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Chapter 146: Tutoring Class Lecturer

In the training ground, Zhen Yuanzi, as the last person to appear, is competing with Nitro.

Everyone knows that today is the last day.

On the last day, Master Nitro personally took the stage and competed with a group of young martial artists.

Although most martial artists have not seen what happened to Sky Master with their own eyes, they can probably guess that something bad happened, and that Sky Master himself will probably never appear again.

If Nitro was willing to organize a martial arts competition in his own name, he would have directly intervened in the Fairy Water Mountain Conference in the name of the Hunter Association. With Nitro's reputation and prestige, and the terrifying resources of the Hunter Association, even if it could be held worldwide It’s not surprising that the world’s best martial arts club is famous—but Nitro didn’t do this.

Obviously, this year's Fairy Water Mountain Conference will be the last one.

After Zhen Yuanzi and Nitro finish fighting, this strange martial arts exchange meeting will come to an end.

Yun Gu looked at the field.

After several days of discussions with President Nitro, Jing Yang gradually abandoned the initial tactic of bullying each other with force and instead went into battle with real skills.

In this way, Jing Yang lost faster, but he actually gained a lot.

Martial arts moves, fighting experience, etc. are just trivial matters and need not be mentioned.

The real avenue is the use of Qi by Nitro, the great master.

How to restrain the breath without letting it out...

When Nitro attacked, even if Jing Yang used his "focus" with all his strength to focus his eyes, it was difficult to see the slightest flow of Qi.

This real skill, even if Jing Yang only learned a little bit about it and understood the basics of fire, it was of great benefit.

After all, the essence of mindfulness ability is the use of different aspects of Qi.

If we can fundamentally improve our understanding of Qi, it will obviously help to improve ourselves in all aspects.


Jing Yang was pointed away by Nitro and fell outside the field.

Nitro waved his angry right hand and said with a smile, "Did you see something wrong?"

Jing Yang was not angry, his eyes widened from beginning to end, and he even used a star to order himself, never relax and concentrate, and must concentrate.

But he still missed Nitro's movements - originally he could only see traces of afterimages and insignificant fluctuations of energy.

So he missed something and was slapped out of the field.

This old man is really merciless.

Yun Gu smiled slightly and thought to himself, if this Xianshui Mountain Conference ended like this, it would be great if Master Bi Siji was there.

Even if he is a disciple of Bisigi, Yun Gu has never seen Master Bisigi compete with President Netero.

Rationally, Yun Gu believes that President Netero is stronger. But emotionally, Yun Gu felt that Master was also more powerful than Si Ji, so it was not impossible to win.

Nitro made a scissor gesture to everyone, and announced that the Fairy Water Mountain Conference was over, and asked everyone to go down the mountain and go back to their homes.

The art exhibition in Qianshan ended, and many airships took off and landed, picking up a number of celebrities.

Most of them had no impression of the strange things that happened on the top of the mountain in the past few days - the ability of "Drunken Shadows in the World" basically has the effect of memory correction. If you don't resist and avoid being affected by its ability from the beginning, you will forget the strange things and incongruities you experienced afterwards, and automatically make up other memories to correct them.

Kurapika also wanted to escort his employer back, so he only said goodbye to Jing Yang through the C-shaped ring on his index finger.

In the back mountain, Xiaodi looked at the information in her hand that Kurapika provided about the holders of the flaming red eyes that she and Jing Yang were going to investigate next.

She had seen it before but had forgotten it, so she rewatched it.

Biyou pointed at Jing Yang and pointed to his heart, telling him not to forget this matter. He took out his hunter's license and waved it, reminding him to go to the hunter association headquarters when he had time, and then meet with Gai Lu and Nite. Luo went to Qianshan.

There is no suitable venue for an airship in the back mountain, so the martial artists go wherever they come from. They jump off the cliff one by one, and descend the long stairs into the billowing clouds like dumplings.

On the way down the mountain, Jingyang and Xiaodi unfolded their "circles" at the same time. It was more relaxed and casual than when I climbed mountains before.

Jing Yang's "circle" has a diameter of seven meters, while the diameter of Xiaodi is two meters. Although they are not very large, it is more than enough to explore the foothold in advance.

In addition, Xiaodi is a materialization system, adjacent to the transformation system. She can more easily deform the outline of the "circle" and try to deflect the two-meter diameter she can expand into the same direction. In this way, the diameter of the circle is three meters. In fact, the exploration range of Wu Jingyang's "circle" in the same direction is not much different.

