Zhehao took the lead, and the others followed one after another. Like migratory locusts, they jumped onto the long steps to reach immortality one after another, climbing up the steps with great interest.

"Senior Brother Yungu, let's go quickly!" Hart excitedly pulled Yungu and pulled out the hem of his shirt, "We can't lose to others, especially those from the Iron Water Dojo! And Yan Body flow, volcanic flow, dragon and tiger flow..."

Are there so many genres?

Jing Yang followed, looked at the martial artists who had climbed ten or twenty meters, and asked: "Yun Gu, did you also have to climb the mountain when you participated in the competition before?"

We obviously came by airship, but we had to get off the boat at the foot of the mountain and then slowly climb to the top...

Yun Gu jumped lightly, climbed to the first step of half a man's height, and muttered: "From what you said, it seems so."


At this moment, the zipper of Jing Yang's backpack opened, and a gray shadow flew out - the rock bird screamed and fluttered out, startling Hart.

Xiaodi's expression did not change, and she stretched out her hand to catch the rock bird that flew out accidentally.

The feathers on the rock bird's body were visibly thorny. Jing Yang waved it casually and said, "Fly if you want, don't fly too fast."


The rock bird became happy and circled around Xiaodi. Then it chirped and flew up against the mountain wall. Soon, the voices of other forerunners could be heard overhead.

Xiaodi didn't react at all. Together with Jing Yang, he climbed up the rock that was half a person's height. He raised his hand to grab the second step, which was one and a half meters high, and climbed over it as lightly as a feather.

"By the way, what does 'seems to be' mean?"

While Jing Yang climbed up quickly in step with Xiao Di, he turned to Yun Gu, who was also agile and dexterous, and asked, "If you climb, you have climbed. If you haven't climbed, you haven't climbed..."

Yun Gu said: "What I am sure of is that the last time I came with Master, I definitely did not see Master Tian personally waiting for us at the foot of the mountain."


Jing Yang used his upward momentum to climb up a two-meter-high stone step and jumped up easily. He thought to himself, with arms and legs shorter than that of an 8-year-old girl like Si Ji, how difficult would it be to climb such a huge mountain road?

Unless Big Mom is willing to reveal her true body in public and restore her tall, straight, and toned figure like Jojo, with arms and waist and golden proportions...

Jing Yang shook his head. He was still thinking about asking Aunt Bi to give advice if there was a chance in the future. There was really no reason to always criticize others.

"Yun Gu, you are too slow, let's go first."

Jing Yang laughed casually, "Xiao Di, is it okay to go faster?"

"Yes." Xiaodi responded. He put a little force on his feet, causing fine lines to crack on the slightly slippery stone steps in the mist.

boom! boom!

Jing Yang and Xiao Di jumped up at the same time, jumping up to a height of ten meters. They passed several stone steps in one leap, and after only a few ups and downs, they caught up with the group of people who had gone ahead and landed at the bottom.

Soon, Jingyang and Xiaodi flashed past the dumbfounded gazes of these people without stopping. They climbed up as smoothly as if they were falling off a cliff.

Hart was stunned and almost dropped his hand.

Yun Gu grabbed his junior brother and lifted him up, "Don't be distracted. Pay attention to the surrounding environment, adjust your breathing, condense the whole body's Qi, and coordinate the Qi with the rhythm of the muscles and bones..."

Hart did as he was told, and sure enough the climb became easier and more rhythmic.

He knew that Senior Brother Yungu could only maintain this speed to take care of himself, and he couldn't help but be moved.

While moved, Hart said curiously: "The two people didn't seem to adjust their breathing, nor did they observe the surrounding environment. They climbed very casually..."

Those who knew knew that they were climbing this huge mountain road, which was so difficult that it was even called the Long Step to Immortality. Those who didn’t know thought that the two people were walking in the countryside!

Yun Gu said: "They are strong enough, so they can look casual. And the reason why they are so strong is because they have put in enough effort and effort. Hart, don't be distracted by them."

"Yes." Hart said obediently.

"Also, Hart, those are not 'those two people', their names are Zhen Yuanzi and Xiaodi."


The human body in the Hunter world cannot be generalized to the human body in Jing Yang’s previous life on Earth.

After all, in this world, even if the "mind" is not awakened through all the fine holes in the body, "qi" is inherent in everyone.

As long as this kind of fundamental power exists in the body, if people in this world have enough perseverance and work hard to build a physique, they will be far superior to the professional athletes in Jing Yang's previous life...

