I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 153: Cultivation is Difficult

The female bodyguard gradually woke up from her drowsiness, and the first thing she felt was someone sitting next to her!

The memory of fighting with someone before she passed out came to her mind. She was shocked, supported her body with both hands, sat up on the bed, and then froze.

Isn't this arm of mine already...

Wearing only a bulging white sports vest, she looked doubtfully at her arm that should have been severed by the strange chainsaw vacuum cleaner of the female telepathic user.

Not only was the arm intact, but there were no scars left at all.

If he had undergone surgery to reattach his arm after he was unconscious, there would have been stitched wounds anyway.

What's more, judging from the experience of the female bodyguard holding Abo, it is almost impossible to surgically repair an arm that was severed by a sharp-toothed electric saw.

So she could only look at the person sitting beside the bed.

This seemed to be a guest room on the second floor. Apart from myself who had just woken up in bed, there were only two people in the room - the black-haired girl with glasses sitting at the table not far away and reading quietly, which was injured, or should have been. It was the man who injured himself; the other one was the powerful young telepathic user who could suppress Pa Wa in close combat. He was sitting beside his bed, seemingly looking at the ground in a daze, his left hand unconsciously stroking his right hand. An ordinary ring on the index finger.

When you are young, what kind of ring do you wear?

Lian Abo looked at Xiao Didi who was reading a book, and couldn't help but curse in his heart. He was quiet and gentle when he was reading, but who would have thought that such a young girl who has been quiet for many years can be so cruel and ruthless in a fight...

Hey, this girl also has the same style of ring on her hand?

Today's young people, so early...

When Abo was thinking about something random, Xiaodi turned his head and made a quiet gesture towards her.

Qian Apo didn't know why, but her physical condition was surprisingly good at the moment. Not to mention the injuries that she thought would leave her with a lifelong disability even if she didn't die. She wasn't even tired after the battle. She was in a good mood, so she shut up obediently and lay down again - —She guessed that either Xiaodi wanted to continue reading the book, or the boy was thinking about something and couldn't be disturbed.

The sky was dark outside the window, and Jing Yang was communicating with Kurapika through the moon mark on the ring.

[So to sum up, Xiaodi and I have known three pairs of flaming eyes during this trip. ] Jing Yang said via voice transmission, [A pair of cram school lecturers; a pair of rich man Si Marco; a certain gangster also has at least one pair of flaming eyes. 】

The cram school lecturer's pair had already been obtained, and they were sucked in by the droplet and put away.

The heir of a gangster held a wedding and sent out invitations. To be honest, when Jing Yang heard what Marco Si said, he thought it was the gangster who was going to hold some kind of golden wash basin ceremony. He didn't expect that he was going to be the substitute. A certain retired old man had his seat vacated after he ascended to the throne. Before leaving, he held a wedding for his own young master, which was regarded as his last stand and handover.

[Mark Si has agreed to get three more wedding invitations for us, on the condition that the pair of flaming red eyes in his hand are not touched until the wedding is over. He no longer had the energy to prepare other suitable gifts. Jing Yang said, [I have already agreed for you. 】

On the other side of the star, Kurapika's voice came quickly: [Thank you. If the wedding is in November...is your host challenge scheduled for October? 】

After a pause, Kurapika continued: [I can go to this wedding by myself. 】

Jing Yang smiled and interrupted: [What are you doing? You want to get rid of the boss and go solo? 】

[My reading ability is very comprehensive and should be enough to cope with emergencies. 】Kurapika argued with reason.

[Or do you think I will hold you back after finishing the poster challenge? 】

The boss has already talked about this, what else does Kurapika have to say? He sighed with a smile and replied: [...Okay, thank you. 】

After turning off the "telepathy" function, Jing Yang turned the armor-shaped ring and withdrew his attention.

"Did you help me get my arm back?" the voice of a female bodyguard came from behind.

"What if that's not the case?" Jing Yang crossed his legs, "Do you know anyone with such wonderful medical skills in rejuvenation?"

Medical skills?

Only a ghost can believe it!

The female bodyguard secretly cursed that being able to restore a damaged broken arm to such a perfect state was not the result of Nen. Who would believe it?

There were only this young man and his little girlfriend in the guest room where he was resting. It was probably when they were treating him with his mind power that they let the others leave in order to keep it a secret.

But why do they want to treat themselves?

"Someone paid." Jing Yang said nonchalantly, "It's 1.5 billion. If you don't make money, you won't make it in vain."

In order to treat my arm, Mr. Mark Si paid this young man 1.5 billion ghats?

The female bodyguard was secretly surprised. Of course, she was even more surprised that Mr. Sima Ke seemed to have reached some kind of peaceful coexistence with the young man and was no longer hostile. Otherwise, even if the young man collected money to treat her, he would not continue to stay there. This is right inside Mr. Marco's villa.

