insisted that he was suffering from a disease of the different veins and kept trying to escape.

And after Li Luo explained to him that he was just a relic, he was still so scared.

But Shi Beng's answer made him even more confused.

Shi Beng looked at the cube and said decisively: "Your material has been replaced, I can feel it!"


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