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Chapter 166: Ruined Zen Monastery

Hearing Jing Yang's request, the elder of the Black Mist Lion was a little displeased, "The temple is my clan's holy land, how can I just take you humans there?"

Xiao Didi said: "Since that patriarch is also wearing your necklace, he must have been to that temple more than once. He is also a human being."

"He was raised by our clan and grew up listening to the stories I told like the little lions of my clan. How can he be considered a human being?" the elder said fairly. "At most, he can only be regarded as half a human being and half a human being." It's a monster. Hahaha..."

"Great Elder, it's because you always say this that that kid becomes neurotic!"

"That's why I ran away to the mountains and never came back."

"What is a human? What is a monster? Who am I? I heard him say it not only a thousand times, but also eight hundred times..."

The surrounding black mist lion tribes started shouting.

Jing Yang was not interested in the background story of the ancestor who harmed ordinary people. He directly said to the great elder: "Have you forgotten something? It was not just these two who attacked us before, but there were two others. They ran away Hurry, what kind of necklace did you use to escape? - I think they haven't come back yet, right?"

The expression of the great elder suddenly changed. Ryan and Rand, the two black mist lions who led Jing Yang and the others here, shouted: "Tie Bo and Xi Run haven't come back yet? Are they still in the temple?!"

"I'm afraid it's not that they don't want to come back, but that they can't come back." Jing Yang said, "The little lion you raised in your mind is not just a little lion who just talks to himself and doubts his identity. , he is probably completely crazy, he likes gouging people's eyes, and he also likes to perform tricks like magic. Since he is neither human nor Warcraft, how can he have any scruples? He can be merciless to fellow humans, and he can be ruthless to those two How do you prepare the monsters that are delivered to your door?"

Rand clenched his fist and shouted: "Great Elder, we have to get them both back!"

"Yes, Great Elder!" The crowd was filled with emotion.

But some Black Mist Lions expressed confusion, "Why did you listen to what this human said? Maybe Tiebo and Xirun just chatted for a while after meeting Helmando in the temple?"

Only then did Jing Yang and the others realize that the patriarch was originally named Helmlando.

The Great Elder had a sullen face and finally said: "Ryan, Rand, you two are coming to the temple with me. You three human guests, please come too."

He looked at Jing Yang and the others.

"How to get there?" Xiaodi looked curiously at the small jade Buddha hanging around the elder's neck, pointed at it and asked, "Use this?"

"Of course, how else would we get there." Ryan stood beside the great elder.

The elder held the little jade Buddha in his hand, but Jing Yang said, "Do you know the road we're walking on?"

Essi nodded secretly. It's only right to be cautious.

Who knows what the so-called teleportation ability of this little jade Buddha is? Who knows what the so-called temple is like at the other end of the teleportation?

It is obviously unreasonable to rush into the other party's telekinesis ability without knowing anything about it and not fully trusting the other party.

What's more, over at the temple, the two black mist lions that escaped before have not returned yet, and it is very likely that they were caught by the patriarch hiding in the temple. The two Black Mist Lions might not tell what happened to them, so the Patriarch would most likely already know that the three of them were coming here to rescue Kurapika.

As long as the patriarch's brain is not broken, he shouldn't think that the few of them who have mastered the ability of telekinesis can't deal with a few monsters.

Even if there were no traps in the Great Elder's Little Jade Buddha teleportation, the Patriarch at the other end of the teleportation might have already designed a trap, waiting for the humans who came to the door to fall into the trap where the teleportation appeared.

"It's possible to walk, but it's a bit far." The great elder said.

"Then let's go." Jing Yang stretched out his hand to signal.

The journey was uneventful. When the scattered black mist lions in other mountain ranges passed by became less and less frequent, the so-called temple was not far away.

"Right there."

After climbing over a mountain, under the stars and moonlight, the great elder pointed to the canyon between the two mountains in front, "The temple is at the bottom of that canyon."

Ryan and Rand's beast pupils shimmered with dark gold. Looking far into the distance, they seemed to have the ability to see at night.

We don't! We are human beings! Essi was speechless.

"Why are you in a canyon again?" Jing Yang wondered, "Do your family like this kind of terrain very much?"

The place where the great elder and many black mist lions live is on the flat land between the valleys.

"We didn't choose the place for the temple." The great elder smacked his lips.

Jing Yang and the others suddenly understood.

It seems that the so-called temple was built by the human who carved the stone statues on the seashore hundreds of years ago as mentioned by the old lion.

It's not even certain whether what the other party built under the canyon is a so-called temple.

