I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 77 Hand of Midas

Midas did not realize that the price had come.

He still went to the Olive Garden every day pretending as if nothing had happened, greeted his neighbors as usual, and came home on time for dinner.

Everything was perfectly normal, and he felt the same way.

He also carefully controlled the amount of gold he sold to prevent others from finding out.

The workers we find are different each time.

Sometimes, he would even sell it to discerning tourists who came to the island, saying that his family was in trouble and selling it at a cheap price.

At home, he told his family that he earned tips from his part-time job helping others repair equipment, and used the money little by little to subsidize the family.

Of course, the easiest thing is to spend the money directly. He replaced all the facilities in his Olive Garden and replaced his old car with a new engine.

He was often proud of his caution, but the costs began to add up...

One day, the old dog Jones in Midas' family died. The whole family was very sad and painful.

The old dog Jones was a gift from Midas to his wife when they were still in love, and he stayed with them for many years.

Jones was very spiritual and even saved Midas' daughter, and stayed with Midas' old mother before her death.

It can be said that old dog Jones is an inseparable family member of the Midas family.

They even arranged a simple funeral for old dog Jones and buried him deep in the Olive Garden.

During this time, Midas was doing his best to calm down his family and thoughtfully put away Jones' belongings at home.

But that day, when Midas was putting Jones' photo frame into the box, he suddenly had a question:

"What's the point of me doing this?"

Why should I put the frame away? Midas suddenly did not understand his actions.

He put down the photo frame, sat on the chair, and stood still.

When his wife saw his stunned look, she thought he was emotionally moved by the scene and came over to hold his head and comfort him.

But Midas felt that his wife's behavior was a bit exaggerated.

He pushed away his nagging wife. Those words were of no use to him.

He took the car keys and went out. He made an appointment with his friends to drink and watch football at the bar tonight.

In the bar, Midas looked at the people around him cheering for the goal and disappointed for losing the ball.

He was sitting on a chair, drinking a strange-tasting "drink" and feeling a little confused.

After the decisive comeback, Midas's friends jumped up with their arms around him, but he was like a puppet, being held up in mid-air, at their mercy.

After the game ended, Midas got into his car in a daze and drove home.



A violent crash suddenly startled him.

Midas was so frightened that he ignored the noise and didn't get out of the car. He drove the car home and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, a knock on the door woke Midas from his deep sleep.

The wife with dark circles under her eyes opened the door anxiously.

"Mrs. Midas? We found your daughter."

A uniformed policeman stood apologetically at the door. Midas' wife pushed past the policeman and rushed out of the house.

When Midas saw his daughter again, he was already in the morgue of the hospital, and his wife was holding him in her arms and crying.

"We will catch the hit-and-run criminal as soon as possible." The police promised Midas.

After Midas took his wife home, he went to his garage and calmly started cleaning his car.

After a while of tapping, the inconspicuous dent disappeared.

While selling gold, Midas met many fringe people, and the next day he sold his broken car at a cheap price.

Then he began to organize his daughter's funeral with all his heart, just like the old dog Jones.

He mechanically enlightened his wife, and then packed everything about his daughter into the box.

There seems to be no difference between humans and dogs.

Midas's old mother hanged herself in her house within a few days. She had been blaming herself.

I blame myself for not keeping an eye on my granddaughter when cooking supper, for not telling her in advance not to run out to play so late, for not calling the police in time, for not looking in the right direction when looking for my granddaughter...

It was another funeral, but this time, Midas could only comfort his wife, and there were only two people left in their family.

Midas packed everything about his mother into the box as usual.

Then early the next morning, he greeted his neighbors and set out for the Olive Garden. When he returned home in the evening, he told his wife that he wanted to repair the equipment.

Midas felt no difference.

Finally one day, Midas's wife rushed into the garage and asked him what he was doing.

The wife saw the piles of gold and Midas's expressionless face.

And picture frames that are turning to gold.

The color of gold is very dazzling and sparkling, and its beauty cannot be concealed under the dim light of the garage. This metal that has represented nobility from ancient times to the present slowly replaces the entire picture frame.

But the photo frame is unremarkable. It shows a happy couple, a kind old woman, a cute little girl, and an honest and honest dog.

"What's matter?"

"What the hell are you doing! Midas?"

Midas stared blankly at the picture frame and murmured:

"I'm turning useless things into useful things."

With tears in her eyes, the wife rushed to Midas and tried to snatch away the changing photo album in Midas' hands.

But the hand she snatched was held by Midas...

Early the next morning, after Midas calmly greeted his neighbors, he walked towards the olive garden.

When he returned home in the evening, Midas sat on the sofa and did not talk to his family.

Everything is so normal.

When the weekend came, Midas took some gold pieces as usual and found a gangster.

After all, there are only a limited number of gangsters in the town. This gangster has helped Midas sell gold many times and recognized him.

The gangster who shouldn't have asked where the goods came from couldn't help his curiosity and asked Midas: "Where did you get all these goods?"

Midas shook his head, and the gangster understood the situation and stopped asking.

After counting the things, the gangster said jokingly: "I think I made a lot this time, how are you going to spend it? I have many ways, do you want to try it?"

Midas shook his head again and replied calmly:

"I want to support my family, but my family's financial situation is not good. Big companies have recently pushed the price of olives too low, so I can't make any money."

"Olive Garden's expenses are not small. Each of the four members of my family has to eat, and we have to spend money on a lot of things."

"My daughter is going to junior high school soon. It costs a lot of money to buy school supplies. Children grow up quickly, and I can no longer wear the clothes I wore last year, so I have to buy more clothes."

"The old mother's back pain is getting worse and worse. She is worried about spending money at home and is unwilling to go to the hospital. She still does handicrafts every day to make money, but this disease cannot be delayed."

"My wife has always wanted to replace the dilapidated furniture at home, but she was reluctant to do so. The weather is getting cold. Some time ago, she had been saying that she wanted to buy a thick woolen sweater. She tried it in the store but didn't want it anymore."

"She has been talking about it for a while, but she has always disliked the clothes, haha, you know."

It's like reading a line without any waves.

But there was a trace of tears on Midas's face...

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