The little gray bird breaks through the clouds...

The rock bird with the "reflection" of the mind beast hidden on its body slid down the rock wall, quickly flew to the foot of the mountain, flapped its wings, and landed on Jing Yang's shoulder.

There are many airships parked not far from the foot of the mountain. More than 30 martial artists were divided into about ten groups according to different schools. They all looked at each other for a while, and finally looked in the direction of Zhen Yuanzi. Probably because Jing Yang didn't communicate with them much when he was on the mountain, so everyone It was not easy to come over to say goodbye, nodded, and went to their respective airships to leave.

Hart also boarded Xinyuanliu's blimp with Yungu and waved goodbye at the boarding gate.

Jing Yang and Xiao Di boarded the airship in the Sky Arena and found that Zhe Hao had already boarded the ship and was resting with his eyes closed. Hearing them boarding, he opened his eyes.

After this Xianshui Mountain Conference, especially the fight with Nitro, the world's best martial arts master, Zhehao felt that he had gained a lot and improved a lot, but every time he saw Zhen Yuanzi, he always felt that his progress was not worth it. Mention... Soon, the airships in the Sky Arena slowly took off, and outside the portholes, many airships could be seen flying away from the Xianshui Mountain in the clouds and mist.

At the top of Xianshui Mountain, the airship of the Hunter Association was parked in the open space in front of the mountain.

Biyou was blowing bubble gum and talking on her cell phone with her head down, while Gai Lu was carrying a suitcase containing backup copies of the alien poison, and they boarded the ship together.

Nitro put his hand on a dark coffin and pondered for a long time. A gust of cold wind blew by, and he looked up at the blue sky.

At noon, the sun broke through the clouds, the glow was brilliant, and many airships went to distant places.


The airship in the Sky Arena naturally flew back to the Sky Arena.

The staff picked up the three prospective landlords who went to Xianshui Mountain to participate in the conference on time. It is not known whether they have received news about what happened on the top of Xianshui Mountain.

But since no one came to ask, Jing Yang wouldn't go around talking about it.

Zhehao got off the airship and left. His Host Challenge seems to be not far behind.

Jing Yang applied later than him and had to wait until later.

Jingyang never stayed in his own room in the Sky Arena, so he and Xiaodi went to the front desk to inquire. After confirming that his host challenge was still scheduled for October, he took Xiaodi away.

"Tut = Bin, 29 years old, from the city of Stildent, and is a tutor in a cram school..."

In an Internet cafe, Jingyang and Xiaodi turned on the computer and surfed for a while, investigating the information about the person with the flaming eyes provided by Kurapika.

Some people, ostensibly a cram school lecturer, turn around and collect human organs at home, which is really outrageous. How can such an insect take care of cram school students?

Jing Yang took out his hunter's license, plugged it into the card reader, which is a standard computer accessory in this world, entered his hunter number, and logged into the hunter website.

Soon, the person's details were found.

In fact, even if there is only one name, with the authority of the hunter's license, the personal information of all people with the same name can be found, and the target can be found quickly with a simple search.

The young painter Kurapika caught not only knew Tut Bin's full name, but also knew his age, place of origin and occupation, and he didn't know how he figured it out.

In less than 5 minutes, Jingyang and Xiaodi had already determined the scope of Tut=Bin’s recent activities by screening his recent consumption records, real estate records and other information.

It is a small country city named Stildent adjacent to the Minbo Republic. It is not far from the sky city where the sky arena is located. If you take an airship, you can go there in the afternoon and watch the sunset outside the window while being tortured. , so Jing Yang is not in a hurry.

"I seem to have a lot of things planned recently. First, I need to help Kurapika find the pair of flaming eyes. I will also participate in the Host Challenge in October. I will also go to the Hunter Association headquarters early next year to get a serious hunter's license. ..." Jing Yang crossed his legs on the chair and laughed, "It's like a big star, waiting for a scheduled return."

Xiaodi looked at his chest and said, "Everything else can be pushed away."

Jing Yang touched his heart and joked: "Xiao Di, what if I become a child after the thoughts in my heart are removed?"

Xiaodi was confused, "When we first met, you were just like a child."

"What you said is true."