The Warcraft at that time may have seen the man placing the stone statue among them, and thought it was a statue of a god...especially for the powerful telepathic user, yes, there is no doubt that he is a master of telekinesis among humans, leaving behind When all the imitations of the Black Mist Lion have unique teleportation abilities, it doesn’t seem surprising that the Black Mist Lion clan regards them as temples and statues to worship.

A group of six people quickly went down the mountain and approached the canyon between the two mountains ahead.

From a distance, Jing Yang seemed to see the gate of a dilapidated Buddhist temple, but when he suddenly stepped out, billowing black mist surged in all around, submerging everything in just an instant.

The three people and the three beasts were not far apart as they moved forward, but buried in the black mist, they could not see any of each other, nor could they see any way forward.

Every step I took felt like I was walking on a black cloud. I always suspected that my next step would miss the mark. I couldn't tell the direction in all directions, and then I had an illusion of weightlessness.


Rand lost his balance and fell to the ground, dazedly touching the lion's head.

"Thousand-Armed Tathagata, Inanimate Guanyin..."

A dreamy chanting sound came from the black mist.

"Hermland, is it you? Are you really back?" Ryan shouted in the fog, "Where are the others? Great Elder! Rand! Great Elder!"

"The Thousand-Armed Tathagata, the Inanimate Guanyin...the true Buddha's angry eyes, the blood-red world..."

Rand ripped his claws towards the direction where the chanting came from. Black fog rolled in, and a black figure disappeared into the distance with the chanting.

He shouted: "Great Elder! Ryan! Tiebo! Xirunke! And humans! Humans! And... humans! Where are you all?"

Suddenly, something came towards him in the black mist.

"Thousand-Armed Tathagata, Inanimate Guanyin..."

"Okay, you know how to recite these lines, right?"

The great elder stood motionless in the fog, looking coldly at the black fog around him, listening to the dead silence except for the faint chanting sound that came from nowhere.

Finally, he said impatiently: "When you were a child, who picked you up and fed you with a mouthful of milk and a mouthful of meat? I have told you so many stories, but in the end I only talked about Tathagata and Guanyin? Where is God? ?Where is the angel? Where is the great legend of the thirty-six saints?”

"God is dead!"

In the billowing black mist, a black silhouette vaguely emerged, roaring angrily, "The Buddha is dead! The saint is dead!"

On the face of the black Buddha statue, a blood-red eye suddenly opened, as if it was weeping blood, and seemed to be burning with endless anger.

"Angels have broken wings, gods are dead, this human world has no future..."

Above these blood-red eyes, another pair of equally fiery red pupils opened.

Is anyone talking?

Essi maintained the "mattering" on his body to ensure the defense in the face of emergencies, and looked at the billowing black mist around him with vigilance. What on earth happened? Is that patriarch causing trouble? He is indeed alive!

"Zhen Yuanzi! Xiaodi! Zhen Yuanzi!" Si Si shouted loudly, but no one responded. He suddenly swung his fist to the side, but only hit a black mist, nothing unusual.

Could this black mist have a hallucinogenic effect?

Disturb my perception and judgment!

Ace wanted to take a deep breath, but he was worried that inhaling the black mist would worsen the situation, and he was quite distressed.

After calming down for a moment, he couldn't help but be even more shocked.

How come my mind energy is consumed so quickly? !

[Jing Yang, this black mist seems to speed up the consumption of mind energy. 】Xiao Di's voice entered Jing Yang's mind.

With the presence of the ring and moon mark, even if she and Jing Yang couldn't see each other, it didn't affect their communication at all.

【Jing Yang? ] She was confused.

【fine. 】

【Someone died? ] Xiaodi asked keenly.

[Hmm...] Jing Yang grinned and covered his chest. Just now, a cold air that was both cold and hot came from the black mist and penetrated into his heart inexplicably. [It is one of the two lions. 】

[The star has been destroyed? 】Only in this way can the lion die and let Jing Yang draw conclusions based on the disappearance of the star.

【Yes. It's been a long time since I've been attacked by death energy, and I'm really not used to it. 】

【How are you? 】

[Don’t worry, it seems that you haven’t reached the stage where you can transform yet...]

【oh. 】 Xiao Di paused, glanced at the boundless black fog around him, and listened to the faint chanting sound coming from the billowing black fog, 【Jing Yang, can you come to me? 】

【I think so too. 】When Jing Yang's voice appeared in Xiaodi's mind, a hand lifted up from the black mist and held Xiaodi's delicate and cold hand.

With the existence of Moon Mark, they can communicate regardless of the black mist.

With the star mark on Xiaodi's body, Jingyang can find her with his eyes closed.

"God is dead! Buddha is dead! Saints are dead!"

"Angels break their wings, gods die, and this human world has no future!"

