I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 99 The God of Dying

The whole body of the stone collapse was covered with lava, and the hand holding the gray mineral clan was still dripping red magma downwards.

The magma flowed through the gray mineral clan's body, leaving black marks on his body.

The stone collapse did not leave him any chance. With a strong force of his arm, he directly broke the neck of the gray mining clan and crushed the body that fell to the ground.

After staring at the same spot for a long time, the body of the gray mining clan did not move again. It seemed that it was completely dead.

The lava-shaped Shibeng stood in the middle of the black high-temperature crystal, looking at his arms, as if studying his current state.

"I wonder if killing this gray mining clan will also cause a surge in power."

Mo Ling looked at the gray mining clan and was filled with shock.

This seems to be a patient with a different vein.

But I don't know if it was because of Shibeng's lava armor that he was not infected by the alien disease.

Or maybe it's because this battlefield is not real and the alien disease cannot spread here yet.

Not only that, Mo Ling could see clearly that after being caught by Shibeng, the gray mining clan's expression changed from regret to relief.

Until he was killed and his head fell to the ground, he maintained that happy expression, seeming to be very satisfied with Shibeng's performance.

"You're going to die, and you're still so happy?"

Mo Ling was puzzled.

Now, though, it looks like Stoneslide has won the battle.

Dazzling white light covered the entire Needle Stone Forest, and the ground suddenly turned into countless colorful gems, pouring into Shi Beng's body.

Immediately afterwards, Shibeng disappeared in place, and the surrounding area fell into darkness.

However, Mo Ling was still floating in the darkness.

"Won't you let me go back?"

Just as he was confused, the surrounding scene was quickly reconstructed and turned back to the ground of the needle-pricked stone forest, but this time there were no collapsed stone pillars and no dust in the sky.

The thin gray miner was sitting on the stone in front, with four hands supporting his back and two feet dangling in front of him, very leisurely, with the same happy expression on his face.

He glanced at Mo Ling, and a white stone bracelet instantly appeared on Mo Ling's arm.

Mo Ling raised his hand and studied it for a while, and found that according to his thoughts, sounds could actually come out of the bracelet.

"You're not dead?" Mo Ling blurted out the moment he knew the function of the bracelet.

"It's all simulated. Of course he won't die." The gray mining clan patted the stone beside him and motioned for Mo Ling to sit next to him.

Although Mo Ling was doubtful, he felt carefully that he could leave the battlefield at any time, so he walked forward and sat down next to the gray mining clan.

Mo Ling didn't look carefully during the battle before, but now that the battle was over, Mo Ling looked at the gray mining clan and realized that his body seemed to be somewhat mysterious.

The gray basalt looks like it was copied and pasted. The patterns on each piece are exactly the same. If you don't pay attention, you won't notice this at all.

"Don't look at it, this is also fake." The Gray Mining Tribe seemed very happy at this time, and his tone of voice revealed his ease.

"Then what does your true body look like?"

"I'll tell you later, I'm not here." The gray mining clan gave up.

It seems that most things in this simulated battlefield are fake.

Thinking of the reason why he entered the battlefield, Mo Ling asked: "Where is you? Did you send that motivational signal?"

The gray mineral clan did not answer his position, but nodded and admitted: "The signal was indeed sent by me."

Magnetar's guess was indeed correct. There was indeed an invisible big hand controlling the entire mining tribe in the Needle Stone Forest.

"Why did you cause the war? So you were responsible for the earthquake?" Mo Ling seriously doubted that the man in front of him was the culprit responsible for the destruction of civilization.

But what Mo Ling didn't expect was that the Gray Mining Tribe admitted it again.

"Yes, it was all my doing."

His face was still full of joy, and he didn't care at all about the destruction of civilization in Mo Ling's mouth, as if he was admitting a very small thing.

Morrington felt creepy.

He has destroyed so many civilizations and started wars with signals, but now he still looks relaxed and doesn't care at all.

Too arrogant.

"Why do you do this?" Mo Ling was very puzzled.

After this period of time, Mo Ling really felt that the mining tribe was living in dire straits.

They are obviously intelligent creatures, but they fight like wild beasts every day. Even if they create civilization, they will be destroyed instantly.

And the culprit of all this admitted this matter as if it were a commonplace conversation.

The gray mining clan seemed to have finally noticed Mo Ling's seriousness and stopped maintaining his leisurely look.

After a moment of silence, he sat up straight and looked at the ground, tiredness and helplessness reappearing.

"Why did I do this?"

"Because, I'm going to die..."

The gray ore clan began to slowly tell Mo Ling the reasons why he did all this.

He is an ancient mineral being.

It was so long that he could no longer remember it. He only remembered that he was born from a stone.

He has no companions, and has never seen any species of the same form as him.

Unlike the innate wisdom of the mining tribe in the acupuncture stone forest, he gradually accumulated his own knowledge system after living for many years.

Start getting to know yourself and do some research on yourself.

His long life gave him enough time to accumulate his own strength. Even though he lived in an abyss full of dangers, these strengths were enough for him to cope with disasters.

He also had a long story, met partners, explored the abyss, and was on the verge of death.

In the process of constantly exploring the abyss, he gradually came into contact with the world. Although he was very slow, he also accumulated a wealth of knowledge over time.

However, on an ordinary night, he suddenly felt something sad.

- He is going to die.

This was an extremely clear feeling. He felt that his abilities and consciousness began to slowly fade away and became dull.

It's like turning into a stone, into a "dead thing".

He panicked and began to look for various ways to save himself, but this change seemed inevitable.

Although the time was very long, he could clearly feel that his ability was slowly weakening and it took a long time to think about one thing.

Sometimes, you will even suddenly fall into a sluggish state, and when you wake up, several years have passed, like an old man who is slowly losing his sense of time.

This feeling made him feel very painful.

While searching for a way to save himself, he also comes across many creatures as powerful and ancient as himself.

But none of these creatures have the same aging phenomenon as him. They tend to be older and more powerful, and they are helpless against his aging phenomenon.

Even though he possesses great power and profound knowledge, he is still as helpless as he was when he was born.

He could only start to try various methods, use various relics, and seek advice from those more ancient and powerful beings.

Until one day, he visited a purple gauze-like creature. The purple gauze creature said to him:

"Your situation is hopeless. This is the spread of death, but you can try another way to escape death."

“Have you ever heard of the term—descendant?”

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