I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 133: The lonely shadow in the world is drunk and dreaming of life

Jing Yang briefly explained what happened, and finally asked: [How is the situation over there in the front mountain? 】

[It’s much more complicated...]

Kurapika said solemnly, [If, as you said, Sky Master himself is very likely to have passed away long ago, and all you see are the various mind beasts he left behind...then I think, this so-called art The exhibition is to provide enough 'inspiration' for the survival of his mind beasts. 】

[Or the emotional experience I had when I was a living person...]

The room where Kurapika is located has become a weird place where countless embodied art worlds are intertwined. The corridors are twisted, the floor is swirling, the ceiling has turned into grass, the clock seems to have melted, and other people are walking As I walked, it suddenly turned into an oil painting-like appearance, and even more people's shouting turned into physical musical notes, floating in the air.

This art exhibition has been held in Xianshui Mountain 40 years ago. It was what happened after the Fairy Water Mountain Conference that Bisji participated in under the leadership of Nitro.

[It seems that Nitro himself took the lead in this matter. ] Jing Yang said, [Nitro has known from the beginning everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen in the past 40 years on Xianshui Mountain...]

But Bisi Ji said that the Sky Master she met 40 years ago was an old man who looked even more decayed than Nitro. This description was obviously consistent with what Jing Yang saw at this moment, the gray-scaled snake, the old beggar, and the peach blossom. The appearance of the "Kajin Emperor" that emerged after the tree, the black skeleton, and the man who originally called himself Sky Master merged into one was completely different.

This so-called Cajun Emperor is basically a middle-aged man in the prime of life, and he looks much more energetic than Nitro!

He even withstood the palm of Nitro's Hundred-Style Guanyin!

Jingyang and Xiaodi saw from a distance that Nitro clasped his hands together, spread out a palm and waved it out in the air. Behind him, a majestic and huge multi-armed Avalokitesvara statue appeared faintly.

Guanyin pushed out with a palm, and the extraordinary imposing Kajin Emperor was sent flying, almost flying from the top of Xianshui Mountain.

This is already amazing.

A normal person would have been reduced to a bloody mess under this palm.

At least Jing Yang thought to himself that with the three or two blows he had received now, he would definitely not be able to withstand any of Baishi Guanyin's palms, and he might be seriously injured if he touched her.

The pinnacle of human martial arts is truly well-deserved.

The most frightening thing is that Nitro's momentum can only be felt at the moment when he uses the Hundred-Style Guanyin move and high-fives.

"Xiao Di, do you see clearly?" Jing Yang asked.

Xiaodi condensed his eyes and looked at it seriously, but he could only shake his head.

Nitro was standing there, but except for the moment when he waved his hands, he looked like an ordinary old gentleman. The energy on his body was like an eternal fossil, motionless, and there was no trace of any flow—— But this is impossible. If you want to use the power of mind, you must mobilize the Qi and it must flow.

Nitro's control of Qi and understanding of power have reached an incredible level.

Even if he waves his hand, the moment when his energy leaks out is extremely short-lived.

If Jing Yang hadn't known the details of Nitro's abilities because he hadn't read comics in his previous life, he would probably be like Xiaodi, unable to see any changes at all, and would only think that Nitro was just a palm in the air. And Emperor Nakajin flew out on his own like a charlatan's agent.

"I give 200 points to this kind of art!"

Critic Damat, who came out of the bedroom, laughed loudly and showed two thumbs up, "It seems I'm still high?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the weird scene in the whole room was filled with applause, whistles and waves of gratitude.

As for the other bodyguards?

Unlike Kurapika's star-marked bodyguard, they were marked with peach blossom petals in last night's dream. At this time, they were also addicted to their own dreams, unable to extricate themselves, with all kinds of intense emotions. The experience turned into reality and gushed out. Kurapika even saw that the bodyguard with the Chinese character face had changed into the clothes of Nitro, the president of the Hunter Association, and the Chinese character face also had a beard like a brush barb on his chin...

Over there, Jing Yang gave some advice: [The best way to calm them down is to force them into "Absolute". This materialized dream must be realized with their own Qi. As long as these people enter the "Extreme" themselves, they should be able to control the scene a little. 】

【right. 】Kurapika agreed, 【However, it is more thorough than using Zetsu to consume all their energy. 】

As he spoke, he raised his hand and waved out a ball of air, which condensed into a dolphin bookshelf.

Volume 2, "Hellfire"!

"Ding dong!"

At this moment, the doorbell rang.

"Who is it at this time?"

Kurapika grabbed the second book that flew towards him, but was surprised to hear the sound of the front door opening.