Then, it is very likely that the 1.5 billion nihilism is not only the treatment fee for his own arm, but also the price of the truce...

Although people with telekinesis abilities are valuable, Qian Apo didn't think that his broken arm was worth so much money. What's more, as a bodyguard who is paid to do things, it is his duty to sacrifice for his employer in unexpected dangerous situations!

1.5 billion, which is equivalent to tens of millions and close to 100 million soft sister coins in the previous life. Jing Yang was quite satisfied with this.

This autumn wind is playing really well.

In fact, Jing Yang didn't open his mouth to directly blackmail him, but after Si Ma Ke asked Jing Yang if he could heal the female bodyguard's broken arm, he directly stuffed him with so much money.

I don’t know whether it was because he consulted Melody and confirmed that Melody was not confident in defeating himself and Xiaodi, and then made a wise move to protect himself, or whether it was because Si Mark was used to spending money to buy peace when dealing with gangsters, so he was very above ground. Said... In short, Jing Yang felt comfortable and agreed to keep the pair of flaming red eyes in Si Marco's hands here temporarily until after the wedding in November, and then take them away together with the gang boss's flaming red eyes.

Maybe at the wedding a few months later, there will be other guests who also got flaming eyes as gifts.

For those who like to collect, there are not too many flaming eyes, and they don't have to worry about duplicate collections.

After all, it is known that the Kuluta tribe is extinct.

There are only one pair of eyeballs left in the world that are burning with one of the seven beauties. They will only become fewer and never more. If you can collect a whole wall of flaming eyes and put them there, you will stand straight in front of fellow collectors, and you will definitely be proud of them.


Jing Yang muttered to himself, and he and Xiao Di who closed the book quickly left the guest room, letting the female bodyguard continue to rest.

Naturally, her injuries healed on their own after being given a star mark by Jing Yang when she was unconscious.

The broken arm automatically flew back to the broken arm to dock under the wrapping of Nian Qi.

It was also the first time that Jing Yang had the opportunity to observe carefully with his own eyes how Xingbiao healed an injury like a broken arm - the result was very simple, not much different from what he expected: if there were any materials left, he would continue to use them. It consumes gas to create it out of thin air.

After the severed arm was docked, the missing flesh, flesh, and nerves grew, spread, continued, and gradually healed in the strong mental energy. Brand new skin grew out visibly to the naked eye, and soon it was no different from the other parts of the arm. When the blood in the arm was connected, the pale arm became rosy and the color returned to normal. The color difference between the new skin, the skin of the broken arm, and the skin of the body no longer existed, as if it had never been broken.

After the arm was connected, Jing Yang casually poked the star mark on the female bodyguard's skin with his fingernails, scratching the skin and causing the star mark to dissipate.

Now that the female bodyguard had woken up, Xiaodi picked up the landline phone in the guest room, said a few words and then hung up.

Soon, the door was pushed open, and another female bodyguard, the one who originally wanted to control "Jing Jiejie's" Qi release system, walked in. When she saw Jing Yang, she didn't react at all - she and the others had not reacted until now. No one knew that "Jing Jie Ke" was Jing Yang. Also coming in is the melody.

The other two male bodyguards were probably still guarding Si Marko.

Melody pointed to the door, "Rose is waiting for you."

Rose is the nonsense pseudonym of "Jack Jing". Of course Jing Yang knows that he is out there and he is the one controlling that body.

Melody looked at Jing Yang, and her heartbeat, as well as the heartbeat of "Jing Jiejie" outside the door, seemed to be very close to her, clearly audible in her ears.

She hesitated to speak, but in the end she didn't ask.

In the world of Nian abilities, there is some private information, and if you ask about it, you might be able to make enemies.

After all, some telekinesis abilities are powerful only when the enemy does not know the existence of such telekinesis abilities and is unprepared, so that telekinesis abilities have room to work.

Melody's own reading ability is like this.

If someone knows your telekinesis ability in advance, the other person only needs to block their ears with a pair of earplugs, and your telekinesis ability will have almost no impact on them...

"Don't be so cautious." Jing Yang was amused by Melody's demeanor, "I'm a good person."

When the two female bodyguards who were talking next to the bed heard this, a black thread hung from their heads at the same time.

The melody is silent and silent.

Jing Yang turned around and asked, "Xiao Di, am I a good person?"

"Of course." Xiaodi said calmly.

"Look." Jing Yang said to Melody with a smile. The second half of the sentence was only lip-synced but not spoken: Since I am a good person and you are also a good person, how about making friends?

Melody looked surprised. She looked at Zhen Yuanzi's moving lips and clearly heard Rose's voice coming from outside the door, saying exactly the same words, as if Rose was speaking for Zhen Yuanzi.

Are they the same person?

Is Rose Zhen Yuanzi's... thought clone?

Jing Yang is not so selfless as to reveal all about his telekinesis ability and melody, sending out this signal of goodwill is enough.