In the first test of the hunter exam at the beginning of the comic, most of the candidates are ordinary people who cannot read, but there are also many people who can easily run a marathon of tens of kilometers.

What's more, the martial artists who came to Xianshui Mountain this time, even the young junior brother Hart, who was as young as Yungu, all had mastered Qi. Whether it is their sports skills or physical fitness, they are not comparable to ordinary people. Since the Long Steps to Immortality can be used as a trial path to awaken Qi in ancient times, there is no reason why these warriors who have awakened Qi cannot ascend...

"It's so cold! There are more and more clouds and fog, and I can hardly see the road."

"How high is this?"

"I heard it's the same height as the Sky Arena."

"So how high is it?"

"More than nine hundred meters! Ah, it's so slippery - phew, it's so dangerous, so dangerous..."

"We're halfway up the mountain. This hoo... hoo... this height of more than 400 meters is more tiring than running forty kilometers!"

"Strictly speaking, this long climb to immortality is not straight up. The road here is winding and winding. Although it is only halfway up the mountain, the distance must be more than 2 kilometers..."

"No wonder you're so tired! Can you take a break..."

Among the rolling clouds and mist halfway up the mountain, martial artists climbing up and down the high and low stone steps loomed. Several people had already sat down, looking at the rolling sea of ​​clouds and the hundreds of meters of cliffs below. Soon the clouds and mist broke away to reveal Yun Gu and Hart jumped up and grabbed hold of the stone steps. Yun Gu looked at the people sitting on the stone steps in confusion, "What happened? Why did you stop?"

"Be careful!" Someone next to him grabbed Hart's wrist and lifted him up. "The humidity is heavier here, there are moss everywhere on the stone steps, and everyone's speed has slowed down..."

"Thank you." Hart wiped his sweat.

"Nothing happened, it's just that there is such a powerful person, which inevitably makes people feel discouraged." Someone complained to Yun Gu, "If I had known that people would come to the Sky Arena, and they were such powerful people, I wouldn't have come. Now..." they said, pointing upward.

Hart put his hands together and looked up. At the long stairs winding up the wall of Yunwu Mountain, twenty or thirty martial artists of different schools showed off their skills, chasing each other and climbing up like a competition. There was a person at the top who was ahead by a large margin, and his speed did not slow down, like a spiritual ape flying upwards neatly.

"Hey, senior brother, that's not Zhen Yuanzi and Xiaodi," Hart said in surprise, "that's another person who lost to you, senior brother Yungu..."

The other people who were resting were suddenly speechless.

Zhehao, who was leading the way, was speechless at the moment...

He thought to himself that he was already climbing neatly and without hesitation, but no matter how hard he tried, he still had to pay attention to the conditions of the handholds and the stone surfaces when climbing. It was no joke if he lost his grip and lost his footing.

But Zhen Yuanzi and Xiaodi didn't stop, they flew up and down, leaping up, catching up from behind with almost no hesitation, and surpassed themselves ten minutes ago. At this moment, they should be hundreds of meters ahead. Through the billowing clouds and fog, Zhehao could not even see where they were climbing. Frustration and fighting spirit intertwined in my heart.

The way Zhen Yuanzi and Xiaodi climbed was as if they had walked on this long staircase to immortality many times and were very familiar with the road conditions...

In fact, this is indeed the case.

The reason why Jingyang and Xiaodi were able to fly up without any worries was because Jingyang had another pair of eyes that had already figured out the situation ahead.


A small gray bird shadow clung to the mountain wall and flew along the long stairs to the immortals above.

The star mark on the rock bird is active.

Jing Yang used the first-person perspective control method and the help of Yanque's eyes to clearly see the twists and turns of the mountain climbing road in advance, and he climbed naturally with ease.

Xiaodi already had enough tacit understanding with him to keep a consistent rhythm with him and climb up.

"The fog is getting thicker."

As Jing Yang spoke, the breath from his body blew away like a breeze. When it passed over Xiao Di's body, Xiao Di showed surprise. He raised his hand while jumping to grab the edge of the stone steps above and looked at Jing Yang.

round? Xiaodi blinked.

Click, Jing Yang is also hanging on the edge of the stone steps with one hand.