He looked back and saw that everyone was there and immersed in their own physical dreams. Could it be the waiter?

But according to what Jing Yang said, all the waiters on Xianshui Mountain were transformed by some kind of creature with the power of gray-scaled snakes, and now they have become one with other humanoid or non-human creatures.

"I give 200 points to this kind of art!"

A familiar hearty laughter came from the door. Kurapika went to take a look. He was a little surprised and a little instinctively angry. After thinking about it, it was reasonable.

[While the chaos is going on right now, why don’t you hurry up and catch that ass-ass Masu=Harrison? ] Jing Yang’s voice sounded in his mind through the ring.

[There is no need for me to go there myself, he has already found it by himself. 】

The energy in Kurapika's body surged, transforming into the shape of a giant skeleton knight.

Looking at the front door, he was chatting and laughing with another Damat who had appeared in the flesh, but he was standing in the ruins of broken limbs, holding a pile of red-eyed Masuu in his hand, proudly = Harrison... cool... A flash of fiery red ignited in Rapika's eyes, and at the same time, the skeleton knight whose energy changed on his body also seemed to be burning, with a fiery red burning state at the edges.

[I will solve it soon. 】

Jing Yang didn't know how quickly Kurapika could be dealt with, but Nitro's speed at dealing with the Kajin Emperor was quite fast.

After the so-called Kajin Emperor was slapped away by his palm, endless gray-scaled snakes soon surged up on the ground in the direction of the slap, and condensed into the appearance of the middle-aged man just now. It was obvious that he had been beaten just now. Nitro swatted flies away, but he seemed to have lost his memory and was still high-spirited. Then he was knocked away by Nitro again, and exploded in the air. The black skeleton, the old beggar... were beaten. Flying all over the sky.


The black skeleton, the old beggar, the gray-scaled snakes, the shadow of the peach blossom tree, and the sky master merged into one again after landing, and rushed towards Nitro again.

On the way, Jing Yang happened to pass by Xiao Di, and Jing Yang pulled Xiao Di and quickly gave way.

Nitro struck out with another palm calmly and comfortably.

This time, he didn't even use the Hundred-Style Guanyin. He just waved his palm with a very ordinary strengthening system, and the force hit Emperor Cajin so hard that his head flew away.

Is this guy slowly getting weaker?

Jing Yang couldn't help but think about it as he looked at the headless body that was unwillingly nailed to the spot.

At first, the guy who called himself Cajun Emperor could withstand Nitro's Hundred-Style Guanyin, but now he couldn't even withstand Nitro's casual palm, and was beaten to the point where his body and head were separated - what is the difference between Nitro and Nitro? Without using the Hundred-Style Guanyin, you just need to see if he makes a gesture of putting his palms together. Of course, it's a bit difficult to see Nitro clasping his hands together as fast as he did.

Boom, boom, boom...

His head rolled close to him and Xiaodi, and he still shouted to Nitro with gritted teeth: "I am Emperor Cajin, who is comparable to the True Martial King! The martial arts master who transcends the sky! The conqueror of the Dark Continent! I am Gro = Hui Guo Meat! Nitro, what do you think—"

"Wake up!" Nitro said calmly, "Gero = Hui Guoru, he has died a long time ago. He can't compare to the Zhenwu King. The sky is where it is, no one needs to surpass it. The Dark Continent has never been surpassed by anyone. Conquered, but the Dark Continent defeated Gro = Hui Guoru... You are just a mind beast."

Both Xiaodi and Jingyang clearly saw that the expression on the head's face became extremely shocked.

The head murmured: "No! No, I am Gro = Gray Guo Rou! I am Emperor Cajin! I am Master Sky! I am Gro = Gray Guo Rou..."

There was some sadness in Nitro's tone, "My dear friend died 100 years ago and was buried 40 years ago."

He looked at the sky and counted with his fingers, "In about 10 minutes, it will be the appointed time. I arrived as promised, and you should leave as promised."

"This is the oath we made together!" Nitro twisted his beard like a barbed brush, his expression seemed to be buried in a thick shadow, and smiled, "Have you forgotten?"


The head gradually let out a cry of resentment, flew away and connected with the body crookedly, and asked ferociously, "Nitro! Why don't you save me!"

Wisps of black aura surged out of his body, killing Nitro.


Nitro lowered his eyes and sighed, clasping his hands together quickly and slowly, "My dear friend, Gro Gray Guoru, has died a long time ago."

The Hundred-Style Guanyin vaguely appeared behind him, with two traces of blood and tears streaming down her expressionless cheeks. The raised arms joined and spread apart, and several palms were shot out at the same time, unimaginably fierce and fierce. With the power of his palm, the Kajin Emperor, who was stubbornly resisting, was beaten to ashes in an instant.


