I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 75 The real patient

The encirclement dispersed, and the Quartz clan no longer cared about the square in front of them.

They all rushed to other places, running towards an upward passage.

Mo Ling's curiosity surged and she quickly followed him.

He wanted to see what this quartz tribe was looking for.

Going up the mineral vein passage, the quartz tribe walked across the bridge and came to a platform next to the mineral vein.

There are also some motionless quartz tribes here. These quartz tribes are very small in size and cling to the mineral veins. They should be newborn babies.

But the protagonist is not these newborns, but a very slender and weird quartz tribe next to them.

The originally transparent and crystal clear quartz body is covered with cyan bright spots, which are very conspicuous like cyan ink smeared into the clear water.

The quartz clan member was also surprised to see the changes on his body, staring at the dots of cyan slowly spreading.

These cyan colors do not directly replace the original color, but slowly dye the surrounding transparency from light to dark.

It's like a constant pollution.

Mo Ling finally saw with his own eyes the alien disease that Shi Beng said.

It turns out this is the real patient.

The quartz clan's voice is like an alarm, warning that patients with abnormal vein disease have been found in the mine stronghold.

But Mo Ling just hit it by mistake and happened to be misunderstood.

The quartz tribe in front of them, who are slowly being polluted by cyan, is the real target of the alarm.

At this time, the quartz tribe had surrounded the patient, and some were awakening the newborns, hoping to keep them away.

The patient with the abnormal vein disease also stayed in place motionless, trembling all over, as if he could not accept his changes.

"Foreign Pulse Disease, get out of here!"

Facing the disease of different veins, these Quartz clan showed no mercy at all and unanimously wanted to expel the patient.

For them, this is really the only solution.

Not killing them all is the best result.

The patient was still explaining tremblingly: "Someone else with a different type of disease touched me, someone else, someone here, someone sneaked in..."

Someone infiltrated? There seems to be another hidden secret?

Moring noticed the patient's whispered explanation.

"Is there any other disease with different veins?"

However, the patient's stuttering words did not attract the attention of his companions, and the voice of explanation was drowned by the strong sound of gold and stone.

Maybe the contamination speed of heterogeneous disease is not so fast, but the transparent quartz body does make the symptoms more obvious.

After just lingering for a while, the strange cyan color has begun to fade from the surface into the depths, and the spread of color can be clearly seen.

What bad luck.

Seeing that the fear of the clan members was getting deeper and deeper, the patient with the alien disease did not stop any longer and walked downwards with his head lowered, as if he had accepted his fate.

A gap was opened in the encirclement, but the quartz tribesmen were still watching the patient vigilantly, fearing that he would do something else.

Under close surveillance and fearful eyes, the patient walked off the stone bridge and came to the open space at the bottom.

The Quartz tribe stood at a high place and stared at him closely.

He turned back and took a deep look at the mineral vein, then walked helplessly toward a passage at the edge of the clearing.

After arriving at the clearing, Mo Ling told Li Luo what he heard through the electronic screen.

"Anyone else?"

Li Luo asked Shi Beng to wait here for a while, and hurriedly chased the patient with Mo Ling.

They need to figure out what happened.

The patient seemed unwilling to leave. He turned back after a few steps and looked at the mineral vein where he once lived.

But he saw Mo Ling and Li Luo chasing after them.

"What's the matter with you?" He lowered his head and asked feebly.

Mo Ling actually saw the feeling of loss in him.

He said helplessly: "You'd better stay away from me. The alien disease may infect you, although I don't know if it can infect humans."

After saying that, he took a step back and kept a distance from Li Luo.

But Li Luo didn't care. He took another step forward and asked, "You just said there was someone else? What happened?"

The patient raised his head, somewhat surprised: "Did you hear that?"

Then he returned to his helpless expression: "I just felt like someone touched me when I was in a state of emptiness. I don't know if it was an illusion."

"It was only when the alarm went off that I realized I had symptoms in the area where I was touched."

He tilted his head and raised his finger to point to his left shoulder, where there was a huge blue mark.

The small blue dots in the patient's body have a thin line connected to this green spot. From the perspective of veins, this green spot is the origin of the symptoms.

He turned his head and glanced over his shoulder again, the disappointment on his face growing stronger.

"This is lapis lazuli."

Li Luo stepped forward directly, leaned over the patient's shoulder to watch, and took pictures of the blue spots with a recording device.

Her actions also surprised the patient, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Have you ever tried to peel this area off?" Li Luo asked.

The patient's eyes lit up, his shoulders shook, and it actually broke into pieces. A crack appeared at the junction of the livedo and quartz, accurately cutting off the livedo.

Then, the quartz on his body began to grow, but when it spread to the blue spots area, it turned into lapis lazuli again.

"It's useless." The patient shook his head and said in disappointment.

Li Luo then asked: "How do you feel now?"

"It's very good. I can already feel the strong power of lapis lazuli, and my thinking is very clear. I have many feelings that I have never had before, which I can't describe."

The patient spread his hands, and a sharp lapis lazuli blade stretched out from his quartz palm.

The difference in color made the blade look strange, but the perfect connection points proved that the blade was indeed his power.

"It's like I've had it for a long time."

Looking at the sharp blade in his hand, even the patient himself was a little confused.

He kept using lapis lazuli to transform into various shapes in his hands. The disappointment on his face slowly disappeared, and light began to appear in his eyes.

"It's quite interesting. I haven't felt this way since I was born. It's like everything is new. It doesn't seem so empty anymore."

Although he was talking about the lapis lazuli in his hand, Mo Ling heard another meaning from it.

A word began to appear in Mo Ling's mind.

At this time, Li Luo also asked the patient her doubts: "Are you feeling 'curious'?"

Yes, curious.

This emotion, which should not appear in the mining community, appeared in this patient.

Hearing Li Luo's question, the patient was stunned.

"Yes, I'm curious. It seems that I'm very ill and I can feel 'curious'. So why was I so 'sad' just now? It must be the 'reluctance' caused by parting, right?"

The lapis lazuli gradually turned into a quartz vein in the patient's hand, and he stared at the palm of his hand silently.

This was his former home, but now he was no longer welcome there.

Unconsciously, his face was full of "sadness".

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