"Avalokitesvara, Thousand-Armed Tathagata..."

There was a faint roar in the black mist. Jing Yang closed his eyes and muttered: "This guy's brain seems to be really broken. Since the Buddha is dead, you still call him Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara. What kind of angry look does the real Buddha have?"


The Qi on Jing Yang's body dispersed, spreading rapidly outwards from the center of his feet...

Xiao Di held Jing Yang's hand with one hand, and released his mind energy with the other hand, manifesting into a bulging-eyed fish vacuum cleaner.

She waved one hand, and the fangs on the head of the bulging-eyed fish flipped and turned into a sharp-toothed chain saw, buzzing and roaring!

"Thousand-Armed Tathagata, no life..."

The Patriarch was still mumbling to himself. At this moment, a roar came from the thick black fog in front of him.


A delicate little hand was holding a stick vacuum cleaner, and the sharp-toothed chain saw on the latter's head was rapidly rotating towards the patriarch.


The head that was still chanting was cut off by a chain saw, flew up high, and rolled down to the feet of Jing Yang and Xiao Di holding hands with two thuds.

All the black fog around me suddenly dissipated!

Only then did Jing Yang see clearly that they had unknowingly entered the so-called temple at the bottom of the canyon.

It is more like a Zen courtyard than a temple, and they are currently in its main hall, with a headless Buddha statue several meters high sitting in front of them.

The headless Buddha statue made a seal with its hands, and what was held in its palms were the mummies of two black mist lions. They were the two that had attacked Jing Yang and the others before fleeing. Their withered dead faces had expressions of disbelief on their necks. The small jade Buddha necklace hangs on the side, shaking gently.

Embarrassed, Essi pulled out his fist from the wall of the monastery and looked around as if nothing had happened.

The great elder fell to the ground tiredly.

Ryan's feet were similar to the two mummies of Warcraft in the palms of the headless Buddha statue. They seemed to have been drained of flesh and blood and could not walk. He painfully crawled on his knees to the body of his companion Rand, who was hit on the head from behind. Damn... If Jing Yang remembers correctly, he was possessing Xiao Didi at the time, and the mark he attached to Rand was on the back of his head.

The star mark on Ryan's body was still there, and the injuries he suffered were slowly recovering. Rand was unlucky, and the star mark was destroyed, and he died on the spot.

"The gods are dead, the saints are dead..."

The Buddha's head rolled down to Jing Yang's feet and was still mumbling to himself.

Jing Yang breathed a sigh of relief, "I just said it was a Buddha statue!"

If he were a real person and Xiaodi was decapitated by Qi with a saw, then the Death Qi would sneak up on him again.

On the face of the Buddha statue, there are three pairs of eyes.

The lower two pairs are filled with two pairs of flaming red eyes.

There was nothing in the top pair of black holes... Jing Yang estimated that this was the position prepared for the eyes of the tortured Kurapika.

"I will become a god... I will become a god... I will become a god..."

The four pairs of eyes of the Buddha statue were twisting in disorder as if they were out of control. The great elder sighed and walked over, "I have raised you in vain, alas!"

As he spoke, he raised his old foot to crush the Buddha's head.

Jing Yang stopped him, took out the four flaming eyes, and let the old lion trample the muttering Buddha's head to pieces.


Stone chips were flying, and a cloud of resentful aura flew out of it. He could vaguely see that he had transformed into the religious ancestor that Sisi had seen before, but compared to the fatness before, he was now as skinny as firewood.

The twisted resentment after death alternated between reality and reality, and seemed to want to materialize into a flesh-and-blood entity, unwillingly flying towards the headless Buddha statue.

"I will become a god...I will become a god!"


Jing Yang threw a telekinesis bomb at it, blowing it up into a ball of black fireworks.

Click, click...

The headless Buddha image quickly cracked and collapsed with a bang, revealing a half-human-tall Buddha statue inside that looked like it was carved from black jade.

However, this Buddha statue is also full of cracks and has become dull.

boom! ! !

Sisi's scalp suddenly became numb, and he felt an endless black energy rising from the ground, flooding the dilapidated Zen temple.

What's this?

So weird!

Jing Yang recognized the black aura that emerged like a tide. This feeling was the environment Kurapika was in?

In the billowing black air, Jing Yang once again saw a figure standing at the end.

"Hey! Who are you?" Jing Yang asked loudly.

The figure turned and walked away. What also disappeared was the black energy around him, which suddenly appeared and disappeared like a dream bubble.

Fortunately, not everything was a fantasy, at least after the black energy dissipated, Kurapika appeared out of thin air. It's just that he looks a little bad, he's so thin that he's almost inhuman shape, and it's more appropriate to describe him as skinny...

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