"Moreover," Xiaodi said calmly, "Isn't Jing Yang's dream to live forever and go to the Dark Continent to find Nitolo's longevity rice? In this case, how old will he become from a teenager, or how old will he grow to? Being a teenager is no big deal when faced with the length of immortality.”

Jing Yang said: "Doramate, immortality is a pursuit, but it may not really be achievable."

Xiao Didi said: "If Nitro can live for such a long time, Jing Yang will definitely be able to realize his dream."

"Your comparative example is really flattering, but I like it very much!" Jing Yang laughed loudly, stood up and picked up Xiaodi, "Let's go, travel, no, go to work!"

Soon, the two went to Sky City's airport, bought the earliest tickets, and boarded the airship to Stildent City.

Stildent, a cram school institution.

"So, that's it for today. Is there anything you don't understand..." Before Tut=Bin on the podium finished speaking, a group of students in the class cheered and picked up their schoolbags and ran away. The young children were in groups. There were groups of people, some excitedly discussing the latest popular animations, and others planning adventure games as hunters.

Tut smiled, threw away the chalk, packed up the handouts, and clocked out.

In the corridor, the glasses reflected the youthful faces of young children. He sighed in his heart. Youth is fleeting. In ten or twenty years, wouldn't these young faces become numb and decayed like himself?

It would be great if I could keep this youthful vitality forever...

He held his briefcase under his arm and walked out of the agency building alone. On his way back to his single apartment, he took out his mobile phone.

I've been short of funds recently, so if I want to buy a new object I'm interested in, I have to resell the remaining pair of flaming eyes.

Tut casually clicked on the chat software, opened the chat interface with the young painter, and confirmed that he would complete the transaction in the near future. Only then was he satisfied.

In another city, Kurapika, who had just declined his employer's contract extension and was about to embark on his own journey to find the flaming eye, calmly used the tone of the young painter Masu Harrison to stabilize the Tut Bin queen and give it to Jing Yang and Xiaodi sent a message.

Tutoring class instructor...

Kurapika's expression was expressionless, but the fiery red color in his eyes revealed the anger in his heart.

Turning off the phone, he continued to check the tickets. There are still too many scum that he needs to face.

But here, Tut was like an ordinary office worker, returning to his apartment inconspicuously.


Some old doors opened.

what sound? Tut kicked the door, which should have been replaced long ago.

It was dusk and it was still dark, so he didn't turn on the light and threw his briefcase on the coffee table in the living room.


He loosened his tie and sat down on the sofa. When he was about to grab an apple, he was shocked to find that the fruit plate on the coffee table was empty.

Beside the fruit plate, there were a few leftover fruit stones.


Tut's heart skipped a beat. He stood up and looked around nervously.

Someone has been to my house?

who is it?

That young painter? Why is he...impossible!

Tut hurriedly stopped by the window. He was shocked to see that the window was not completely closed, leaving some gaps, and the air flow poured into the room, making a low and strange sound.

Swallowing, Tut turned his attention to the bedroom.

With a gentle step, he walked slowly over, gently grabbed the door handle, and gently turned it open bit by bit.

When the door crack opened enough to see the width of the room, he immediately became nervous - there was a person sitting on his chair in the bedroom!

Judging from the back, this is a short man. The most important thing is that this man is sitting on his chair with his legs crossed. He is playing with his collection, the bottle filled with solution, admiring the contents in it. Those flaming red eyes!

It’s definitely not a bad idea!

Tut was about to open the door, but the person sitting on the chair turned around, looked towards him, and asked doubtfully: "What are you waiting for?"

"Waiting -" Tut thought this guy was talking to him, and he opened his mouth to speak, but there was already a strong wind behind him, and he was knocked by something heavy. He fell softly to the ground on the spot, revealing the hand holding his hand behind him. The droplets of the bulge-eyed fish. Xiaodi kicked the guy on the ground. He was not dead, not unconscious, and still conscious. He said calmly: "There are many books in his study."

Jing Yang asked, "Does he still have books in his study now?"

Xiaodi shook her head.

Jing Yang said seriously: "How can this be done? We are here to arrest him, and we are the good people."

"Oh." Xiaodi said, "But I want..."

"Yes, of course I still want it. But then I have to torture and interrogate this man, and then we can get the book. That's fine."

Jing Yang looked at the colorless cram school lecturer on the ground, "It's just a matter of justice and a little punishment for a villain who collects human organs. Don't you think so?"

Xiaodi suddenly understood.

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