Jing Yang and Xiao Di left the guest room, and "Jack Jing" waiting at the door had already left.

He is not a "living person" in the first place, so he naturally does not need to meet face to face for pretentious communication.

Jing Yang was already planning to leave and directly controlled "Jing Jieke" to get out of the way first. He and Xiao Di walked slowly in the villa and headed towards the door.

At the same time, several bodyguards in the villa, whether they were telepaths or ordinary bodyguards, as well as the housekeeper and housekeeper assistant, were possessed by Jing Yang's consciousness projection in an instant, and they pierced the roughly similar rose in their palms. Golden pentagram mark. Once the star mark is broken, Jing Yang's consciousness will no longer possess him, and the control will naturally be released.

For these people, it was just a matter of being in a trance for a moment, and without any prior suspicion, they would not think too much about it.

After all, the reward of 1.5 billion nuns has been paid, and Jing Yang no longer leaves any secret messages at the home of the kind and wealthy gentleman.

Even if Si Ma Ke goes back on his word and doesn't prepare wedding invitations for Jing Yang and the others, it doesn't matter. Jing Yang had already memorized the time and place of the wedding, and the names and identities of the newlyweds. The worst he could do was to go to a lot of trouble and sneak into the wedding without invitations.

Speaking of which, Kurapika can continue to do his job and take on a mission as a civilian hunter to sneak into the wedding... Someone should hire bodyguards by then, right?

Jing Yang and Xiao Di walked out of the gate and looked at the night sky above their heads.

Thinking of folk hunters, Jing Yang couldn't help but touch his heart.

If he wasn't worried that the hunter's mission might cause casualties and cause him to inhale the life force, Jing Yang would actually like to become a private hunter...

Unfortunately, the risk is too high. It is better not to mess around without solving the hidden dangers of the heart.

As for whether to participate in the hunter test at the end of this year or early next year, and how to deal with the high casualty rate of the hunter test, that can only be said at that time... At the worst, I will control all the candidates with stars, making it difficult for them to die. Then it's over.

The candidates who take the hunter test are basically ordinary people. When Hisoka participated in the comic story, he could pass the test with a single playing card. With Jing Yang's current strength, he can also crush them with one finger.


Someone next to him sighed.

Jing Yang turned around and saw that the hunter had arrived.

Professional bounty hunter Xikuan leaned against the wall at the side of the gate, looked up at the starry sky above his head, sighed and said: "After seeing you fighting with those bodyguards, I realized that the gap between people is really huge. The gap with a dog is huge... The man among the two bodyguards, I definitely can't beat him in close combat. The woman, I can't see clearly the thousands of weapons that she can change with her energy, and I guess I can't even defend against him. Withstand her sneak attack..."

"Hey, you're still here?" Jing Yang said in surprise.

"What do you mean I'm still here!" Xikuan said, "Didn't we come together? You won't completely forget me!"

Jing Yang said: "It's really..."

Xikuan was speechless, and he took out a cigarette and lit it in annoyance.

Jing Yang asked curiously: "After passing the hunter test, won't the association arrange for a master to teach you about telekinesis? As long as you practice seriously according to the guidance and accumulate strength, you can't possibly find it difficult even for the two private hunter bodyguards, right?"

Especially when I think of this tall, serious bounty hunter from the Hunter Association in the comics, a professional! He took a hundred or so boys to the Kurulu Mountain to play gymnastics, but was swept away by a 10-year-old girl, a trainee housekeeper, and killed them all. Xikuan himself realized how big the world was and became disheartened. Later, he stayed to show the gate to the enemy Hakka...

Shame on you!

What did you do early? The masters of the Hunter Association are not much more powerful than the 10-year-old trainee housekeeper Kanalia?

Jing Yang thought about it, but it was not unexpected. The Hunter Association is a completely loose organization, and its members are basically free-range. The hunter's license is even considered by the people to be a legal killing license. This shows how lawless the guys who have obtained professional hunter qualifications are. Without scruples, the association has little binding power over its members and is probably unwilling to interfere.

And this kind of overstocking also leads to the fact that only the real elites and geniuses have the opportunity to come into contact with the elites of the Hunter Association and the real masters.

If the qualifications are mediocre, such as the bounty hunter in front of you, Xi Kuan, you will be reduced to the situation where you have obviously obtained a hunter's license, but your vision is still like a frog in the well, like an ordinary person.

As soon as Gon and Killua passed the test, Yungu, the acting master of Shingenryu, came to teach them the knowledge of telekinesis. Later, Aunt Bisiji rushed over to come and train them personally, opening up the two channels of Ren and Du to wash the essence and cut the marrow. Its rebirth... This kind of opportunity is something that a low-level professional hunter like Xikuan wouldn't even dare to dream about.

"As long as you practice seriously and accumulate strength according to the instructions..." Xiokuan became more and more speechless, even helpless, "How can practice be as easy as you say?"

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