The conditions of going up and down the stone steps at this moment, the lines on the stone surface after they were slightly collapsed under the pressure of himself and Xiaodi's fingers, the distribution of the surrounding moss, and even the speed of the airflow when the mist passed by, all came to mind one by one.

round? Jing Yang also blinked, "It seems that this so-called long step to ascend to immortality, with such heavy fog, can also practice observation and even practice 'circle'."


Jing Yang smiled and said, "Come on, let's go to the top first, and then we can discuss it after we get there. When I figure it out, I'll teach you what's going on with this 'circle'..."


Xiao Di responded, swaying her arms, and climbed to the next level. She turned around and found that Jing Yang had not followed.

She looked down doubtfully. Jing Yang was still hanging there, with clouds and mist rolling by. From this perspective, Jing Yang seemed to be swallowed up by the sea of ​​clouds at any time and fall into the cliff... However, this seemingly dangerous situation, There was no reaction on Xiaodi's face at all, she just looked at Jing Yang who was hanging there curiously. Jing Yang frowned slightly, swaying slightly in the wind, and suddenly turned his head and looked away.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Digui materialized into a bulging-eyed fish and sat down on the stone steps.

Jing Yang said to himself: "It's the rock bird... The rock bird was flying just now, and there was a feeling of a 'circle' sweeping over 'me'."

He said, turning over easily.

Jing Yang looked around and saw Xiaodi sitting on the tail of the vacuum cleaner, like a small bench. Jing Yang sat down on the head of the vacuum cleaner.

Xiaodi followed his line of sight and looked at the sea of ​​clouds on the side, and said curiously: "I thought we were the fastest progressing among the climbers so far."

"It is indeed the fastest." Jing Yang's sight was a little out of focus, "The scope of this 'circle' is definitely not something that the people below can see..."


On the other side, Jing Yang, possessed by the little gray bird Rock Sparrow, flapped his wings, feeling the range and contours of the "circle" on his body.

Since this move is called "circle", it certainly makes sense.

Because when most people practice this move, they usually naturally distribute Qi evenly outside the body, forming an approximately circular range... For the same amount of Qi, the circumference of the circle is the longest and the area covered Also the largest. Even if there is no communication, this kind of almost conventional habit will be formed spontaneously.

Judging from the shape of this "circle", the position of the "center" seems to be within the mountain...

The little gray bird flapped its wings and got close to the mountain wall, its claws gripping the rock crevices like iron hooks.

This "circle" "leaks" out of this rock crevice.

The little gray bird followed the crack in the rock, flapped its wings and searched around. It found a larger gap, twisted its body, and got in smoothly.

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...

The little gray bird that got out of the gap in the mountain wall became even grayer... Jing Yang controlled the rock bird to tremble. After getting out of the gap, it turned out to be an open cave inside. There was not much light and it looked very dim.

The little gray bird fluttered its feathers and raised a puff of dust.

Fortunately, the rock bird's night vision seemed to be pretty good, and Jing Yang could vaguely see the terrain inside the cave.

But at this moment, a crisp, sweet, but dissatisfied voice came: "Don't get dust everywhere."

The little gray bird turned around and saw a circle of light shining in the dark cave, which reflected the face of a young woman.

Although the light in the cave was dim, she still looked exactly in the direction of the little gray bird.

The "roundness" I feel is coming from this woman.

Jing Yang realized this immediately.

He also discovered what the "circle" of light that illuminated the woman's face was - it turned out to be a laptop computer that the woman was holding.

Because the screen is facing away from me, I can only see a "circle" of blurry light.

It is precisely because the screen light hits the woman's face that the light and shadow make her face look a little strange.

To be precise, even though her face and facial features looked pure and sweet, under such bad lighting and looking straight at her, she looked like she was ready to bite the little gray bird that strayed into the demon cave at any time. The rabbit demon that ate...

As for why it is a rabbit demon...

Because Jing Yang tried his best to gather the weak energy of the little gray bird into one bird's eye on the side, and turned his head to take a closer look. This woman who appeared in the cave with a laptop computer and exuded a good "roundness" was actually wearing a headband like rabbit ears... Why does this delicate shape look more and more familiar the more she looks at it?


While Jing Yang was pondering in secret, the bunny girl suddenly turned on the light of her mobile phone.

The light shone towards the little gray bird, and the bright light made Jing Yang avoid looking away.

Just when Jing Yang was about to continue pretending to be a dumb bird who couldn't figure out the situation, he got through the situation.


The bunny girl threw the phone in her hand at Jing Yang...


Can it be considered two chapters in one?

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