Such a shout came from the vanished figure, and Jing Yang immediately remembered the same sound he heard when the Bodhisattva made of petals clapped his hands in the dream on Xianshui Mountain.

Exactly the same.

Xiaodi said "Ah", pointed forward, and said, "Not dead."

Jing Yang looked around and saw countless gray-scaled snakes emerging from the air that had been wiped out by Nitro's palm.

Jing Yang was full of questions, but Nitro was not surprised by this change.

Oaths and restrictions, since it is agreed that they must dissipate after a hundred years, then they will always exist until the agreed time comes.

The mind beast with this special trait left behind by an old friend could not be beaten or killed before that time.

Unless a powerful mind-killing master is hired to remove the oath and restriction between the mind beast and Nitro, it will remain in place until the moment it takes effect.

10 minutes, oh, now it is almost 8 minutes later, this special thought beast, the last thought of an old friend in this world, will be so weak that it will disappear, leaving no trace anymore...

"Nitro! I won't die!"

The face of the middle-aged man just now emerged from the tide of gray-scaled snakes, and he said sternly, "I am Emperor Cajin, you can't erase me!"

The gray scale snake vortex gradually spread and gradually disappeared.

"No matter how my will changes, I will always exist! Just like my resentment, just like these poisons..."

After hearing this, Nitro finally frowned slightly.

On the ground at the top of Xianshui Mountain, whether in the front or back mountains, gray-scaled snakes appeared rapidly.

The muscular version of Yun Gu subdued Masuu=Harrison's Kurapika, Jing Yang and Xiao Di, and on the ground and floor near everyone... there were endless gray-scaled snakes flying upwards, like rain curtains falling back into the sky. , rising rapidly, and soon almost covered the entire Xianshui Mountain in the sky.

"This is……"

Of course, Maotu Biyou and Sishe Gailu, who were also on Xianshui Mountain, saw such movement and raised their heads to watch.

In the gray-scaled snake's retreating rain curtain, voices came one after another: "I am...'The solitary shadow of heaven and earth is drunk and dreaming of death'!"


All the gray-scaled snakes exploded, spraying out endless gray poisonous mist, shrouding and filling the entire top of the Immortal Water Mountain.

100 years ago, Xianshui Mountain.

Nitro, who was still a young middle-aged man at the time, sighed, "I thought you were in Cajun."

In front of him was a decrepit old man with gray cracks all over his body. He waved his hand and signaled Nitro not to get close to him. "I am now a walking source of exotic poisons. I am a poisonous person! I will not stay at home." , causing harm to the people of Cajun."

This old man is naturally Gero Gray Guoru, the former emperor of Cajin, a martial arts master who can compete with Netero, also known as Sky.

"The Dark Continent must have a medicine that can save you." Nitro said.

Gro, who was covered in gray cracks, looked at the distant sky, remained silent for a moment, and said, "Do you want to save me, Nitro."

"I'll save him if I can," Nitro said, "I'll do my best."

"Okay!" Gro made up his mind, "Call your son here..."

As he spoke, a ball of thought energy separated from his body, and gradually materialized into another identical Gro-Huiguo flesh. The only difference was that this old man did not have dense gray cracks on his body.

Gro, who had gray cracks all over his body, was motionless, but there was a lively light in the eyes of Gro, who had no gray cracks. "This thought clone is called 'The lonely shadow of heaven and earth is drunk and dreams of death'! From now on, 100 Nian, let him live for me!"

"I see." Nitro immediately understood his old friend's plan, "With Biyang De's ability, I can help you achieve your wish..."

40 years ago, Xianshui Mountain.

The other Nitro, Biyande = Nitro, looked at the confused "lone shadow in the sky and the earth" and smiled nonchalantly: "Hey, old man, this guy has no consciousness at all. There is still a need to swear the oath." Do you want to continue? It’s better to let him go as soon as possible!”

Biyande rubbed his fists and made a rattling sound, "If you can't do it, how about letting me, your son, do it for you?"

Isaac Nitro looked at the dull puppet-like eyes of "The solitary figure in the sky and the earth, drunkenly dreaming of death and dreaming of life", and pondered for a moment: "If you say it will be 100 years, then it will be 100 years."

"What's the point of letting him linger for 40 years?" Biyande disagreed.

"I have a way." Nitro slowly said his plan.

Not far away, a little blond girl in a martial arts uniform came bounding over. She glanced at the bearded Biande curiously, then crossed her waist and said proudly: "Nitro! I won, that's awesome. Bar?"

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