I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 92 Lost Civilization

If it were normal archeology, discovering the ruins of civilization should be a very happy thing.

However, they are mining tribes.

It is a creature with no other emotions except fear.

Can't create, can't seek knowledge, let alone build a civilization.

Among the ruins of this civilization, they also found the remains of the former mining tribe.

These remains are older than those found in previously discovered war relics.

In other words, these remains are indeed those of their once civilized owners.

Before this war, a mining civilization did appear in the Acupuncture Stone Forest.

"Are they also patients of different veins?" The researcher was shocked.

Has the disease of different veins been present since ancient times? Is it just that the heteropulmonary disease is always in the incubation period?

Researchers even speculated that the previous civilization was a civilization where all the mining tribes were infected by the alien disease.

But how did this prosperous civilization become extinct? And why did the war suddenly occur?

Researchers explored the ruins and found that the remains in these ruins all died at the same time.

After this period of time, the source war started.

It was like a sudden mass extinction that completely destroyed this civilization.

Such a discovery makes all researchers feel horrified.

Could it be that the outcome of heterogeneous disease is destruction?

What led to the destruction of this civilization? Unfaithful researchers continue to look further back.

Yet again they found traces of a war, an older war.

Before this war, there were the ruins of an older civilization.

This is a cycle!

A foreign-veined disease civilization is created during wars, and is later destroyed by a sudden force.

None of these civilizations can escape this fate.

By studying strata and ruins, researchers discovered that the mass extinction that destroyed an entire civilization was an earthquake.

A huge earthquake spread throughout the Needle Stone Forest.

When civilization is at its most prosperous, this big earthquake will come as expected and destroy everything.

Then, restart the war.

Magnet Star Speaking of this, Mo Lin was already full of doubts.

"When the civilization of the alien disease develops to a certain extent, it will be destroyed? Wasn't the alien disease created by the power of the red cloth?"

Could it be that there was an abnormal pulse disease before this?

Just as he was thinking about it, Magnetar had already brought Li Luo to the bottom of the stone pillar.

There is a hole here that slopes downwards to the depths.

"This is Civilization No. 1, and it is also the first civilization we discovered." Magnetar said in front of the cave entrance.

"Just down here?" Li Luo was a little surprised.


Following the entrance of the cave, we soon arrived at a place, a desolate ruins.

This is a pit that has only been partially excavated, and the deepest part has been completely buried by sand and gravel.

But from the parts that have been excavated, we can see the prosperity of this civilization.

Different from the style in Neon Village, the architectural form here is very unified. The shape of the building is like a straight spiral shell, standing upright on the ground.

The entrance of the shell is curved close to the ground, and the top is a high shell tip.

These snail shells vary in size, but they are all very uniform in style, without the feeling of a hundred flowers blooming in the neon village.

But these regular buildings can still make people imagine the life of this civilization.

Li Luo pointed to a carving on a building and asked, "What is that?"

"That's what they believed in."

Mo Ling followed Li Luo's finger and saw that it was the huge mining clan with countless arms that he had seen on the carvings in the passage.

"Their art is very advanced, and the villagers of Neon Village often imitate them." Magnet explained.

I see, no wonder there is also this giant ore among the carvings of the passage outside. It was probably created by the villagers imitating the carvings here.

But now, all of this is buried in dust, lying quietly deep underground in the acupuncture stone forest.


Magnetar looked at the ruins with some sadness: "It's all gone."

There were many mining clans studying the ruins nearby. After seeing Li Luo and Cube, they just glanced at them curiously and continued busy with what they were doing.

After a while, Magnetar adjusted his emotions and said to Li Luo: "What I want you to do is help us test an instrument."

Magnetar took Li Luo back to the stone pillar, and came to an underground space from the stone pillar's passage.

There is a huge colorful round sphere here, made of various stones, like a hodgepodge of minerals in the entire acupuncture stone forest.

A staircase extends to the center of the huge stone ball.

Magnetar waved his hand, and an entrance appeared in the center of the huge stone ball.

"What I want from you is to go in and stay for a while and help us see if you feel anything?"

"Or, some kind of signal."

Magnetar also patiently explained: "Don't worry, there won't be any danger. We have tested it ourselves before, some humans have gone in, and we have also brought other animals from outside the Acupuncture Stone Forest, and there will be no harm."

"What is that?" Li Luo was a little confused.

"A signal amplifier, similar to a prism, concentrates the signals in the needle-pricked stone forest to the center."

"If you don't believe me, we can also find another animal to demonstrate to you."

Magnetar's words were very sincere.

Li Luo hesitated for a moment, then agreed.

"No need to demonstrate anymore, but I want to bring my relics inside." Li Luo stated his conditions.

Magnet star nodded quickly and replied: "No problem, of course. Do you need any other preparations? Do you need to bring anything else?"

"No need." After Li Luo said that, he walked up the stairs with the cube and entered the stone ball.

The entrance is then closed.

A passage extended to the center of the stone ball, with a platform in the middle. Li Luo followed Magnetar's request and walked to the center to stay.

The interior of the stone ball is also filled with colorful stones. After the entrance is closed, ripples begin to echo on these stones.

But it didn't last long before the entrance opened again.

Li Luo walked out along the passage with a confused face.

After walking down the stairs, Magneto looked at Li Luo with concern.

"It seems you didn't feel anything."

He guessed it directly again.

Li Luo nodded, saying that he heard nothing and did not receive any abnormal signals.

She even took out her electronic screen.

"I turned on all types of signal reception, and there were no abnormal signals."

Magnet Star glanced at the electronic screen and sighed with some surprise: "Human technology is really convenient, thank you."

"You're welcome."

Li Luo still looks very confused.

Nothing at all?

Mo Ling finally came to his senses and scanned Li Luo's electronic screen. There was indeed no fluctuation in the signal data on it.

He scratched his head, confused.

"Then what did I just see?"

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