I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 85 The Great Fire

Everything that happened next was exactly the same as what the previous ghost had described.

The war spreading in the Needle Stone Forest began to spread to the World Pillar, and the stone wall of the World Pillar was shattered in a battle.

A huge hole extends from the outside into the large rift, causing many ignorant natural gas tribes to escape.

Most of the natural gas tribes have no intention of exploring the world, but continue to live in the Great Rift. This also leaves them without enough knowledge to escape when the crisis comes.

Who would have thought that knowledge that was once taboo could actually save them when a hole was broken in the World Pillar.

Only those natural gas tribes who were knowledgeable and knew how to hide in hidden crevices, or who had enough communications with the outside world to understand that they would not fly away when they turned into liquids, survived.

This incident severely damaged the vitality of the entire natural gas clan, and their numbers dropped sharply.

So they called it a "mass extinction event."

That is to say, starting from the mass extinction event, the natural gas tribe began to seek ways to protect their World Pillar.

But soon, the world-burning fire that destroyed the World Pillar came.

As the ghost said before, the cause of the matter was a simple encounter. Two mining tribes from different camps fought under the World Pillar.

Then the stone blade penetrated into the hole, and sparks flew everywhere.

At this point, the strange ghost was obviously very scared.

The fire did not suddenly burn through the entire World Pillar, but gradually spread from the ignition point to all the pores.

The pores at the bottom were quickly filled with flames, and then burned upward from the bottom, eroding the space within the World Pillar.

Although the natural gas tribe is in ruins, the fear of flames is engraved in their hearts.

But they had never experienced any fires, let alone an orderly evacuation.

The great rift became a pillar of fire from bottom to top, and spread along the great rift to the surrounding area, burning the entire World Pillar.

No one in the natural gas family was spared.

However, when the World Burning Fire was extinguished and the temperature of the World Pillar dropped, they were surprised to find that they were still alive.

But at this time, they are no longer a natural gas family, but exist in the form of carbon dioxide.

It took a long time for them to adapt to their new bodies and begin to live in the form of carbon dioxide again.

At this time, the World Pillar could no longer survive, so these former natural gas tribes began to leave the World Pillar and look for new stone pillars.

Therefore, they scattered and settled in different stone pillars.

At this point, it was already different from what the ghost said before.

Could it be that the ghost was lying? Mo Ling was puzzled and had no choice but to continue listening.

These ghosts, who had died once, continued to shrink into the stone pillars they found suitable for habitation, which also prevented what happened to their tribe from being discovered by the outside world.

Of course, the miners who are fighting to death outside will not care about the ghosts.

Then, the piece of red cloth was found again from the World Pillar and put on the head. A pair of donkey ears grew out of the wearer's head.

After using this piece of red cloth, the donkey ears will disappear and the red cloth will fall off.

They didn't notice anything unusual at first, until one day they discovered a ghost who had used red cloth and had wrong perceptions.

"He thinks he is a natural gas tribe, including his previous experience of being burned by fire, everything has been distorted." The strange ghost said fearfully.

During the spread of the alien disease, the ghosts discovered that as long as their companions had used that piece of red cloth, they would think that they were still members of the natural gas tribe.

Nothing can change that opinion.

They will maintain the living habits of natural gas, will instinctively fear flames, and will remain liquid in the open air.

They don't know that they have turned into carbon dioxide. Even if they become gaseous now, they will just sink to the bottom of the air.

These physical qualities that they had adapted to were forgotten one by one, leaving only a firm understanding - I am a natural gas tribe.

When this was discovered, some tribesmen were too frightened to use the red cloth, but these voices were quickly swallowed up.

Their fear of war and the burning of the world exceeds their awe of red cloth.

The disease of alien veins continues to spread, and with the use of red cloth, more and more ghosts begin to have wrong perceptions.

Twisted histories begin to prevail, sometimes even confusing ghosts who are still awake.

The ghosts who used red cloth began to make up the majority, and slowly, the correct history was covered up.

These ghosts who have not yet used red cloth are not interested in arguing these facts, and they are completely unable to compete with these twisted companions.

As long as you have used red cloth, this mistaken identity will be engraved in your heart and cannot be changed at all.

Even if you tell them that you are using red cloth at the cost of self-awareness, they will not listen and just turn a deaf ear.

This is also the reason why the previous ghost said that he did not know the price of the red cloth.

Because admitting this price is tantamount to admitting that you are not a natural gas person.

In this way, more and more ghosts used red cloth, and this almost paranoid self-awareness gradually changed the entire ethnic group's view of history.

Only those ghosts who have not used red cloth still retain the true history.

Speaking of this, the strange ghost felt a little frightened.

"With only a few people left, our history will soon be completely changed, and the entire race will fall into cognitive confusion."

The more he spoke, the more frightened he became.

Li Luo was a little confused: "You know clearly that the price of this red cloth is so terrible, why do you still use it?"

The ghost explained tremblingly:

"We didn't pay attention at first. This cost is nothing compared to the war crisis that may come at any time. There is nothing more terrible than losing a life."

"At the back, those tribesmen who no longer knew the price took up the majority and began to coerce the remaining tribesmen to use the red cloth, and they must obey their orders."

"In their view, red cloth is free of charge, and the spread of heterogeneous disease has indeed stalled the war, so it must always be used."

"There's just no choice."

The strange ghost looks very scared.

He said that when he first attacked Shibeng, he was forced by his companions to use red cloth.

It wasn't until the red cloth was peeled off by Mo Ling that he quickly began to beg for mercy.

As the truth was revealed, both Li Luo and Shi Beng remained silent. This had a huge impact on them.

Mo Ling was also surprised by what happened to the Natural Gas Tribe.

He did not expect that this entire group would be so distorted by a relic that they would even forget their original identity.

"Do you know why this piece of red cloth makes those patients with different veins have feelings?" Li Luo asked again.

The ghost said that he didn't know either. They only used Red Cloth's ability in a superficial way and did not understand it in depth.

"It's so ridiculous. You don't even understand its function and you dare to use it randomly."

Morrington felt that these ghosts were so innocent that it was unreasonable.

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